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It is possible to call other Octave functions from within a mex-file
using mexCallMATLAB
. An example of the use of mexCallMATLAB
can be see in the example below.
#include "mex.h" void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { char *str; mexPrintf ("Starting file myfeval.mex\n"); mexPrintf ("I have %d inputs and %d outputs\n", nrhs, nlhs); if (nrhs < 1 || ! mxIsString (prhs[0])) mexErrMsgTxt ("ARG1 must be a function name"); str = mxArrayToString (prhs[0]); mexPrintf ("I'm going to call the function %s\n", str); if (nlhs == 0) nlhs = 1; // Octave's automatic 'ans' variable /* Cast prhs just to get rid of 'const' qualifier and stop compile warning */ mexCallMATLAB (nlhs, plhs, nrhs-1, (mxArray**)prhs+1, str); mxFree (str); }
If this code is in the file myfeval.c, and is compiled to myfeval.mex, then an example of its use is
a = myfeval ("sin", 1) ⇒ Starting file myfeval.mex I have 2 inputs and 1 outputs I'm going to call the interpreter function sin a = 0.84147
Note that it is not possible to use function handles or inline functions within a mex-file.