26 #if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
50 std::string msg =
"'" +
name () +
"' undefined";
54 msg +=
" near line " + std::to_string (l);
57 msg +=
", column " + std::to_string (l);
62 if (! missing_msg.empty ())
63 msg +=
"\n\n" + missing_msg;
65 error_with_id (
"%s", msg.c_str ());
139 feval (
"display", args);
158 retval.mark_black_hole ();
symbol_table & get_symbol_table(void)
bool is_added_static(void) const
std::string name(void) const
symbol_record find_symbol(const std::string &name)
octave_value find_function(const std::string &name, const symbol_scope &search_scope=symbol_scope())
octave_lvalue lvalue(tree_evaluator &tw)
octave_value varval(const symbol_record &sym) const
std::shared_ptr< stack_frame > get_current_stack_frame(void) const
bool statement_printing_enabled(void)
interpreter & get_interpreter(void)
virtual void copy_base(const tree_expression &e)
char postfix_index(void) const
bool is_postfix_indexed(void) const
bool print_result(void) const
tree_identifier(int l=-1, int c=-1)
tree_identifier * dup(symbol_scope &scope) const
octave_value_list evaluate_n(tree_evaluator &tw, int nargout=1)
void eval_undefined_error(void)
octave_lvalue lvalue(tree_evaluator &tw)
std::string name(void) const
void static_workspace_error(void)
virtual int column(void) const
virtual int line(void) const
virtual bool accepts_postfix_index(char type) const
virtual octave_value_list call(octave::tree_evaluator &tw, int nargout=0, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list())
void stash_name_tags(const string_vector &nm)
bool is_function(void) const
bool is_defined(void) const
octave_function * function_value(bool silent=false) const
bool is_undefined(void) const
void error_with_id(const char *id, const char *fmt,...)
octave_value_list feval(const char *name, const octave_value_list &args, int nargout)
Evaluate an Octave function (built-in or interpreted) and return the list of result values.
octave_value::octave_value(const Array< char > &chm, char type) return retval
octave_value_list ovl(const OV_Args &... args)
Construct an octave_value_list with less typing.
std::string maybe_missing_function_hook(const std::string &name)