ClassA very basic classdef
value class
(see Value Classes vs. Handle Classes) is defined by:
classdef some_class properties endproperties methods endmethods endclassdef
In contrast to old style classes, the properties
block as well as the methods
block can be used to
define properties and methods of the class. Because both blocks are empty,
they can be omitted in this particular case.
For simplicity, a more advanced implementation of a classdef
class is
shown using the polynomial
example again (see Creating a Class):
classdef polynomial2 properties poly = 0; endproperties methods function p = polynomial2 (a) if (nargin == 1) if (isa (a, "polynomial2")) p.poly = a.poly; elseif (isreal (a) && isvector (a)) p.poly = a(:).'; # force row vector else error ("polynomial2: A must be a real vector"); endif endif endfunction function disp (p) a = p.poly; first = true; for i = 1 : length (a); if (a(i) != 0) if (first) first = false; elseif (a(i) > 0 || isnan (a(i))) printf (" +"); endif if (a(i) < 0) printf (" -"); endif if (i == 1) printf (" %.5g", abs (a(i))); elseif (abs (a(i)) != 1) printf (" %.5g *", abs (a(i))); endif if (i > 1) printf (" X"); endif if (i > 2) printf (" ^ %d", i - 1); endif endif endfor if (first) printf (" 0"); endif printf ("\n"); endfunction endmethods endclassdef
An object of class polynomial2
is created by calling the class
>> p = polynomial2 ([1, 0, 1]) ⇒ p = 1 + X ^ 2