GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
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1  SUBROUTINE inrgcm()
2 C**********************************************************************
3 C
5 C INitialize Random number Generator CoMmon
6 C
7 C
8 C Function
9 C
10 C
11 C Initializes common area for random number generator. This saves
12 C the nuisance of a BLOCK DATA routine and the difficulty of
13 C assuring that the routine is loaded with the other routines.
14 C
15 C**********************************************************************
16 C .. Parameters ..
17  INTEGER*4 numg
18  parameter(numg=32)
19 C ..
20 C .. Scalars in Common ..
21  INTEGER*4 a1,a1vw,a1w,a2,a2vw,a2w,m1,m2
22 C ..
23 C .. Arrays in Common ..
24  INTEGER*4 cg1(numg),cg2(numg),ig1(numg),ig2(numg),lg1(numg),
25  + lg2(numg)
26  LOGICAL qanti(numg)
27 C ..
28 C .. Local Scalars ..
29  INTEGER*4 i
30  LOGICAL qdum
31 C ..
32 C .. External Functions ..
33  LOGICAL qrgnsn
34  EXTERNAL qrgnsn
35 C ..
36 C .. Common blocks ..
37  COMMON /globe/m1,m2,a1,a2,a1w,a2w,a1vw,a2vw,ig1,ig2,lg1,lg2,cg1,
38  + cg2,qanti
39 C ..
40 C .. Save statement ..
41  SAVE /globe/
42 C ..
43 C .. Executable Statements ..
44 C V=20; W=30;
45 C
46 C A1W = MOD(A1**(2**W),M1) A2W = MOD(A2**(2**W),M2)
47 C A1VW = MOD(A1**(2**(V+W)),M1) A2VW = MOD(A2**(2**(V+W)),M2)
48 C
49 C If V or W is changed A1W, A2W, A1VW, and A2VW need to be recomputed.
50 C An efficient way to precompute a**(2*j) MOD m is to start with
51 C a and square it j times modulo m using the function MLTMOD.
52 C
53  m1 = 2147483563
54  m2 = 2147483399
55  a1 = 40014
56  a2 = 40692
57  a1w = 1033780774
58  a2w = 1494757890
59  a1vw = 2082007225
60  a2vw = 784306273
61  DO 10,i = 1,numg
62  qanti(i) = .false.
64 C
65 C Tell the world that common has been initialized
66 C
67  qdum = qrgnsn(.true.)
70  END
subroutine inrgcm()
Definition: inrgcm.f:2