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The line properties are:

__modified__: "off" | {"on"}
beingdeleted: {"off"} | "on"
busyaction: "cancel" | {"queue"}
buttondownfcn: string | function handle, def. [](0x0)
children (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. [](0x1)

children is unused.

clipping: "off" | {"on"}

If clipping is "on", the line is clipped in its parent axes limits.

color: colorspec, def. [0 0 0]

Color of the line object. See colorspec.

createfcn: string | function handle, def. [](0x0)

Callback function executed immediately after line has been created. Function is set by using default property on root object, e.g., set (0, "defaultlinecreatefcn", 'disp ("line created!")').

deletefcn: string | function handle, def. [](0x0)

Callback function executed immediately before line is deleted.

displayname: string | cell array of strings, def. ""

Text for the legend entry corresponding to this line.

handlevisibility: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}

If handlevisibility is "off", the line’s handle is not visible in its parent’s "children" property.

hittest: "off" | {"on"}
interpreter: "latex" | "none" | {"tex"}
interruptible: "off" | {"on"}
linestyle: {"-"} | "--" | "-." | ":" | "none"

See Line Styles.

linewidth: def. 0.50000

Width of the line object measured in points.

marker: "*" | "+" | "." | "<" | ">" | "^" | "d" | "diamond" | "h" | "hexagram" | {"none"} | "o" | "p" | "pentagram" | "s" | "square" | "v" | "x"

Shape of the marker for each data point. See Marker Styles.

markeredgecolor: {"auto"} | "none"

Color of the edge of the markers. When set to "auto", the marker edges have the same color as the line. If set to "none", no marker edges are displayed. This property can also be set to any color. See colorspec.

markerfacecolor: "auto" | {"none"}

Color of the face of the markers. When set to "auto", the marker faces have the same color as the line. If set to "none", the marker faces are not displayed. This property can also be set to any color. See colorspec.

markersize: scalar, def. 6

Size of the markers measured in points.

parent: graphics handle

Handle of the parent graphics object.

selected: {"off"} | "on"
selectionhighlight: "off" | {"on"}
tag: string, def. ""

A user-defined string to label the graphics object.

type (read-only): string

Class name of the graphics object. type is always "line"

uicontextmenu: graphics handle, def. [](0x0)

Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is currently associated to this line object.

userdata: Any Octave data, def. [](0x0)

User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.

visible: "off" | {"on"}

If visible is "off", the line is not rendered on screen.

xdata: vector, def. [0 1]

Vector of x data to be plotted.

xdatasource: string, def. ""

Name of a vector in the current base workspace to use as x data.

ydata: vector, def. [0 1]

Vector of y data to be plotted.

ydatasource: string, def. ""

Name of a vector in the current base workspace to use as y data.

zdata: vector, def. [](0x0)

Vector of z data to be plotted.

zdatasource: string, def. ""

Name of a vector in the current base workspace to use as z data.

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