GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
MDiagArray2< T > Class Template Reference

Template for two dimensional diagonal array with math operators. More...

#include "MDiagArray2.h"

Inheritance diagram for MDiagArray2< T >:
Collaboration diagram for MDiagArray2< T >:

Public Member Functions

 MDiagArray2 (const Array< T > &a)
 MDiagArray2 (const Array< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
 MDiagArray2 (const DiagArray2< T > &a)
template<typename U >
 MDiagArray2 (const DiagArray2< U > &a)
 MDiagArray2 (const MDiagArray2< T > &a)
 MDiagArray2 (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
 MDiagArray2 (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c, const T &val)
 MDiagArray2 (void)
 ~MDiagArray2 (void)=default
MArray< T > array_value () const
DiagArray2< T > build_diag_matrix () const
size_t byte_size (void) const
T & checkelem (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
checkelem (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c) const
octave_idx_type cols (void) const
octave_idx_type columns (void) const
const T * data (void) const
T & dgelem (octave_idx_type i)
dgelem (octave_idx_type i) const
T & dgxelem (octave_idx_type i)
dgxelem (octave_idx_type i) const
MArray< T > diag (octave_idx_type k=0) const
octave_idx_type diag_length (void) const
octave_idx_type dim1 (void) const
octave_idx_type dim2 (void) const
dim_vector dims (void) const
T & elem (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
elem (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c) const
Array< T > extract_diag (octave_idx_type k=0) const
T * fortran_vec (void)
const T * fortran_vec (void) const
MDiagArray2< T > hermitian (T(*fcn)(const T &)=nullptr) const
bool is_multiple_of_identity (T val) const
bool isempty (void) const
octave_idx_type length (void) const
int ndims (void) const
octave_idx_type nelem (void) const
octave_idx_type nnz (void) const
octave_idx_type numel (void) const
T & operator() (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
operator() (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c) const
MDiagArray2< T > & operator= (const MDiagArray2< T > &a)
void print_info (std::ostream &os, const std::string &prefix) const
void resize (octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type m)
void resize (octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type m, const T &rfv)
octave_idx_type rows (void) const
MDiagArray2< T > transpose (void) const
xelem (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c) const

Protected Types

typedef bool(* compare_fcn_type) (typename ref_param< T >::type, typename ref_param< T >::type)
typedef ref_param< T >::type crefT
typedef T element_type
typedef octave_idx_type size_type
 Used for operator(), and returned by numel() and size() (beware: signed integer) More...
typedef T value_type

Protected Member Functions

Array< T > as_column (void) const
 Return the array as a column vector. More...
Array< T > as_matrix (void) const
 Return the array as a matrix. More...
Array< T > as_row (void) const
 Return the array as a row vector. More...
void clear (const dim_vector &dv)
void clear (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
void clear (void)
void fill (const T &val)
Array< octave_idx_typefind (octave_idx_type, bool) const
sortmode is_sorted_rows (sortmode) const
OCTAVE_API sortmode issorted (sortmode mode) const
sortmode issorted (sortmode) const
Array< octave_idx_typelookup (const Array< idx_vector > &, sortmode) const
octave_idx_type lookup (idx_vector const &, sortmode) const
void make_unique (void)
Array< idx_vectornth_element (const idx_vector &, int) const
Array< idx_vectorsort (Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int, sortmode) const
Array< idx_vectorsort (int, sortmode) const
Array< octave_idx_typesort_rows_idx (sortmode) const

Protected Attributes

octave_idx_type d1
octave_idx_type d2
dim_vector dimensions
Array< T >::ArrayReprep
T * slice_data
octave_idx_type slice_len

Private Member Functions

bool check_idx (octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c) const
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()
void instantiation_guard ()

Static Private Member Functions

static Array< T >::ArrayRepnil_rep (void)


MDiagArray2< T > operator* (const MDiagArray2< T > &, const T &)
MDiagArray2< T > operator* (const T &, const MDiagArray2< T > &)
MDiagArray2< T > operator+ (const MDiagArray2< T > &)
MDiagArray2< T > operator+ (const MDiagArray2< T > &, const MDiagArray2< T > &)
MDiagArray2< T > operator- (const MDiagArray2< T > &)
MDiagArray2< T > operator- (const MDiagArray2< T > &, const MDiagArray2< T > &)
MDiagArray2< T > operator/ (const MDiagArray2< T > &, const T &)
MDiagArray2< T > product (const MDiagArray2< T > &, const MDiagArray2< T > &)

Third dimension

Get the third dimension of the array (number of pages)

Array< T > diag (octave_idx_type m, octave_idx_type n) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & elem (octave_idx_type n)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & elem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & elem (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT elem (octave_idx_type n) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT elem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT elem (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & checkelem (octave_idx_type n)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & checkelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & checkelem (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT checkelem (octave_idx_type n) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT checkelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT checkelem (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & operator() (octave_idx_type n)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & operator() (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & operator() (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT operator() (octave_idx_type n) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT operator() (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT operator() (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & xelem (octave_idx_type n)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT xelem (octave_idx_type n) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & xelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & xelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT xelem (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
T & xelem (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
crefT xelem (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void resize (const dim_vector &dv, const T &rfv)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void resize (const dim_vector &dv)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
octave_idx_type dim3 (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
octave_idx_type pages (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
size_type size (const size_type d) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > squeeze (void) const
 Chop off leading singleton dimensions. More...
octave_idx_type compute_index (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
octave_idx_type compute_index (octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
octave_idx_type compute_index (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
octave_idx_type compute_index_unchecked (const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > column (octave_idx_type k) const
 Extract column: A(:,k+1). More...
Array< T > page (octave_idx_type k) const
 Extract page: A(:,:,k+1). More...
Array< T > linear_slice (octave_idx_type lo, octave_idx_type up) const
 Extract a slice from this array as a column vector: A(:)(lo+1:up). More...
Array< T > reshape (octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > reshape (const dim_vector &new_dims) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > permute (const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec, bool inv=false) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > ipermute (const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool issquare (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool isvector (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool is_nd_vector (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool is_shared (void)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const idx_vector &i) const
 Indexing without resizing. More...
Array< T > index (const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const Array< idx_vector > &ia) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) const
 Indexing with possible resizing and fill. More...
Array< T > index (const idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const Array< idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > index (const Array< idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
virtual T resize_fill_value (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void resize2 (octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, const T &rfv)
 Resizing (with fill). More...
void resize2 (octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void resize1 (octave_idx_type n, const T &rfv)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void resize1 (octave_idx_type n)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void assign (const idx_vector &i, const Array< T > &rhs, const T &rfv)
 Indexed assignment (always with resize & fill). More...
void assign (const idx_vector &i, const Array< T > &rhs)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void assign (const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j, const Array< T > &rhs, const T &rfv)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void assign (const idx_vector &i, const idx_vector &j, const Array< T > &rhs)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void assign (const Array< idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T > &rhs, const T &rfv)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void assign (const Array< idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T > &rhs)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void delete_elements (const idx_vector &i)
 Deleting elements. More...
void delete_elements (int dim, const idx_vector &i)
 A(:,...,I,...,:) = [] (>= 2 subscripts, one of them is non-colon) More...
void delete_elements (const Array< idx_vector > &ia)
 Dispatcher to the above two. More...
Array< T > & insert (const Array< T > &a, const Array< octave_idx_type > &idx)
 Insert an array into another at a specified position. More...
Array< T > & insert (const Array< T > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)
 This is just a special case for idx = [r c 0 ...]. More...
void maybe_economize (void)
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void * mex_get_data (void) const
 Give a pointer to the data in mex format. More...
Array< T > sort (int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
Array< T > sort (Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
sortmode issorted (sortmode mode=UNSORTED) const
 Ordering is auto-detected or can be specified. More...
Array< octave_idx_typesort_rows_idx (sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const
 Sort by rows returns only indices. More...
sortmode is_sorted_rows (sortmode mode=UNSORTED) const
 Ordering is auto-detected or can be specified. More...
octave_idx_type lookup (const T &value, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) const
 Do a binary lookup in a sorted array. More...
Array< octave_idx_typelookup (const Array< T > &values, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) const
 Ditto, but for an array of values, specializing on the case when values are sorted. More...
Array< octave_idx_typefind (octave_idx_type n=-1, bool backward=false) const
 Find indices of (at most n) nonzero elements. More...
Array< T > nth_element (const idx_vector &n, int dim=0) const
 Returns the n-th element in increasing order, using the same ordering as used for sort. More...
template<typename U , typename F >
Array< U > map (F fcn) const
 Apply function fcn to each element of the Array<T>. More...
template<typename U >
Array< U > map (U(&fcn)(T)) const
 Overloads for function references. More...
template<typename U >
Array< U > map (U(&fcn)(const T &)) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
template<typename F , bool zero>
bool test (F fcn) const
 Generic any/all test functionality with arbitrary predicate. More...
template<typename F >
bool test_any (F fcn) const
 Simpler calls. More...
bool test_any (bool(&fcn)(T)) const
 Overloads for function references. More...
bool test_any (bool(&fcn)(const T &)) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
template<typename F >
bool test_all (F fcn) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool test_all (bool(&fcn)(T)) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool test_all (bool(&fcn)(const T &)) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
bool optimize_dimensions (const dim_vector &dv)
 Returns true if this->dims () == dv, and if so, replaces this->dimensions by a shallow copy of dv. More...
int jit_ref_count (void)
 WARNING: Only call these functions from jit. More...
T * jit_slice_data (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
octave_idx_typejit_dimensions (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
void * jit_array_rep (void) const
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
static void instantiation_guard ()
 Size of the specified dimension. More...
static Array< T > cat (int dim, octave_idx_type n, const Array< T > *array_list)
 Concatenation along a specified (0-based) dimension, equivalent to cat(). More...

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class MDiagArray2< T >

Template for two dimensional diagonal array with math operators.

Definition at line 53 of file MDiagArray2.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ compare_fcn_type

template<typename T >
typedef bool(* Array< T >::compare_fcn_type) (typename ref_param< T >::type, typename ref_param< T >::type)

Definition at line 212 of file Array.h.

◆ crefT

template<typename T >
typedef ref_param<T>::type Array< T >::crefT

Definition at line 210 of file Array.h.

◆ element_type

template<typename T >
typedef T Array< T >::element_type

Definition at line 202 of file Array.h.

◆ size_type

template<typename T >
typedef octave_idx_type Array< T >::size_type

Used for operator(), and returned by numel() and size() (beware: signed integer)

Definition at line 208 of file Array.h.

◆ value_type

template<typename T >
typedef T Array< T >::value_type

Definition at line 204 of file Array.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MDiagArray2() [1/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( void  )

Definition at line 58 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [2/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

Definition at line 60 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [3/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c,
const T &  val 

Definition at line 62 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [4/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  a)

Definition at line 65 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [5/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( const DiagArray2< T > &  a)

Definition at line 67 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [6/8]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( const DiagArray2< U > &  a)

Definition at line 70 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [7/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( const Array< T > &  a)

Definition at line 72 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ MDiagArray2() [8/8]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::MDiagArray2 ( const Array< T > &  a,
octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

Definition at line 74 of file MDiagArray2.h.

◆ ~MDiagArray2()

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2< T >::~MDiagArray2 ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ array_value()

template<typename T >
MArray<T> MDiagArray2< T >::array_value ( void  ) const

Definition at line 85 of file MDiagArray2.h.

References DiagArray2< T >::array_value().

◆ as_column()

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::as_column ( void  ) const

Return the array as a column vector.

Definition at line 381 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::dimensions, dim_vector::ndims(), numel(), and retval.

◆ as_matrix()

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::as_matrix ( void  ) const

Return the array as a matrix.

Definition at line 401 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::dimensions, dim_vector::ndims(), dim_vector::redim(), and retval.

Referenced by Sparse< T >::index().

◆ as_row()

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::as_row ( void  ) const

Return the array as a row vector.

Definition at line 391 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::dimensions, dim_vector::ndims(), numel(), and retval.

◆ assign() [1/6]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::assign ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ia,
const Array< T > &  rhs 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 661 of file Array.h.

◆ assign() [2/6]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::assign ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ia,
const Array< T > &  rhs,
const T &  rfv 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 1267 of file

References dim_vector::alloc(), rec_index_helper::assign(), dim_vector::chop_all_singletons(), dim_vector::chop_trailing_singletons(), Array< T >::data(), Array< T >::dims(), octave::err_nonconformant(), rec_index_helper::fill(), dim_vector::ndims(), Array< T >::numel(), dim_vector::redim(), Array< T >::reshape(), dim_vector::zero_by_zero(), and zero_dims_inquire().

◆ assign() [3/6]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::assign ( const idx_vector i,
const Array< T > &  rhs 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 648 of file Array.h.

◆ assign() [4/6]

◆ assign() [5/6]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::assign ( const idx_vector i,
const idx_vector j,
const Array< T > &  rhs 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 655 of file Array.h.

◆ assign() [6/6]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::assign ( const idx_vector i,
const idx_vector j,
const Array< T > &  rhs,
const T &  rfv 

◆ build_diag_matrix()

template<typename T >
DiagArray2<T> DiagArray2< T >::build_diag_matrix ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file DiagArray2.h.

◆ byte_size()

template<typename T >
size_t DiagArray2< T >::byte_size ( void  ) const

Definition at line 98 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::byte_size().

◆ cat()

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::cat ( int  dim,
octave_idx_type  n,
const Array< T > *  array_list 

Concatenation along a specified (0-based) dimension, equivalent to cat().

dim = -1 corresponds to dim = 0 and dim = -2 corresponds to dim = 1, but apply the looser matching rules of vertcat/horzcat.

Definition at line 2630 of file

References Array< T >::assign(), idx_vector::colon, dim_vector::concat(), Array< T >::dims(), dim_vector::hvcat(), Array< T >::isempty(), max(), n, dim_vector::ndims(), retval, and dim_vector::zero_by_zero().

Referenced by single_type_concat().

◆ check_idx()

template<typename T >
bool DiagArray2< T >::check_idx ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 
) const

Definition at line 128 of file

References octave::err_index_out_of_range(), and r.

◆ checkelem() [1/8]

template<typename T >
T & Array< T >::checkelem ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 219 of file

References compute_index(), elem, and ra_idx.

◆ checkelem() [2/8]

template<typename T >
Array< T >::crefT Array< T >::checkelem ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 254 of file

References compute_index(), elem, and ra_idx.

◆ checkelem() [3/8]

template<typename T >
T & Array< T >::checkelem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 212 of file

References compute_index(), and elem.

◆ checkelem() [4/8]

template<typename T >
Array< T >::crefT Array< T >::checkelem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 246 of file

References compute_index(), and elem.

◆ checkelem() [5/8]

◆ checkelem() [6/8]

template<typename T >
Array< T >::crefT Array< T >::checkelem ( octave_idx_type  n) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 226 of file

References elem, octave::err_index_out_of_range(), octave::err_invalid_index(), and n.

◆ checkelem() [7/8]

template<typename T >
T & DiagArray2< T >::checkelem ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

Definition at line 93 of file

References elem, and r.

◆ checkelem() [8/8]

template<typename T >
T DiagArray2< T >::checkelem ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 
) const

Definition at line 129 of file DiagArray2.h.

References elem, and r.

◆ clear() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::clear ( const dim_vector dv)

Definition at line 102 of file

References dim_vector::chop_trailing_singletons(), and dim_vector::safe_numel().

◆ clear() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::clear ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

Definition at line 373 of file Array.h.

References r.

◆ clear() [3/3]

◆ cols()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::cols ( void  ) const

Definition at line 89 of file DiagArray2.h.

Referenced by SparseComplexMatrix::SparseComplexMatrix(), SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix(), ComplexMatrix::append(), Matrix::append(), FloatComplexMatrix::append(), FloatMatrix::append(), ComplexDiagMatrix::column(), DiagMatrix::column(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::column(), FloatDiagMatrix::column(), ComplexDiagMatrix::determinant(), DiagMatrix::determinant(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::determinant(), FloatDiagMatrix::determinant(), octave_diag_matrix::do_index_op(), ComplexMatrix::insert(), Matrix::insert(), FloatComplexMatrix::insert(), FloatMatrix::insert(), ComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), DiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::inverse(), kron(), octave_float_diag_matrix::map(), octave_diag_matrix::map(), operator*(), ComplexDiagMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator+=(), Matrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator+=(), FloatMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator-=(), Matrix::operator-=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator-=(), FloatMatrix::operator-=(), ComplexDiagMatrix::operator==(), DiagMatrix::operator==(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::operator==(), FloatDiagMatrix::operator==(), ComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), DiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), ComplexDiagMatrix::row(), DiagMatrix::row(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::row(), FloatDiagMatrix::row(), octave_complex_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_float_complex_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_float_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_diag_matrix::save_binary(), ComplexMatrix::stack(), Matrix::stack(), FloatComplexMatrix::stack(), FloatMatrix::stack(), and xpow().

◆ column()

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::column ( octave_idx_type  k) const

◆ columns()

◆ compute_index() [1/3]

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::compute_index ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 185 of file

References compute_index(), and ra_idx.

◆ compute_index() [2/3]

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::compute_index ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 170 of file

References compute_index().

◆ compute_index() [3/3]

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::compute_index ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 177 of file

References compute_index().

◆ compute_index_unchecked()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::compute_index_unchecked ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 463 of file Array.h.

References dim_vector::compute_index(), octave_base_value::numel(), and ra_idx.

◆ data()

◆ delete_elements() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::delete_elements ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ia)

Dispatcher to the above two.

Definition at line 1486 of file

References Array< T >::numel().

◆ delete_elements() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::delete_elements ( const idx_vector i)

◆ delete_elements() [3/3]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::delete_elements ( int  dim,
const idx_vector i 

◆ dgelem() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T& DiagArray2< T >::dgelem ( octave_idx_type  i)

Definition at line 126 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::elem().

◆ dgelem() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T DiagArray2< T >::dgelem ( octave_idx_type  i) const

Definition at line 123 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::elem().

Referenced by kron(), operator*(), and xpow().

◆ dgxelem() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T& DiagArray2< T >::dgxelem ( octave_idx_type  i)

Definition at line 151 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::xelem().

Referenced by do_gsvd(), and operator*().

◆ dgxelem() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T DiagArray2< T >::dgxelem ( octave_idx_type  i) const

Definition at line 154 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::xelem().

◆ diag() [1/2]

template<typename T >
MArray<T> MDiagArray2< T >::diag ( octave_idx_type  k = 0) const

Definition at line 102 of file MDiagArray2.h.

References DiagArray2< T >::extract_diag().

Referenced by do_gsvd().

◆ diag() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::diag ( octave_idx_type  m,
octave_idx_type  n 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 2614 of file

References m, min(), n, numel(), retval, and Array< T >::xelem().

◆ diag_length()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::diag_length ( void  ) const

Definition at line 92 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::numel().

Referenced by kron().

◆ dim1()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::dim1 ( void  ) const

Definition at line 85 of file DiagArray2.h.

◆ dim2()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::dim2 ( void  ) const

Definition at line 86 of file DiagArray2.h.

◆ dim3()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::dim3 ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 431 of file Array.h.

Referenced by octave::ft_text_renderer::process_character(), and octave::ft_text_renderer::render().

◆ dims()

template<typename T >
dim_vector DiagArray2< T >::dims ( void  ) const

Definition at line 100 of file DiagArray2.h.

◆ elem() [1/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::elem ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 510 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::elem(), and ra_idx.

◆ elem() [2/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::elem ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 537 of file Array.h.

References ra_idx, and Array< T >::xelem().

◆ elem() [3/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::elem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 507 of file Array.h.

References elem.

◆ elem() [4/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::elem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 534 of file Array.h.

◆ elem() [5/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::elem ( octave_idx_type  n)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 499 of file Array.h.

References n.

Referenced by ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(), FloatComplexMatrix::FloatComplexMatrix(), FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(), Matrix::Matrix(), Sparse< T >::Sparse(), ComplexNDArray::all_integers(), FloatComplexNDArray::all_integers(), FloatNDArray::all_integers(), aepbalance< T >::balancing_matrix(), octave_complex_matrix::char_array_value(), octave_float_complex_matrix::char_array_value(), octave_float_matrix::char_array_value(), octave_range::char_array_value(), octave_matrix::char_array_value(), ComplexDiagMatrix::column(), DiagMatrix::column(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::column(), FloatDiagMatrix::column(), ComplexMatrix::column_is_real_only(), FloatComplexMatrix::column_is_real_only(), ComplexMatrix::column_max(), Matrix::column_max(), FloatComplexMatrix::column_max(), FloatMatrix::column_max(), ComplexMatrix::column_min(), Matrix::column_min(), FloatComplexMatrix::column_min(), FloatMatrix::column_min(), NDArray::concat(), FloatNDArray::concat(), charNDArray::concat(), conj(), conv_to_int_array(), ddaspk_f(), ddaspk_j(), ddasrt_j(), ddassl_f(), ddassl_j(), delete_graphics_objects(), ComplexMatrix::determinant(), FloatComplexMatrix::determinant(), FloatMatrix::determinant(), DiagArray2< T >::dgelem(), LSODE::do_integrate(), Array< T >::elem(), DiagArray2< T >::elem(), ComplexRowVector::extract(), FloatComplexRowVector::extract(), FloatRowVector::extract(), ComplexDiagMatrix::extract(), charMatrix::extract(), DiagMatrix::extract(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::extract(), FloatDiagMatrix::extract(), ComplexColumnVector::extract(), FloatComplexColumnVector::extract(), FloatColumnVector::extract(), ComplexRowVector::extract_n(), FloatComplexRowVector::extract_n(), FloatRowVector::extract_n(), ComplexColumnVector::extract_n(), FloatComplexColumnVector::extract_n(), FloatColumnVector::extract_n(), F__player_play__(), F__player_playblocking__(), ComplexDiagMatrix::fill(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::fill(), FloatDiagMatrix::fill(), DiagMatrix::fill(), qr< T >::form(), SparseComplexMatrix::fsolve(), Fsymrcm(), text::properties::get___fontsize_points__(), Givens(), FloatEIG::init(), EIG::init(), ComplexColumnVector::insert(), ColumnVector::insert(), FloatComplexColumnVector::insert(), FloatColumnVector::insert(), FloatComplexMatrix::insert(), FloatComplexRowVector::insert(), FloatRowVector::insert(), FloatMatrix::insert(), ComplexMatrix::insert(), ComplexNDArray::insert(), FloatComplexNDArray::insert(), ComplexRowVector::insert(), RowVector::insert(), Matrix::insert(), DASPK::integrate(), DASSL::integrate(), DASRT::integrate(), ComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), DiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::inverse(), ComplexMatrix::ishermitian(), FloatMatrix::issymmetric(), octave_bool_matrix::load_ascii(), octave_cell::load_ascii(), octave_cell::load_binary(), octave_bool_matrix::load_hdf5(), lsode_f(), ComplexMatrix::lssolve(), FloatComplexMatrix::lssolve(), FloatMatrix::lssolve(), Matrix::lssolve(), ltsolve(), matrix_real_probe(), SparseBoolMatrix::matrix_value(), SparseComplexMatrix::max(), SparseMatrix::max(), ComplexColumnVector::max(), ComplexRowVector::max(), FloatComplexColumnVector::max(), FloatColumnVector::max(), FloatComplexRowVector::max(), FloatRowVector::max(), SparseComplexMatrix::min(), SparseMatrix::min(), ComplexColumnVector::min(), ComplexRowVector::min(), FloatComplexColumnVector::min(), FloatColumnVector::min(), FloatComplexRowVector::min(), FloatRowVector::min(), boolMatrix::operator!(), intNDArray< T >::operator!(), PermMatrix::operator()(), operator*(), ComplexMatrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator+=(), FloatMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator-=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator-=(), FloatMatrix::operator-=(), operator<<(), operator>>(), octave::bp_table::parse_dbfunction_params(), ComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), ComplexMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), DiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), Matrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatComplexMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), read_mat_ascii_data(), ComplexDiagMatrix::row(), DiagMatrix::row(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::row(), FloatDiagMatrix::row(), ComplexMatrix::row_is_real_only(), FloatComplexMatrix::row_is_real_only(), ComplexMatrix::row_max(), Matrix::row_max(), FloatComplexMatrix::row_max(), FloatMatrix::row_max(), ComplexMatrix::row_min(), Matrix::row_min(), FloatComplexMatrix::row_min(), FloatMatrix::row_min(), octave_cell::save_ascii(), octave_cell::save_binary(), octave_cell::save_hdf5(), try_cellfun_internal_ops(), text::properties::update_fontunits(), utsolve(), and x_el_div().

◆ elem() [6/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::elem ( octave_idx_type  n) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 529 of file Array.h.

References n.

◆ elem() [7/8]

template<typename T >
T & DiagArray2< T >::elem ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

Definition at line 85 of file

References Array< T >::elem(), and r.

◆ elem() [8/8]

template<typename T >
T DiagArray2< T >::elem ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 
) const

◆ extract_diag()

template<typename T >
Array< T > DiagArray2< T >::extract_diag ( octave_idx_type  k = 0) const

◆ fill()

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::fill ( const T &  val)

Definition at line 73 of file

References numel().

Referenced by idx_vector::idx_scalar_rep::sort_idx().

◆ find() [1/2]

◆ find() [2/2]

Array< octave_idx_type > Array< idx_vector >::find ( octave_idx_type  ,
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ fortran_vec() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T* DiagArray2< T >::fortran_vec ( void  )

Definition at line 172 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::fortran_vec().

◆ fortran_vec() [2/2]

template<typename T >
const T* DiagArray2< T >::fortran_vec ( void  ) const

◆ hermitian()

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> MDiagArray2< T >::hermitian ( T(*)(const T &)  fcn = nullptr) const

◆ index() [1/9]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::index ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ia) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 823 of file

References Array< T >::numel(), dim_vector::redim(), and retval.

◆ index() [2/9]

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::index ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ia,
bool  resize_ok 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 639 of file Array.h.

◆ index() [3/9]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::index ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ia,
bool  resize_ok,
const T &  rfv 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 1085 of file

References dim_vector::alloc(), Array< T >::dimensions, Array< T >::index(), Array< T >::numel(), dim_vector::redim(), and Array< T >::resize().

◆ index() [4/9]

◆ index() [5/9]

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::index ( const idx_vector i,
bool  resize_ok 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 624 of file Array.h.

◆ index() [6/9]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::index ( const idx_vector i,
bool  resize_ok,
const T &  rfv 
) const

Indexing with possible resizing and fill.

Definition at line 1033 of file

References idx_vector::extent(), Array< T >::index(), idx_vector::is_scalar(), n, numel(), Array< T >::numel(), and Array< T >::resize1().

◆ index() [7/9]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::index ( const idx_vector i,
const idx_vector j 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 765 of file

References octave::err_index_out_of_range(), idx_vector::extent(), Array< T >::fortran_vec(), idx_vector::index(), idx_vector::is_colon(), idx_vector::is_cont_range(), idx_vector::length(), idx_vector::maybe_reduce(), n, numel(), r, dim_vector::redim(), retval, and idx_vector::xelem().

◆ index() [8/9]

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::index ( const idx_vector i,
const idx_vector j,
bool  resize_ok 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 631 of file Array.h.

◆ index() [9/9]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::index ( const idx_vector i,
const idx_vector j,
bool  resize_ok,
const T &  rfv 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 1057 of file

References Array< T >::columns(), idx_vector::extent(), Array< T >::index(), idx_vector::is_scalar(), r, dim_vector::redim(), Array< T >::resize2(), and Array< T >::rows().

◆ insert() [1/2]

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Array< T > & Array< T >::insert ( const Array< T > &  a,
octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

This is just a special case for idx = [r c 0 ...].

Definition at line 1563 of file

References Array< T >::columns(), Array< T >::dimensions, Array< T >::ndims(), r, and Array< T >::rows().

◆ instantiation_guard() [1/15]

void Array< Complex >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 97 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [2/15]

void Array< float >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 168 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [3/15]

void Array< FloatComplex >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 97 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [4/15]

void Array< long >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 53 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [5/15]

void Array< octave_int8 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 63 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [6/15]

void Array< octave_int16 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 64 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [7/15]

void Array< octave_int32 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 65 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [8/15]

void Array< octave_int64 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [9/15]

void Array< octave_uint8 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [10/15]

void Array< octave_uint16 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 74 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [11/15]

void Array< octave_uint32 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 75 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [12/15]

void Array< octave_uint64 >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 76 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [13/15]

void Array< idx_vector >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 44 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [14/15]

void Array< short >::instantiation_guard ( )

Definition at line 47 of file

◆ instantiation_guard() [15/15]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::instantiation_guard

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 2760 of file

◆ ipermute()

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::ipermute ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  vec) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 567 of file Array.h.

Referenced by MArray< T >::ipermute().

◆ is_multiple_of_identity()

template<typename T >
bool MDiagArray2< T >::is_multiple_of_identity ( val) const

Definition at line 36 of file

References len, octave::jit_convention::length, and retval.

Referenced by octave_diag_matrix::do_index_op().

◆ is_nd_vector()

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::is_nd_vector ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 576 of file Array.h.

References dim_vector::is_nd_vector().

Referenced by dim_vector::make_nd_vector().

◆ is_shared()

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::is_shared ( void  )

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 587 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::ArrayRep::count.

Referenced by mx_el_or_assign(), operator*=(), operator+=(), operator-=(), operator/=(), product_eq(), and quotient_eq().

◆ is_sorted_rows() [1/2]

template<typename T >
sortmode Array< T >::is_sorted_rows ( sortmode  mode = UNSORTED) const

◆ is_sorted_rows() [2/2]

sortmode Array< idx_vector >::is_sorted_rows ( sortmode  ) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ isempty()

template<typename T >
bool DiagArray2< T >::isempty ( void  ) const

Definition at line 102 of file DiagArray2.h.

References numel().

◆ issorted() [1/3]

OCTAVE_API sortmode Array< float >::issorted ( sortmode  mode) const

Definition at line 100 of file

References ASCENDING, DESCENDING, octave::math::isnan(), n, numel(), r, and UNSORTED.

◆ issorted() [2/3]

template<typename T >
sortmode Array< T >::issorted ( sortmode  mode = UNSORTED) const

◆ issorted() [3/3]

sortmode Array< idx_vector >::issorted ( sortmode  ) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ issquare()

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::issquare ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 570 of file Array.h.

Referenced by ComplexMatrix::ishermitian(), and FloatMatrix::issymmetric().

◆ isvector()

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::isvector ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 574 of file Array.h.

References dim_vector::isvector().

Referenced by Ffilter(), and sizes_cmp().

◆ jit_array_rep()

template<typename T >
void* Array< T >::jit_array_rep ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 849 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::rep.

◆ jit_dimensions()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type* Array< T >::jit_dimensions ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 847 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::dimensions, and dim_vector::to_jit().

◆ jit_ref_count()

template<typename T >
int Array< T >::jit_ref_count ( void  )

WARNING: Only call these functions from jit.

Definition at line 843 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::ArrayRep::count, Array< T >::rep, and octave::refcount< T >::value().

Referenced by octave::octave_jit_paren_subsasgn_matrix_range().

◆ jit_slice_data()

template<typename T >
T* Array< T >::jit_slice_data ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 845 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::slice_data.

Referenced by octave::octave_jit_paren_subsasgn_matrix_range().

◆ length()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::length ( void  ) const

Definition at line 94 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::numel().

Referenced by ComplexDiagMatrix::ComplexDiagMatrix(), ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::FloatComplexDiagMatrix(), FloatComplexMatrix::FloatComplexMatrix(), FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(), Matrix::Matrix(), SparseComplexMatrix::SparseComplexMatrix(), SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix(), ComplexDiagMatrix::all_elements_are_real(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::all_elements_are_real(), ComplexDiagMatrix::determinant(), DiagMatrix::determinant(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::determinant(), FloatDiagMatrix::determinant(), ComplexDiagMatrix::fill(), DiagMatrix::fill(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::fill(), FloatDiagMatrix::fill(), ComplexMatrix::insert(), Matrix::insert(), FloatComplexMatrix::insert(), FloatMatrix::insert(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::inverse(), operator*(), ComplexDiagMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator+=(), Matrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator+=(), FloatMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator-=(), Matrix::operator-=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator-=(), FloatMatrix::operator-=(), ComplexDiagMatrix::operator==(), DiagMatrix::operator==(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::operator==(), FloatDiagMatrix::operator==(), ComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), DiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), octave_complex_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_float_complex_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_float_diag_matrix::save_binary(), and octave_diag_matrix::save_binary().

◆ linear_slice()

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::linear_slice ( octave_idx_type  lo,
octave_idx_type  up 
) const

Extract a slice from this array as a column vector: A(:)(lo+1:up).

Must be 0 <= lo && up <= numel. May be up < lo.

Definition at line 281 of file

Referenced by octave_value_list::slice().

◆ lookup() [1/4]

Array< octave_idx_type > Array< idx_vector >::lookup ( const Array< idx_vector > &  ,
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ lookup() [2/4]

template<typename T >
Array< octave_idx_type > Array< T >::lookup ( const Array< T > &  values,
sortmode  mode = UNSORTED 
) const

◆ lookup() [3/4]

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::lookup ( const T &  value,
sortmode  mode = UNSORTED 
) const

Do a binary lookup in a sorted array.

Must not contain NaNs. Mode can be specified or is auto-detected by comparing 1st and last element.

Definition at line 2145 of file

References ASCENDING, DESCENDING, octave_sort< T >::descending_compare(), elem, octave_sort< T >::lookup(), n, numel(), octave_sort< T >::set_compare(), and UNSORTED.

Referenced by do_numeric_lookup(), Flookup(), and val_in_table().

◆ lookup() [4/4]

octave_idx_type Array< idx_vector >::lookup ( idx_vector const &  ,
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ make_unique()

◆ map() [1/3]

template<typename T >
template<typename U , typename F >
Array<U> Array< T >::map ( fcn) const

◆ map() [2/3]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
Array<U> Array< T >::map ( U(&)(const T &)  fcn) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 796 of file Array.h.

◆ map() [3/3]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
Array<U> Array< T >::map ( U(&)(T)  fcn) const

Overloads for function references.

Definition at line 791 of file Array.h.

◆ maybe_economize()

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::maybe_economize ( void  )

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 689 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::ArrayRep::count, Array< T >::ArrayRep::data, and Array< T >::ArrayRep::len.

◆ mex_get_data()

template<typename T >
void* Array< T >::mex_get_data ( void  ) const

Give a pointer to the data in mex format.

Unsafe. This function exists to support the MEX interface. You should not use it anywhere else.

Definition at line 705 of file Array.h.

Referenced by octave_cell::mex_get_data().

◆ ndims()

template<typename T >
int DiagArray2< T >::ndims ( void  ) const

Definition at line 104 of file DiagArray2.h.

◆ nelem()

◆ nil_rep()

template<typename T >
Array< T >::ArrayRep * Array< T >::nil_rep ( void  )

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ nnz()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type MDiagArray2< T >::nnz ( void  ) const

Definition at line 90 of file MDiagArray2.h.

References d, DiagArray2< T >::data(), elem, and octave::jit_convention::length.

◆ nth_element() [1/2]

Array< idx_vector > Array< idx_vector >::nth_element ( const idx_vector ,
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ nth_element() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::nth_element ( const idx_vector n,
int  dim = 0 
) const

Returns the n-th element in increasing order, using the same ordering as used for sort.

n can either be a scalar index or a contiguous range.

Definition at line 2306 of file

References ASCENDING, idx_vector::class_range, idx_vector::class_scalar, idx_vector::class_vector, DESCENDING, m, max(), min(), n, nn, octave_sort< T >::nth_element(), numel(), OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER, octave_sort< T >::set_compare(), and UNSORTED.

Referenced by Fnth_element().

◆ numel()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::numel ( void  ) const

Definition at line 96 of file DiagArray2.h.

◆ operator()() [1/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::operator() ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 517 of file Array.h.

References elem, and ra_idx.

◆ operator()() [2/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::operator() ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 546 of file Array.h.

References elem, and ra_idx.

◆ operator()() [3/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::operator() ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 515 of file Array.h.

References elem.

◆ operator()() [4/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::operator() ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 543 of file Array.h.

References elem.

◆ operator()() [5/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::operator() ( octave_idx_type  n)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 513 of file Array.h.

References elem, and n.

◆ operator()() [6/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::operator() ( octave_idx_type  n) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 540 of file Array.h.

References elem, and n.

◆ operator()() [7/8]

template<typename T >
T& DiagArray2< T >::operator() ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 

Definition at line 139 of file DiagArray2.h.

References elem, and r.

◆ operator()() [8/8]

template<typename T >
T DiagArray2< T >::operator() ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 
) const

Definition at line 132 of file DiagArray2.h.

References elem, and r.

◆ operator=()

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T>& MDiagArray2< T >::operator= ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  a)

Definition at line 79 of file MDiagArray2.h.

References DiagArray2< T >::operator=().

◆ optimize_dimensions()

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::optimize_dimensions ( const dim_vector dv)

Returns true if this->dims () == dv, and if so, replaces this->dimensions by a shallow copy of dv.

This is useful for maintaining several arrays with supposedly equal dimensions (e.g. structs in the interpreter).

Definition at line 2750 of file

References retval.

Referenced by octave_map::cat(), octave_map::index(), octave_map::permute(), octave_map::reshape(), octave_map::squeeze(), and octave_map::transpose().

◆ page()

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::page ( octave_idx_type  k) const

Extract page: A(:,:,k+1).

Definition at line 270 of file

References r.

◆ pages()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::pages ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 432 of file Array.h.

◆ permute()

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::permute ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  vec,
bool  inv = false 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 431 of file

References dim_vector::alloc(), dim_vector::ndims(), Array< T >::numel(), OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER_INIT, dim_vector::resize(), and retval.

Referenced by Funicode_idx(), octave_base_scalar< ST >::permute(), octave_map::permute(), octave_lazy_index::permute(), and MArray< T >::permute().

◆ print_info()

template<typename T >
void DiagArray2< T >::print_info ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::string &  prefix 
) const

Definition at line 174 of file DiagArray2.h.

References Array< T >::print_info().

◆ reshape() [1/2]

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::reshape ( const dim_vector new_dims) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 563 of file Array.h.

◆ reshape() [2/2]

template<typename T >
Array<T> Array< T >::reshape ( octave_idx_type  nr,
octave_idx_type  nc 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 560 of file Array.h.

Referenced by idx_vector::idx_mask_rep::as_array(), Array< T >::assign(), Fbase64_decode(), Freshape(), Fvec(), octave_map::reshape(), Cell::reshape(), octave_base_scalar< ST >::reshape(), octave_class::reshape(), octave_lazy_index::reshape(), octave_matrix::reshape(), and MArray< T >::reshape().

◆ resize() [1/4]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::resize ( const dim_vector dv)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 614 of file Array.h.

References Array< T >::resize().

Referenced by Array< T >::resize().

◆ resize() [2/4]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::resize ( const dim_vector dv,
const T &  rfv 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 1011 of file

References dim_vector::any_neg(), octave::err_invalid_resize(), Array< T >::fortran_vec(), dim_vector::ndims(), dim_vector::redim(), and rec_resize_helper::resize_fill().

Referenced by DiagArray2< T >::DiagArray2(), octave::math::sparse_lu< lu_type >::sparse_lu(), octave_value_list::array_value(), octave::base64_decode(), bitopxx(), SparseMatrix::bsolve(), call_mex(), Cell::column(), ComplexMatrix::column_max(), Matrix::column_max(), FloatComplexMatrix::column_max(), FloatMatrix::column_max(), ComplexMatrix::column_min(), Matrix::column_min(), FloatComplexMatrix::column_min(), FloatMatrix::column_min(), octave::regexp::compile_internal(), convert_label_position(), convert_text_position(), dmsolve(), dmsolve_permute(), octave::math::do_bessel(), do_cumminmax_red_op(), do_fft(), do_fft2(), do_fftn(), children_property::do_get_children(), DASPK::do_integrate(), DASSL::do_integrate(), LSODE::do_integrate(), do_object2cell(), do_regexp_ptn_string_escapes(), do_regexp_rep_string_escapes(), octave::do_simple_cellfun(), octave::do_string_escapes(), SparseComplexMatrix::dsolve(), SparseMatrix::dsolve(), octave::tree_cell::evaluate(), extract_keyword(), F__glpk__(), F__magick_read__(), Farrayfun(), Fbsxfun(), Fcellfun(), Fdet(), Ffilter(), Fgcd(), Fget(), filter(), find_nonzero_elem_idx(), ComplexMatrix::finverse(), Matrix::finverse(), FloatComplexMatrix::finverse(), FloatMatrix::finverse(), Flu(), Frandperm(), freeze(), Fresize(), Fsize(), SparseComplexMatrix::fsolve(), SparseMatrix::fsolve(), Fwarning(), get_object_dims(), get_ra_idx(), octave::sys::glob(), ichol_t(), MArray< T >::idx_add_nd(), octave::tree_evaluator::ignored_fcn_outputs(), ilu_crout(), ilu_tp(), Array< T >::index(), DASPK::integrate(), DASSL::integrate(), DASRT::integrate(), intmap_to_ov(), linspace(), octave::curl_transfer::list(), octave_bool_matrix::load_hdf5(), octave_cell::load_hdf5(), octave_complex_matrix::load_hdf5(), octave_float_complex_matrix::load_hdf5(), octave_float_matrix::load_hdf5(), octave_matrix::load_hdf5(), octave_char_matrix_str::load_hdf5(), ComplexMatrix::lssolve(), FloatComplexMatrix::lssolve(), FloatMatrix::lssolve(), Matrix::lssolve(), SparseComplexMatrix::ltsolve(), SparseMatrix::ltsolve(), octave::make_indices(), octave_complex_diag_matrix::map(), octave_float_complex_diag_matrix::map(), octave_float_diag_matrix::map(), octave_diag_matrix::map(), SparseComplexMatrix::max(), SparseMatrix::max(), mexCallMATLAB(), SparseComplexMatrix::min(), SparseMatrix::min(), null(), octregexp(), octave::stream_list::open_file_numbers(), octave::base_stream::oscanf(), octave::textscan_format_list::parse_char_class(), octave::type_info::register_type(), octave_map::resize(), octave_base_diag< DMT, MT >::resize(), octave_base_matrix< MT >::resize(), octave_range::resize(), octave_char_matrix_str::resize(), octave_base_sparse< T >::resize(), octave_char_matrix_sq_str::resize(), ComplexColumnVector::resize(), ComplexRowVector::resize(), ColumnVector::resize(), RowVector::resize(), FloatColumnVector::resize(), FloatRowVector::resize(), FloatComplexColumnVector::resize(), FloatComplexRowVector::resize(), DiagArray2< T >::resize(), boolMatrix::resize(), charMatrix::resize(), ComplexMatrix::resize(), FloatComplexMatrix::resize(), Matrix::resize(), FloatMatrix::resize(), charMatrix::row_as_string(), ComplexMatrix::row_max(), Matrix::row_max(), FloatComplexMatrix::row_max(), FloatMatrix::row_max(), ComplexMatrix::row_min(), Matrix::row_min(), FloatComplexMatrix::row_min(), FloatMatrix::row_min(), octave::error_system::set_warning_option(), octave_class::size(), octave_base_scalar< ST >::sort(), Range::sort_internal(), octave_value_list::splice(), octave_char_matrix_str::string_vector_value(), utsolve(), SparseComplexMatrix::utsolve(), SparseMatrix::utsolve(), and octave::sys::windows_glob().

◆ resize() [3/4]

template<typename T >
void DiagArray2< T >::resize ( octave_idx_type  n,
octave_idx_type  m 

Definition at line 158 of file DiagArray2.h.

References m, and n.

◆ resize() [4/4]

template<typename T >
void DiagArray2< T >::resize ( octave_idx_type  n,
octave_idx_type  m,
const T &  rfv 

Definition at line 101 of file

References min(), r, and Array< T >::resize().

◆ resize1() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::resize1 ( octave_idx_type  n)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 611 of file Array.h.

References n, and Array< T >::resize1().

Referenced by Array< T >::resize1().

◆ resize1() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::resize1 ( octave_idx_type  n,
const T &  rfv 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 898 of file

References octave::err_invalid_resize(), Array< T >::fortran_vec(), min(), n, nn, and numel().

Referenced by Array< T >::index(), and octave::octave_jit_paren_subsasgn_impl().

◆ resize2() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::resize2 ( octave_idx_type  nr,
octave_idx_type  nc 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 605 of file Array.h.

◆ resize2() [2/2]

template<typename T >
void Array< T >::resize2 ( octave_idx_type  nr,
octave_idx_type  nc,
const T &  rfv 

Resizing (with fill).

Definition at line 969 of file

References octave::err_invalid_resize(), Array< T >::fortran_vec(), min(), and r.

Referenced by Array< T >::find(), and Array< T >::index().

◆ resize_fill_value()

template<typename T >
T Array< T >::resize_fill_value ( void  ) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Reimplemented in Cell.

Definition at line 887 of file

◆ rows()

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::rows ( void  ) const

Definition at line 88 of file DiagArray2.h.

Referenced by ComplexDiagMatrix::abs(), DiagMatrix::abs(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::abs(), FloatDiagMatrix::abs(), ComplexMatrix::append(), Matrix::append(), FloatComplexMatrix::append(), FloatMatrix::append(), ComplexDiagMatrix::column(), DiagMatrix::column(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::column(), FloatDiagMatrix::column(), ComplexDiagMatrix::determinant(), DiagMatrix::determinant(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::determinant(), FloatDiagMatrix::determinant(), do_gsvd(), octave_diag_matrix::do_index_op(), ComplexMatrix::insert(), Matrix::insert(), FloatComplexMatrix::insert(), FloatMatrix::insert(), ComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), DiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::inverse(), kron(), octave_complex_diag_matrix::map(), octave_float_complex_diag_matrix::map(), octave_float_diag_matrix::map(), octave_diag_matrix::map(), operator*(), ComplexDiagMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator+=(), Matrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::operator+=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator+=(), FloatMatrix::operator+=(), ComplexMatrix::operator-=(), Matrix::operator-=(), FloatComplexMatrix::operator-=(), FloatMatrix::operator-=(), ComplexDiagMatrix::operator==(), DiagMatrix::operator==(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::operator==(), FloatDiagMatrix::operator==(), ComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), DiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), FloatDiagMatrix::pseudo_inverse(), ComplexDiagMatrix::row(), DiagMatrix::row(), FloatComplexDiagMatrix::row(), FloatDiagMatrix::row(), octave_complex_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_float_complex_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_float_diag_matrix::save_binary(), octave_diag_matrix::save_binary(), ComplexMatrix::stack(), Matrix::stack(), FloatComplexMatrix::stack(), FloatMatrix::stack(), and xpow().

◆ size()

template<typename T >
size_type Array< T >::size ( const size_type  d) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 442 of file Array.h.

References d.

Referenced by Fdbstatus(), octave::textscan::parse_options(), octave::bp_table::remove_breakpoint(), and octave_value::size().

◆ sort() [1/4]

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::sort ( Array< octave_idx_type > &  sidx,
int  dim = 0,
sortmode  mode = ASCENDING 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 1873 of file

References Array< octave_idx_type >, DESCENDING, Array< T >::fortran_vec(), m, dim_vector::numel(), OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER, octave_sort< T >::set_compare(), octave_sort< T >::sort(), and UNSORTED.

◆ sort() [2/4]

Array< idx_vector > Array< idx_vector >::sort ( Array< octave_idx_type > &  sidx,
int  ,
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ sort() [3/4]

◆ sort() [4/4]

Array< idx_vector > Array< idx_vector >::sort ( int  ,
) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ sort_rows_idx() [1/2]

◆ sort_rows_idx() [2/2]

Array< octave_idx_type > Array< idx_vector >::sort_rows_idx ( sortmode  ) const

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ squeeze()

template<typename T >
Array< T > Array< T >::squeeze ( void  ) const

Chop off leading singleton dimensions.

Definition at line 117 of file

References dim_vector::resize(), and retval.

Referenced by octave_lazy_index::squeeze(), octave_matrix::squeeze(), boolNDArray::squeeze(), charNDArray::squeeze(), and MArray< T >::squeeze().

◆ test()

template<typename T >
template<typename F , bool zero>
bool Array< T >::test ( fcn) const

Generic any/all test functionality with arbitrary predicate.

Definition at line 802 of file Array.h.

References numel().

◆ test_all() [1/3]

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::test_all ( bool(&)(const T &)  fcn) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 829 of file Array.h.

◆ test_all() [2/3]

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::test_all ( bool(&)(T)  fcn) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 826 of file Array.h.

◆ test_all() [3/3]

template<typename T >
template<typename F >
bool Array< T >::test_all ( fcn) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 814 of file Array.h.

Referenced by FloatNDArray::all_elements_are_int_or_inf_or_nan(), FloatNDArray::all_elements_are_zero(), FloatNDArray::all_integers(), FloatNDArray::any_element_is_negative(), FloatNDArray::any_element_is_positive(), and FloatNDArray::any_element_not_one_or_zero().

◆ test_any() [1/3]

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::test_any ( bool(&)(const T &)  fcn) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 823 of file Array.h.

◆ test_any() [2/3]

template<typename T >
bool Array< T >::test_any ( bool(&)(T)  fcn) const

Overloads for function references.

Definition at line 820 of file Array.h.

◆ test_any() [3/3]

template<typename T >
template<typename F >
bool Array< T >::test_any ( fcn) const

Simpler calls.

Definition at line 810 of file Array.h.

Referenced by ComplexNDArray::too_large_for_float().

◆ transpose()

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> MDiagArray2< T >::transpose ( void  ) const

◆ xelem() [1/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::xelem ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 482 of file Array.h.

References ra_idx.

◆ xelem() [2/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::xelem ( const Array< octave_idx_type > &  ra_idx) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 485 of file Array.h.

References ra_idx.

◆ xelem() [3/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::xelem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 472 of file Array.h.

◆ xelem() [4/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::xelem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 477 of file Array.h.

◆ xelem() [5/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::xelem ( octave_idx_type  i,
octave_idx_type  j,
octave_idx_type  k 
) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 479 of file Array.h.

◆ xelem() [6/8]

template<typename T >
T& Array< T >::xelem ( octave_idx_type  n)

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 469 of file Array.h.

References n.

Referenced by ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(), ComplexNDArray::ComplexNDArray(), FloatComplexMatrix::FloatComplexMatrix(), FloatComplexNDArray::FloatComplexNDArray(), FloatNDArray::FloatNDArray(), idx_vector::idx_vector_rep::idx_vector_rep(), intNDArray< T >::abs(), SparseBoolMatrix::any(), octave_value_list::array_value(), DiagArray2< T >::array_value(), Sparse< T >::array_value(), idx_vector::idx_range_rep::as_array(), idx_vector::idx_mask_rep::as_array(), octave::as_bool_nd_array(), dim_vector::as_column(), octave::as_nd_array(), dim_vector::as_row(), octave::type_info::assign_ops_map(), octave::type_info::assignany_ops_map(), octave::type_info::binary_ops_map(), Cell::cellstr_value(), octave_char_matrix_str::cellstr_value(), octave::chol2inv_internal(), Cell::column(), column_norms(), octave::type_info::compound_binary_ops_map(), DiagArray2< T >::dgxelem(), Array< T >::diag(), dmsolve_extract(), octave_map::do_cat(), do_cellslices_nda(), children_property::do_init_children(), do_mat2cell(), do_mat2cell_2d(), do_mat2cell_nd(), do_num2cell(), do_numeric_lookup(), do_object2cell(), do_rand(), do_rc_map(), children_property::do_set(), Array< T >::elem(), dim_vector::elem(), elem_xpow(), dim_vector::empty_2d(), octave_builtin::execute(), RowVector::extract(), FloatRowVector::extract(), ColumnVector::extract(), FloatColumnVector::extract(), RowVector::extract_n(), FloatRowVector::extract_n(), ColumnVector::extract_n(), FloatColumnVector::extract_n(), F__event_manager_file_dialog__(), F__event_manager_input_dialog__(), F__event_manager_list_dialog__(), F__native2unicode__(), F__unicode2native__(), Famd(), Faudiowrite(), Fcellindexmat(), Fcellslices(), Fcomplex(), octave_fields::fieldnames(), ComplexColumnVector::fill(), ComplexMatrix::fill(), ComplexRowVector::fill(), FloatComplexColumnVector::fill(), FloatComplexMatrix::fill(), FloatComplexRowVector::fill(), FloatMatrix::fill(), FloatRowVector::fill(), FloatColumnVector::fill(), octave::cdef_object_array::fill_empty_values(), find_nonzero_elem_idx(), dim_vector::first_non_singleton(), Flookup(), Fordschur(), qr< T >::form(), SparseComplexMatrix::fsolve(), SparseMatrix::fsolve(), Fstruct2cell(), octave::math::lu< T >::getp(), Array< T >::hermitian(), hex2num(), imag(), Sparse< T >::index(), ComplexColumnVector::insert(), FloatComplexColumnVector::insert(), FloatColumnVector::insert(), FloatComplexMatrix::insert(), FloatComplexRowVector::insert(), FloatRowVector::insert(), FloatMatrix::insert(), ComplexMatrix::insert(), ComplexRowVector::insert(), idx_vector::inverse_permutation(), is_handle_visible(), dim_vector::is_nd_vector(), ishghandle(), dim_vector::isvector(), kron(), linspace(), SparseComplexMatrix::ltsolve(), SparseMatrix::ltsolve(), LuAminusSigmaB(), map_2_xlog2(), Range::matrix_value(), octave::type_info::non_const_unary_ops_map(), norm1(), octave::octave_jit_paren_scalar(), octave::octave_jit_paren_scalar_subsasgn(), octave::octave_jit_paren_subsasgn_matrix_range(), octave_scalar_map::orderfields(), octave_map::orderfields(), octave::math::sparse_qr< SPARSE_T >::sparse_qr_rep< SPARSE_T >::P(), octave::math::lu< T >::P_vec(), octave::math::sparse_lu< lu_type >::Pc_vec(), octave_base_diag< DMT, MT >::permute(), octave::math::sparse_qr< SPARSE_T >::sparse_qr_rep< SPARSE_T >::Pinv(), octave::math::sparse_lu< lu_type >::Pr_vec(), put_int(), qp(), qs_search(), read_mat_binary_data(), row_norms(), intNDArray< T >::signum(), idx_vector::idx_range_rep::sort_idx(), idx_vector::idx_mask_rep::sort_idx(), Cell::string_vector_value(), SparseBoolMatrix::sum(), Array< T >::transpose(), PermMatrix::transpose(), octave::type_info::unary_ops_map(), idx_vector::idx_vector_rep::unconvert(), idx_vector::idx_mask_rep::unconvert(), SparseComplexMatrix::utsolve(), SparseMatrix::utsolve(), DiagArray2< T >::xelem(), xgemm(), and dim_vector::zero_by_zero().

◆ xelem() [7/8]

template<typename T >
crefT Array< T >::xelem ( octave_idx_type  n) const

Size of the specified dimension.

Dimensions beyond the Array number of dimensions return 1 as those are implicit singleton dimensions.

Equivalent to Octave's 'size (A, DIM)'

Definition at line 470 of file Array.h.

References n.

◆ xelem() [8/8]

template<typename T >
T DiagArray2< T >::xelem ( octave_idx_type  r,
octave_idx_type  c 
) const

Definition at line 146 of file DiagArray2.h.

References r, and Array< T >::xelem().

Referenced by ComplexDiagMatrix::inverse(), and DiagMatrix::inverse().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator* [1/2]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator* ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  ,
const T &   

Definition at line 65 of file

◆ operator* [2/2]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator* ( const T &  ,
const MDiagArray2< T > &   

Definition at line 72 of file

◆ operator+ [1/2]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator+ ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  )

Definition at line 99 of file

◆ operator+ [2/2]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator+ ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  ,
const MDiagArray2< T > &   

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ operator- [1/2]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator- ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  )

Definition at line 106 of file

◆ operator- [2/2]

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator- ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  ,
const MDiagArray2< T > &   

Definition at line 92 of file

◆ operator/

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> operator/ ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  ,
const T &   

Definition at line 66 of file

◆ product

template<typename T >
MDiagArray2<T> product ( const MDiagArray2< T > &  ,
const MDiagArray2< T > &   

Definition at line 93 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ d1

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::d1

Definition at line 44 of file DiagArray2.h.

Referenced by DiagArray2< T >::operator=().

◆ d2

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type DiagArray2< T >::d2

Definition at line 44 of file DiagArray2.h.

Referenced by DiagArray2< T >::operator=().

◆ dimensions

◆ rep

◆ slice_data

template<typename T >
T* Array< T >::slice_data

Definition at line 228 of file Array.h.

Referenced by Array< T >::Array(), Array< T >::jit_slice_data(), and Array< T >::operator=().

◆ slice_len

template<typename T >
octave_idx_type Array< T >::slice_len

Definition at line 229 of file Array.h.

Referenced by Array< T >::operator=().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: