
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


plotyy.m File Reference


 if (strcmp(obj1.type,"axes")||strcmp(obj2.type,"axes")) ax
 varargin (1)
 if (isempty(varargin)) varargin
endif else error ("plotyy: expecting first argument to be axes handle")
 if (isempty(f)) f
 if (isempty(ca)) ax
 elseif (strcmp(get(ca,"tag"),"plotyy"))
endif if (length(ax) > 2) for i
 elseif (length(ax)==1) ax(2)
 elseif (isempty(ax)) ax(1)
 ax (2)
endif if (nargin< 2) varargin
unwind_protect_cleanup if (ishandle(oldh)&&strcmp(get(oldh,"type"),"axes")) axes(oldh)
endif end_unwind_protect if (nargout > 0) Ax
endif if (nargin > 6) fun2
 if (ishandle(ax(1))&&strcmp(get(ax(1),"type"),"axes")) axes(ax(1))
else ax (1)
endif newplot ()
 set (ax(1),"ycolor", getcolor(h1(1)))
 set (ax(1),"xlim", xlim)
 set (cf,"nextplot","add")
 if (ishandle(ax(2))&&strcmp(get(ax(2),"type"),"axes")) axes(ax(2))
 set (ax(2),"colororder",[colors(2:end,:);colors(1,:)])
 set (ax(2),"yaxislocation","right")
 set (ax(2),"ycolor", getcolor(h2(1)))
 set (ax(2),"position", get(ax(1),"position"))
 set (ax(2),"xlim", xlim)
 set (ax(2),"color","none")
 set (t1,"deletefcn",{@deleteplotyy, ax(2), t2})
 set (t2,"deletefcn",{@deleteplotyy, ax(1), t1})
 addlistener (ax(1),"position",{@update_position, ax(2)})
 addlistener (ax(2),"position",{@update_position, ax(1)})
 addlistener (ax(1),"view",{@update_position, ax(2)})
 addlistener (ax(2),"view",{@update_position, ax(1)})
 addlistener (ax(1),"dataaspectratio",{@update_position, ax(2)})
 addlistener (ax(2),"dataaspectratio",{@update_position, ax(1)})
 set (ax,"tag","plotyy") addproperty("__plotyy_axes__"
 addproperty ("__plotyy_axes__", ax(2),"data", ax)
 !xlabel ("X")
 !ylabel (ax(1),"Axis 1")
 !ylabel (ax(2),"Axis 2")
 !subplot (2, 2, 1)%!plotyy(x
 sin (pi *x)
cos (pi *x))%!subplot(2
 !surf (peaks(25))%!subplot(2
 !contour (peaks(25))%!subplot(2
 !plotyy (x, 10 *sin(2 *pi *x), x, cos(2 *pi *x))%!axis square function deleteplotyy(h
t2 if (ishandle(ax2)&&strcmp(get(ax2,"type"),"axes")&&(isempty(gcbf())||strcmp(get(gcbf(),"beingdeleted"),"off"))&&strcmp(get(ax2,"beingdeleted"),"off")) set(t2
t2 delete (ax2)
endif endfunction function update_position (h, d, ax2) persistent recursion
 if (!recursion) unwind_protect recursion
 if (!(isequal(position, oldposition)&&isequal(view, oldview))) set(ax2
view endif if (!(isequal(dataaspectratio, olddataaspectratio)&&isequal(dataaspectratiomode, olddataaspectratiomode))) set(ax2
 set (ax2,"dataaspectratiomode", dataaspectratiomode)
 if (isfield(obj,"color")) color
 elseif (isfield(obj,"facecolor")&&!ischar(obj.facecolor)) color
 elseif (isfield(obj,"edgecolor")&&!ischar(obj.edgecolor)) color


 function [Ax, H1, H2]
 obj2 = get (varargin{1}(2))
endif else f = get (0, "currentfigure")
endif ca = get (f, "currentaxes")
 ax = get (ca, "__plotyy_axes__")
endif oldh = gca ()
 unwind_protect [ax, h1, h2] = __plotyy__ (ax, varargin{:})
 H1 = h1
 H2 = h2
else fun1 = @plot
else fun2 = fun1
endif xlim = [min([x1(:); x2(:)]), max([x1(:); x2(:)])]
 h1 = feval (fun1, x1, y1)
 cf = gcf ()
 colors = get (ax(1), "colororder")
 h2 = feval (fun2, x2, y2)
endfunction!demo!clf !x = 0:0.1:2*pi
 !y1 = sin (x)
 !y2 = exp (x - 1)
 !ax = plotyy (x, y1, x - 1, y2, @plot, @semilogy)
t2 deletefcn
 position = get (h, "position")
 view = get (h, "view")
 dataaspectratio = get (h, "dataaspectratio")
 dataaspectratiomode = get (h, "dataaspectratiomode")
 oldposition = get (ax2, "position")
 oldview = get (ax2, "view")
 olddataaspectratio = get (ax2, "dataaspectratio")
 olddataaspectratiomode = get (ax2, "dataaspectratiomode")
endif unwind_protect_cleanup recursion = false
end_unwind_protect endif
endfunction function 

Function Documentation

!contour ( peaks(25)   ) 

!plotyy ( ,
10 *  sin2 *pi *x,
cos(2 *pi *x)   

!subplot ( ,

!surf ( peaks(25)   ) 

!xlabel ( "X"   ) 

!ylabel ( ax(2)  ,
"Axis 2"   

!ylabel ( ax(1)  ,
"Axis 1"   

addlistener ( ax(2)  ,

addlistener ( ax(1)  ,

addlistener ( ax(2)  ,

addlistener ( ax(1)  ,

addlistener ( ax(2)  ,

addlistener ( ax(1)  ,

addproperty ( "__plotyy_axes__"  ,
ax(2)  ,
"data"  ,

else ax (  ) 

ax (  ) 

* cos ( pi x  ) 

Type Constraints

t2 delete ( ax2   ) 

Type Constraints

elseif ( isfield(obj,"edgecolor")&&!ischar(obj.edgecolor  ) 

elseif ( isfield(obj,"facecolor")&&!ischar(obj.facecolor  ) 

elseif ( isempty(ax)   ) 

elseif ( length(ax)  = =1  ) 

elseif ( strcmp(get(ca,"tag"),"plotyy")   ) 

endif else error ( "plotyy: expecting first argument to be axes handle"   ) 

if ( isfield(obj,"color")   ) 

view endif if ( isequal(dataaspectratio, olddataaspectratio)&&isequal(dataaspectratiomode, olddataaspectratiomode)  ) 

Type Constraints

if ( isequal(position, oldposition)&&isequal(view, oldview)  ) 

if ( recursion  ) 

t2 if ( ishandle(ax2)&&strcmp(get(ax2,"type"),"axes")&&(isempty(gcbf())||strcmp(get(gcbf(),"beingdeleted"),"off"))&&strcmp(get(ax2,"beingdeleted"),"off")   ) 

Type Constraints

if ( ishandle(ax(2))&&strcmp(get(ax(2),"type"),"axes")   ) 

if ( ishandle(ax(1))&&strcmp(get(ax(1),"type"),"axes")   ) 

endif if ( nargin  ,

endif end_unwind_protect if ( nargout  ,

unwind_protect_cleanup if ( ishandle(oldh)&&strcmp(get(oldh,"type"),"axes")   ) 

endif if (  ) 

endif if ( length(ax)  ,

if ( isempty(ca  ) 

if ( isempty(f)   ) 

if ( isempty(varargin)   ) 

if ( strcmp(obj1.type,"axes")||strcmp(obj2.type,"axes")   ) 

endif newplot (  ) 

set ( ax2  ,
"dataaspectratiomode"  ,

set ( ax  ,
"tag"  ,

set ( t2  ,

set ( t1  ,

set ( ax(2)  ,
"color"  ,

set ( ax(2)  ,
"xlim"  ,

set ( ax(2)  ,
"position"  ,

set ( ax(2)  ,
"ycolor"  ,

set ( ax(2)  ,
"yaxislocation"  ,

set ( ax(2)  ,

set ( cf  ,
"nextplot"  ,

set ( ax(1)  ,
"xlim"  ,

set ( ax(1)  ,
"ycolor"  ,

sin ( pi x  ) 

endif endfunction function update_position ( ,

varargin (  ) 

Variable Documentation

!ax = plotyy (x, y1, x - 1, y2, @plot, @semilogy)

!demo ! clf !x = 0:0.1:2*pi

!y1 = sin (x)

!y2 = exp (x - 1)

ax = get (ca, "__plotyy_axes__")


endif ca = get (f, "currentaxes")

cf = gcf ()

Initial value:

 getcolor (ax)
  obj = get (ax)

colors = get (ax(1), "colororder")


view endif dataaspectratio = get (h, "dataaspectratio")

dataaspectratiomode = get (h, "dataaspectratiomode")

endif else f = get (0, "currentfigure")

else fun1 = @plot

Initial value:

 plotyy (varargin)

  if (nargin > 1 && length (varargin{1}) == 2 && ishandle(varargin{1}(1)) 
      &&  ishandle(varargin{1}(2)) && 
      all (floor (varargin{1}) != varargin{1}))
    obj1 = get (varargin{1}(1))

h1 = feval (fun1, x1, y1)

H1 = h1

h2 = feval (fun2, x2, y2)

H2 = h2

obj2 = get (varargin{1}(2))

olddataaspectratio = get (ax2, "dataaspectratio")

olddataaspectratiomode = get (ax2, "dataaspectratiomode")

endif oldh = gca ()

oldposition = get (ax2, "position")

oldview = get (ax2, "view")

position = get (h, "position")

endif unwind_protect_cleanup recursion = false

demo clf t1

Initial value:

 text (0, 0, "", "parent", ax(1), "tag", "plotyy", 
             "handlevisibility", "off", "visible", "off",
             "xliminclude", "off", "yliminclude", "off")


Initial value:

 text (0, 0, "", "parent", ax(2), "tag", "plotyy", 
             "handlevisibility", "off", "visible", "off",
             "xliminclude", "off", "yliminclude", "off")

unwind_protect[ax, h1, h2] = __plotyy__ (ax, varargin{:})

view = get (h, "view")


endif xlim = [min([x1(:); x2(:)]), max([x1(:); x2(:)])]