
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


text.m File Reference


 if (nargs > 2 &&isnumeric(varargin{1})&&isnumeric(varargin{2})) x
 if (nargin > 3 &&isnumeric(varargin{3})) z
if (ischar(label)) label
else error ("text: expecting label to be a character string or cell array of character strings")
endif if (rem(numel(varargin), 2)==0) if(nx
endif y (:)
endif z (:)]
 if (n==1) label
endfor __request_drawnow__ ()
 elseif (n==nx) for i
else error ("text: dimension mismatch for coordinates and label")
endif else error ("text: dimension mismatch for coordinates")
endif if (nargout > 0) h
endif else print_usage ()


function h
 offset = 0
 y = varargin{2}
else z = zeros (size (x))
endif label = varargin{offset}
endif n = numel (label)
 nx = numel (x)
 ny = numel (y)
 nz = numel (z)
endif else x = y = z = 0
 ca = gca ()
 tmp = zeros (n, 1)
for i

Function Documentation

endfor __request_drawnow__ (  ) 

elseif ( = =nx  ) 

endif else error ( "text: dimension mismatch for coordinates"   ) 

else error ( "text: dimension mismatch for coordinates and label  ) 

else error ( "text: expecting label to be a character string or cell array of character strings  ) 

endif if ( nargout  ,

if ( = =1  ) 

endif if ( rem(numel(varargin), 2)  = = 0  ) 

if (ischar (label) || iscellstr (label)) varargin(1 if ( ischar(label  ) 

if ( nargin  ,
3 &&  isnumericvarargin{3} 

if ( nargs  ,
2 &&  isnumericvarargin{1})&&isnumeric(varargin{2} 

endif else print_usage (  ) 

endif y (  ) 

endif z (  ) 

Variable Documentation

ca = gca ()

Initial value:

for i

Initial value:

          tmp(i) = __go_text__ (ca, "string", label,
                                "position", pos(i,:),

label = varargin{offset}

n = numel (label)

nx = numel (x)

ny = numel (y)

nz = numel (z)

offset = 0

tmp = zeros (n, 1)

endif else x = y = z = 0

y = varargin{2}

else z = zeros (size (x))