GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  This file is part of Konsole, an X terminal.
3  Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2013 by Lars Doelle <>
5  Rewritten for QT4 by e_k <e_k at>, Copyright (C)2008
7  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  (at your option) any later version.
12  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
20  02110-1301 USA.
21 */
23 #ifndef HISTORY_H
24 #define HISTORY_H
26 // Qt
27 #include <QtCore/QBitRef>
28 #include <QtCore/QHash>
29 #include <QtCore>
31 // Konsole
32 #include "unix/BlockArray.h"
33 #include "unix/Character.h"
37 {
38 public:
39  HistoryFile();
40  virtual ~HistoryFile();
42  virtual void add(const unsigned char* bytes, int len);
43  virtual void get(unsigned char* bytes, int len, int loc);
44  virtual int len();
46  //mmaps the file in read-only mode
47  void map();
48  //un-mmaps the file
49  void unmap();
50  //returns true if the file is mmap'ed
51  bool isMapped();
54 private:
55  int ion;
56  int length;
57  QTemporaryFile tmpFile;
59  //pointer to start of mmap'ed file data, or 0 if the file is not mmap'ed
60  char* fileMap;
62  //incremented whenver 'add' is called and decremented whenever
63  //'get' is called.
64  //this is used to detect when a large number of lines are being read and processed from the history
65  //and automatically mmap the file for better performance (saves the overhead of many lseek-read calls).
68  //when readWriteBalance goes below this threshold, the file will be mmap'ed automatically
69  static const int MAP_THRESHOLD = -1000;
70 };
72 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
74 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 // Abstract base class for file and buffer versions
76 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
77 class HistoryType;
80 {
81 public:
83  virtual ~HistoryScroll();
85  virtual bool hasScroll();
87  // access to history
88  virtual int getLines() = 0;
89  virtual int getLineLen(int lineno) = 0;
90  virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[]) = 0;
91  virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno) = 0;
93  // backward compatibility (obsolete)
94  Character getCell(int lineno, int colno) { Character res; getCells(lineno,colno,1,&res); return res; }
96  // adding lines.
97  virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count) = 0;
98  // convenience method - this is virtual so that subclasses can take advantage
99  // of QVector's implicit copying
100  virtual void addCellsVector(const QVector<Character>& cells)
101  {
102  addCells(,cells.size());
103  }
105  virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false) = 0;
107  //
108  // FIXME: Passing around constant references to HistoryType instances
109  // is very unsafe, because those references will no longer
110  // be valid if the history scroll is deleted.
111  //
112  const HistoryType& getType() { return *m_histType; }
114 protected:
117 };
120 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
121 // File-based history (e.g. file log, no limitation in length)
122 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
125 {
126 public:
127  HistoryScrollFile(const QString &logFileName);
128  virtual ~HistoryScrollFile();
130  virtual int getLines();
131  virtual int getLineLen(int lineno);
132  virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[]);
133  virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno);
135  virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count);
136  virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false);
138 private:
139  int startOfLine(int lineno);
141  QString m_logFileName;
142  HistoryFile index; // lines Row(int)
143  HistoryFile cells; // text Row(Character)
144  HistoryFile lineflags; // flags Row(unsigned char)
145 };
148 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
149 // Buffer-based history (limited to a fixed nb of lines)
150 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
152 {
153 public:
154  typedef QVector<Character> HistoryLine;
156  HistoryScrollBuffer(unsigned int maxNbLines = 1000);
157  virtual ~HistoryScrollBuffer();
159  virtual int getLines();
160  virtual int getLineLen(int lineno);
161  virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[]);
162  virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno);
164  virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count);
165  virtual void addCellsVector(const QVector<Character>& cells);
166  virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false);
168  void setMaxNbLines(unsigned int nbLines);
169  unsigned int maxNbLines() { return _maxLineCount; }
172 private:
173  int bufferIndex(int lineNumber);
176  QBitArray _wrappedLine;
179  int _head;
181  //QVector<histline*> m_histBuffer;
182  //QBitArray m_wrappedLine;
183  //unsigned int m_maxNbLines;
184  //unsigned int m_nbLines;
185  //unsigned int m_arrayIndex;
186  //bool m_buffFilled;
187 };
189 /*class HistoryScrollBufferV2 : public HistoryScroll
190 {
191 public:
192  virtual int getLines();
193  virtual int getLineLen(int lineno);
194  virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[]);
195  virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno);
197  virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count);
198  virtual void addCells(const QVector<Character>& cells);
199  virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false);
201 };*/
204 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 // Nothing-based history (no history :-)
206 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
208 {
209 public:
211  virtual ~HistoryScrollNone();
213  virtual bool hasScroll();
215  virtual int getLines();
216  virtual int getLineLen(int lineno);
217  virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[]);
218  virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno);
220  virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count);
221  virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false);
222 };
224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
225 // BlockArray-based history
226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
228 {
229 public:
230  HistoryScrollBlockArray(size_t size);
231  virtual ~HistoryScrollBlockArray();
233  virtual int getLines();
234  virtual int getLineLen(int lineno);
235  virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[]);
236  virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno);
238  virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count);
239  virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false);
241 protected:
243  QHash<int,size_t> m_lineLengths;
244 };
246 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
247 // History type
248 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
251 {
252 public:
253  HistoryType();
254  virtual ~HistoryType();
256  /**
257  * Returns true if the history is enabled ( can store lines of output )
258  * or false otherwise.
259  */
260  virtual bool isEnabled() const = 0;
261  /**
262  * Returns true if the history size is unlimited.
263  */
264  bool isUnlimited() const { return maximumLineCount() == 0; }
265  /**
266  * Returns the maximum number of lines which this history type
267  * can store or 0 if the history can store an unlimited number of lines.
268  */
269  virtual int maximumLineCount() const = 0;
271  virtual HistoryScroll* scroll(HistoryScroll *) const = 0;
272 };
275 {
276 public:
277  HistoryTypeNone();
279  virtual bool isEnabled() const;
280  virtual int maximumLineCount() const;
282  virtual HistoryScroll* scroll(HistoryScroll *) const;
283 };
286 {
287 public:
288  HistoryTypeBlockArray(size_t size);
290  virtual bool isEnabled() const;
291  virtual int maximumLineCount() const;
293  virtual HistoryScroll* scroll(HistoryScroll *) const;
295 protected:
296  size_t m_size;
297 };
301 {
302 public:
303  HistoryTypeFile(const QString& fileName=QString());
305  virtual bool isEnabled() const;
306  virtual const QString& getFileName() const;
307  virtual int maximumLineCount() const;
309  virtual HistoryScroll* scroll(HistoryScroll *) const;
311 protected:
312  QString m_fileName;
313 };
317 {
318 public:
319  HistoryTypeBuffer(unsigned int nbLines);
321  virtual bool isEnabled() const;
322  virtual int maximumLineCount() const;
324  virtual HistoryScroll* scroll(HistoryScroll *) const;
326 protected:
327  unsigned int m_nbLines;
328 };
330 #endif // HISTORY_H
#define loc(X, Y)
Definition: Screen.cpp:56
A single character in the terminal which consists of a unicode character value, foreground and backgr...
Definition: Character.h:56
void map()
Definition: History.cpp:106
QTemporaryFile tmpFile
Definition: History.h:57
int ion
Definition: History.h:55
virtual ~HistoryFile()
Definition: History.cpp:97
char * fileMap
Definition: History.h:60
static const int MAP_THRESHOLD
Definition: History.h:69
virtual void get(unsigned char *bytes, int len, int loc)
Definition: History.cpp:148
int readWriteBalance
Definition: History.h:66
bool isMapped()
Definition: History.cpp:129
virtual int len()
Definition: History.cpp:174
void unmap()
Definition: History.cpp:121
int length
Definition: History.h:56
virtual void add(const unsigned char *bytes, int len)
Definition: History.cpp:134
HistoryScrollBlockArray(size_t size)
Definition: History.cpp:459
virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:482
QHash< int, size_t > m_lineLengths
Definition: History.h:243
virtual int getLines()
Definition: History.cpp:469
virtual ~HistoryScrollBlockArray()
Definition: History.cpp:465
virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count)
Definition: History.cpp:503
virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[])
Definition: History.cpp:487
virtual int getLineLen(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:474
virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false)
Definition: History.cpp:524
BlockArray m_blockArray
Definition: History.h:242
virtual ~HistoryScrollBuffer()
Definition: History.cpp:290
virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:341
HistoryLine * _historyBuffer
Definition: History.h:175
QBitArray _wrappedLine
Definition: History.h:176
virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[])
Definition: History.cpp:354
virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count)
Definition: History.cpp:309
HistoryScrollBuffer(unsigned int maxNbLines=1000)
Definition: History.cpp:280
virtual int getLineLen(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:327
void setMaxNbLines(unsigned int nbLines)
Definition: History.cpp:377
int bufferIndex(int lineNumber)
Definition: History.cpp:397
virtual int getLines()
Definition: History.cpp:322
virtual void addCellsVector(const QVector< Character > &cells)
Definition: History.cpp:295
QVector< Character > HistoryLine
Definition: History.h:154
virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false)
Definition: History.cpp:317
unsigned int maxNbLines()
Definition: History.h:169
virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:231
virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false)
Definition: History.cpp:267
virtual ~HistoryScrollFile()
Definition: History.cpp:217
QString m_logFileName
Definition: History.h:141
HistoryScrollFile(const QString &logFileName)
Definition: History.cpp:211
virtual int getLineLen(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:226
HistoryFile lineflags
Definition: History.h:144
virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count)
Definition: History.cpp:262
HistoryFile index
Definition: History.h:142
virtual int getLines()
Definition: History.cpp:221
HistoryFile cells
Definition: History.h:143
virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[])
Definition: History.cpp:257
int startOfLine(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:241
virtual bool hasScroll()
Definition: History.cpp:425
virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:440
virtual int getLineLen(int lineno)
Definition: History.cpp:435
virtual ~HistoryScrollNone()
Definition: History.cpp:421
virtual int getLines()
Definition: History.cpp:430
virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count)
Definition: History.cpp:449
virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[])
Definition: History.cpp:445
virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false)
Definition: History.cpp:453
virtual void addCells(const Character a[], int count)=0
const HistoryType & getType()
Definition: History.h:112
virtual void addLine(bool previousWrapped=false)=0
virtual void addCellsVector(const QVector< Character > &cells)
Definition: History.h:100
virtual bool hasScroll()
Definition: History.cpp:193
virtual int getLines()=0
HistoryType * m_histType
Definition: History.h:115
virtual bool isWrappedLine(int lineno)=0
virtual ~HistoryScroll()
Definition: History.cpp:188
virtual int getLineLen(int lineno)=0
Character getCell(int lineno, int colno)
Definition: History.h:94
virtual void getCells(int lineno, int colno, int count, Character res[])=0
HistoryScroll(HistoryType *)
Definition: History.cpp:183
HistoryTypeBlockArray(size_t size)
Definition: History.cpp:564
virtual bool isEnabled() const
Returns true if the history is enabled ( can store lines of output ) or false otherwise.
Definition: History.cpp:569
virtual HistoryScroll * scroll(HistoryScroll *) const
Definition: History.cpp:579
virtual int maximumLineCount() const
Returns the maximum number of lines which this history type can store or 0 if the history can store a...
Definition: History.cpp:574
virtual int maximumLineCount() const
Returns the maximum number of lines which this history type can store or 0 if the history can store a...
Definition: History.cpp:598
HistoryTypeBuffer(unsigned int nbLines)
Definition: History.cpp:588
virtual bool isEnabled() const
Returns true if the history is enabled ( can store lines of output ) or false otherwise.
Definition: History.cpp:593
virtual HistoryScroll * scroll(HistoryScroll *) const
Definition: History.cpp:603
unsigned int m_nbLines
Definition: History.h:327
virtual HistoryScroll * scroll(HistoryScroll *) const
Definition: History.cpp:662
virtual const QString & getFileName() const
Definition: History.cpp:657
virtual bool isEnabled() const
Returns true if the history is enabled ( can store lines of output ) or false otherwise.
Definition: History.cpp:652
virtual int maximumLineCount() const
Returns the maximum number of lines which this history type can store or 0 if the history can store a...
Definition: History.cpp:694
QString m_fileName
Definition: History.h:312
HistoryTypeFile(const QString &fileName=QString())
Definition: History.cpp:647
virtual bool isEnabled() const
Returns true if the history is enabled ( can store lines of output ) or false otherwise.
Definition: History.cpp:546
virtual HistoryScroll * scroll(HistoryScroll *) const
Definition: History.cpp:551
virtual int maximumLineCount() const
Returns the maximum number of lines which this history type can store or 0 if the history can store a...
Definition: History.cpp:557
virtual HistoryScroll * scroll(HistoryScroll *) const =0
virtual bool isEnabled() const =0
Returns true if the history is enabled ( can store lines of output ) or false otherwise.
virtual ~HistoryType()
Definition: History.cpp:536
virtual int maximumLineCount() const =0
Returns the maximum number of lines which this history type can store or 0 if the history can store a...
bool isUnlimited() const
Returns true if the history size is unlimited.
Definition: History.h:264