#include "ov-classdef.h"
Public Member Functions | |
octave_classdef () | |
octave_classdef (const octave::cdef_object &obj) | |
~octave_classdef ()=default | |
void | break_closure_cycles (const std::shared_ptr< octave::stack_frame > &frame) |
std::string | class_name () const |
octave_classdef * | classdef_object_value (bool=false) |
octave_base_value * | clone () const |
dim_vector | dims () const |
octave_base_value * | empty_clone () const |
octave::cdef_object | get_object () const |
octave::cdef_object & | get_object_ref () |
octave_value | get_property (octave_idx_type idx, const std::string &name) const |
bool | is_classdef_object () const |
bool | is_defined () const |
bool | is_instance_of (const std::string &cls_name) const |
bool | isobject () const |
bool | isstruct () const |
string_vector | map_keys () const |
octave_map | map_value () const |
void | print (std::ostream &os, bool pr_as_read_syntax=false) |
void | print_raw (std::ostream &os, bool pr_as_read_syntax=false) const |
void | set_property (octave_idx_type idx, const std::string &name, const octave_value &pval) |
Matrix | size () |
octave_value | subsasgn (const std::string &type, const std::list< octave_value_list > &idx, const octave_value &rhs) |
octave_value | subsref (const std::string &type, const std::list< octave_value_list > &idx) |
octave_value | subsref (const std::string &type, const std::list< octave_value_list > &idx, bool auto_add) |
octave_value_list | subsref (const std::string &type, const std::list< octave_value_list > &idx, int nargout) |
int | type_id () const |
std::string | type_name () const |
octave_value | undef_subsasgn (const std::string &type, const std::list< octave_value_list > &idx, const octave_value &rhs) |
octave_idx_type | xnumel (const octave_value_list &) |
![]() | |
octave_base_value () | |
octave_base_value (const octave_base_value &) | |
virtual | ~octave_base_value ()=default |
virtual octave_value | all (int=0) const |
virtual octave_value | any (int=0) const |
virtual NDArray | array_value (bool=false) const |
virtual octave_value | as_double () const |
virtual octave_value | as_double_or_copy () |
virtual octave_value | as_int16 () const |
virtual octave_value | as_int32 () const |
virtual octave_value | as_int64 () const |
virtual octave_value | as_int8 () const |
virtual mxArray * | as_mxArray (bool interleaved) const |
virtual octave_value | as_single () const |
virtual octave_value | as_uint16 () const |
virtual octave_value | as_uint32 () const |
virtual octave_value | as_uint64 () const |
virtual octave_value | as_uint8 () const |
virtual void | assign (const std::string &, const octave_value &) |
virtual boolNDArray | bool_array_value (bool=false) const |
virtual boolMatrix | bool_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual bool | bool_value (bool=false) const |
virtual builtin_type_t | builtin_type () const |
virtual std::size_t | byte_size () const |
virtual void | call_object_destructor () |
virtual Cell | cell_value () const |
virtual Array< std::string > | cellstr_value () const |
virtual charNDArray | char_array_value (bool=false) const |
virtual charMatrix | char_matrix_value (bool force=false) const |
octave_idx_type | columns () const |
virtual ComplexNDArray | complex_array_value (bool=false) const |
virtual ComplexDiagMatrix | complex_diag_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual ComplexMatrix | complex_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual Complex | complex_value (bool=false) const |
virtual void | convert_to_row_or_column_vector () |
virtual octave_value | convert_to_str (bool pad=false, bool force=false, char type='\'') const |
virtual octave_value | convert_to_str_internal (bool pad, bool force, char type) const |
virtual octave_value | diag (octave_idx_type k=0) const |
virtual octave_value | diag (octave_idx_type m, octave_idx_type n) const |
virtual DiagMatrix | diag_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual octave_value | do_index_op (const octave_value_list &idx, bool resize_ok=false) |
virtual double | double_value (bool=false) const |
virtual octave_value | dump () const |
virtual std::string | edit_display (const float_display_format &, octave_idx_type, octave_idx_type) const |
virtual void | erase_subfunctions () |
virtual octave_value | fast_elem_extract (octave_idx_type n) const |
virtual bool | fast_elem_insert (octave_idx_type n, const octave_value &x) |
virtual bool | fast_elem_insert_self (void *where, builtin_type_t btyp) const |
virtual octave_fcn_handle * | fcn_handle_value (bool silent=false) |
virtual octave_base_value * | find_parent_class (const std::string &) |
virtual FloatNDArray | float_array_value (bool=false) const |
virtual FloatComplexNDArray | float_complex_array_value (bool=false) const |
virtual FloatComplexDiagMatrix | float_complex_diag_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual FloatComplexMatrix | float_complex_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual FloatComplex | float_complex_value (bool=false) const |
virtual FloatDiagMatrix | float_diag_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual FloatMatrix | float_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual float | float_scalar_value (bool frc_str_conv=false) const |
virtual float | float_value (bool=false) const |
virtual octave_value | full_value () const |
virtual octave_function * | function_value (bool silent=false) |
virtual octave_function * | get_cached_fcn (const octave_value_list &) |
virtual octave_function * | get_cached_fcn (void *, void *) |
virtual float_display_format | get_edit_display_format () const |
virtual bool | has_function_cache () const |
virtual octave::idx_vector | index_vector (bool require_integers=false) const |
virtual int16NDArray | int16_array_value () const |
virtual octave_int16 | int16_scalar_value () const |
virtual int32NDArray | int32_array_value () const |
virtual octave_int32 | int32_scalar_value () const |
virtual int64NDArray | int64_array_value () const |
virtual octave_int64 | int64_scalar_value () const |
virtual int64_t | int64_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual int8NDArray | int8_array_value () const |
virtual octave_int8 | int8_scalar_value () const |
virtual int | int_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual bool | is_all_va_args () const |
virtual bool | is_anonymous_function () const |
virtual bool | is_bool_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_bool_scalar () const |
virtual bool | is_builtin_function () const |
virtual bool | is_char_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_classdef_meta () const |
virtual bool | is_classdef_superclass_ref () const |
virtual bool | is_complex_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_complex_scalar () const |
virtual bool | is_constant () const |
virtual bool | is_cs_list () const |
virtual bool | is_diag_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_dld_function () const |
virtual bool | is_double_type () const |
virtual bool | is_full_num_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_function () const |
virtual bool | is_function_cache () const |
virtual bool | is_function_handle () const |
virtual bool | is_inline_function () const |
virtual bool | is_int16_type () const |
virtual bool | is_int32_type () const |
virtual bool | is_int64_type () const |
virtual bool | is_int8_type () const |
virtual bool | is_legacy_object () const |
virtual bool | is_magic_colon () const |
virtual bool | is_magic_int () const |
virtual bool | is_matrix_type () const |
virtual bool | is_maybe_function () const |
virtual bool | is_mex_function () const |
virtual bool | is_package () const |
virtual bool | is_perm_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_range () const |
virtual bool | is_real_matrix () const |
virtual bool | is_real_scalar () const |
virtual bool | is_scalar_type () const |
virtual bool | is_single_type () const |
virtual sortmode | is_sorted_rows (sortmode mode=UNSORTED) const |
virtual bool | is_sq_string () const |
virtual bool | is_storable () const |
virtual bool | is_string () const |
virtual bool | is_true () const |
virtual bool | is_uint16_type () const |
virtual bool | is_uint32_type () const |
virtual bool | is_uint64_type () const |
virtual bool | is_uint8_type () const |
virtual bool | is_user_code () const |
virtual bool | is_user_function () const |
virtual bool | is_user_script () const |
bool | is_zero_by_zero () const |
virtual bool | iscell () const |
virtual bool | iscellstr () const |
virtual bool | iscomplex () const |
bool | isempty () const |
virtual bool | isfield (const std::string &) const |
virtual bool | isfloat () const |
virtual bool | isinteger () const |
virtual bool | isjava () const |
virtual bool | islocked () const |
virtual bool | islogical () const |
virtual bool | isnull () const |
virtual bool | isnumeric () const |
virtual bool | isreal () const |
virtual sortmode | issorted (sortmode mode=UNSORTED) const |
virtual bool | issparse () const |
virtual octave_value_list | list_value () const |
virtual bool | load_ascii (std::istream &is) |
virtual bool | load_binary (std::istream &is, bool swap, octave::mach_info::float_format fmt) |
virtual bool | load_hdf5 (octave_hdf5_id loc_id, const char *name) |
virtual void | lock () |
virtual long int | long_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual octave_base_value * | make_storable_value () |
virtual octave_value | map (unary_mapper_t) const |
virtual MatrixType | matrix_type () const |
virtual MatrixType | matrix_type (const MatrixType &typ) const |
virtual Matrix | matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual void | maybe_call_dtor () |
virtual void | maybe_economize () |
virtual const void * | mex_get_data () const |
virtual const octave_idx_type * | mex_get_ir () const |
virtual const octave_idx_type * | mex_get_jc () const |
virtual int | ndims () const |
virtual octave_idx_type | nfields () const |
virtual int | nint_value (bool=false) const |
virtual octave_idx_type | nnz () const |
virtual std::size_t | nparents () const |
virtual octave_idx_type | numel () const |
virtual type_conv_info | numeric_conversion_function () const |
virtual type_conv_info | numeric_demotion_function () const |
virtual octave_idx_type | nzmax () const |
virtual std::list< std::string > | parent_class_name_list () const |
virtual string_vector | parent_class_names () const |
virtual PermMatrix | perm_matrix_value () const |
virtual octave_value | permute (const Array< int > &vec, bool=false) const |
virtual bool | print_as_scalar () const |
virtual void | print_info (std::ostream &os, const std::string &prefix) const |
virtual bool | print_name_tag (std::ostream &os, const std::string &name) const |
virtual void | print_with_name (std::ostream &output_buf, const std::string &name, bool print_padding=true) |
virtual octave::range< double > | range_value () const |
virtual octave_value | reshape (const dim_vector &) const |
virtual octave_value | resize (const dim_vector &, bool fill=false) const |
octave_idx_type | rows () const |
virtual bool | save_ascii (std::ostream &os) |
virtual bool | save_binary (std::ostream &os, bool save_as_floats) |
virtual bool | save_hdf5 (octave_hdf5_id loc_id, const char *name, bool save_as_floats) |
virtual octave_scalar_map | scalar_map_value () const |
virtual double | scalar_value (bool frc_str_conv=false) const |
virtual void | short_disp (std::ostream &os) const |
virtual short int | short_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual octave_value | simple_subsasgn (char type, octave_value_list &idx, const octave_value &rhs) |
virtual octave_value_list | simple_subsref (char type, octave_value_list &idx, int nargout) |
virtual octave_value | sort (Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, octave_idx_type dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const |
virtual octave_value | sort (octave_idx_type dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const |
virtual Array< octave_idx_type > | sort_rows_idx (sortmode mode=ASCENDING) const |
virtual SparseBoolMatrix | sparse_bool_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual SparseComplexMatrix | sparse_complex_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual SparseMatrix | sparse_matrix_value (bool=false) const |
virtual octave_value | squeeze () const |
virtual octave_value | storable_value () |
virtual std::string | string_value (bool force=false) const |
virtual string_vector | string_vector_value (bool pad=false) const |
virtual octave_base_value * | try_narrowing_conversion () |
virtual uint16NDArray | uint16_array_value () const |
virtual octave_uint16 | uint16_scalar_value () const |
virtual uint32NDArray | uint32_array_value () const |
virtual octave_uint32 | uint32_scalar_value () const |
virtual uint64NDArray | uint64_array_value () const |
virtual octave_uint64 | uint64_scalar_value () const |
virtual uint64_t | uint64_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual uint8NDArray | uint8_array_value () const |
virtual octave_uint8 | uint8_scalar_value () const |
virtual unsigned int | uint_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual unsigned long int | ulong_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual octave_base_value * | unique_clone () |
virtual octave_base_value * | unique_parent_class (const std::string &) |
virtual void | unlock () |
virtual octave_user_code * | user_code_value (bool silent=false) |
virtual octave_user_function * | user_function_value (bool silent=false) |
virtual octave_user_script * | user_script_value (bool silent=false) |
virtual unsigned short int | ushort_value (bool=false, bool=false) const |
virtual int | write (octave::stream &os, int block_size, oct_data_conv::data_type output_type, int skip, octave::mach_info::float_format flt_fmt) const |
virtual std::string | xstring_value () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static octave_value | metaclass_query (const std::string &cls) |
static void | register_type (octave::type_info &) |
static std::string | static_class_name () |
static int | static_type_id () |
static std::string | static_type_name () |
static octave_value | superclass_ref (const std::string &meth, const std::string &cls) |
![]() | |
static void | register_type () |
static void | register_type (octave::type_info &) |
static std::string | static_class_name () |
static int | static_type_id () |
static std::string | static_type_name () |
Definition at line 46 of file ov-classdef.h.
inline |
Definition at line 51 of file ov-classdef.h.
inline |
Definition at line 54 of file ov-classdef.h.
default |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 92 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 152 of file ov-classdef.h.
Referenced by print_raw().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 71 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 61 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 129 of file ov-classdef.h.
Referenced by print_raw().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 66 of file ov-classdef.h.
inline |
Definition at line 73 of file ov-classdef.h.
Referenced by octave_classdef_superclass_ref::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 75 of file ov-classdef.h.
inline |
Definition at line 138 of file ov-classdef.h.
Referenced by is_superclass().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 83 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 77 of file ov-classdef.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 419 of file ov-classdef.cc.
References is_superclass(), and lookup_class().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 81 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 79 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 125 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 127 of file ov-classdef.h.
static |
Definition at line 437 of file ov-classdef.cc.
References lookup_class(), and to_ov().
Referenced by tree_metaclass_query::evaluate().
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 320 of file ov-classdef.cc.
References print_raw().
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 326 of file ov-classdef.cc.
References octave_value::bool_value(), class_name(), octave_value::class_name(), octave_base_value::decrement_indent_level(), dims(), octave_value::dims(), octave_base_value::increment_indent_level(), octave_base_value::indent(), octave_value::is_string(), octave_value::islogical(), octave_base_value::newline(), octave_value::size(), dim_vector::str(), octave_value::string_value(), and Vcompact_format.
Referenced by print().
static |
Definition at line 65 of file ov-classdef.cc.
inline |
Definition at line 131 of file ov-classdef.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 247 of file ov-classdef.cc.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 156 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 154 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 155 of file ov-classdef.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 190 of file ov-classdef.cc.
Referenced by undef_subsasgn().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 101 of file ov-classdef.h.
References octave_value_list::length().
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 148 of file ov-classdef.cc.
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 72 of file ov-classdef.cc.
static |
Definition at line 430 of file ov-classdef.cc.
References octave_base_value::octave_value.
Referenced by tree_superclass_ref::evaluate_n().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 150 of file ov-classdef.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 151 of file ov-classdef.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 230 of file ov-classdef.cc.
References octave_base_value::octave_value, subsasgn(), and octave_base_value::undef_subsasgn().
virtual |
Reimplemented from octave_base_value.
Definition at line 273 of file ov-classdef.cc.