GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
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1 C Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
2 C by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number
3 C W-7405-Eng-48.
4 C
7 C
10 C***REVISION DATE 910624
11 C***REVISION DATE 920929 (CJ in RES call, RES counter fix.)
12 C***REVISION DATE 921215 (Warnings on poor iteration performance)
13 C***REVISION DATE 921216 (NRMAX as optional input)
14 C***REVISION DATE 930315 (Name change: DDINI to DDINIT)
15 C***REVISION DATE 940822 (Replaced initial condition calculation)
16 C***REVISION DATE 941101 (Added linesearch in I.C. calculations)
17 C***REVISION DATE 941220 (Misc. corrections throughout)
18 C***REVISION DATE 950125 (Added DINVWT routine)
19 C***REVISION DATE 950714 (Misc. corrections throughout)
20 C***REVISION DATE 950802 (Default NRMAX = 5, based on tests.)
21 C***REVISION DATE 950808 (Optional error test added.)
22 C***REVISION DATE 950814 (Added I.C. constraints and INFO(14))
23 C***REVISION DATE 950828 (Various minor corrections.)
24 C***REVISION DATE 951006 (Corrected WT scaling in DFNRMK.)
25 C***REVISION DATE 960129 (Corrected RL bug in DLINSD, DLINSK.)
26 C***REVISION DATE 960301 (Added NONNEG to SAVE statement.)
30 C***AUTHORS Linda R. Petzold, Peter N. Brown, Alan C. Hindmarsh, and
31 C Clement W. Ulrich
32 C Center for Computational Sciences & Engineering, L-316
33 C Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
34 C P.O. Box 808,
35 C Livermore, CA 94551
36 C***PURPOSE This code solves a system of differential/algebraic
37 C equations of the form
38 C G(t,y,y') = 0 ,
39 C using a combination of Backward Differentiation Formula
40 C (BDF) methods and a choice of two linear system solution
41 C methods: direct (dense or band) or Krylov (iterative).
42 C This version is in double precision.
43 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
45 C
46 C *Usage:
47 C
53 C
56 C
57 C Quantities which may be altered by the code are:
58 C T, Y(*), YPRIME(*), INFO(*), RTOL, ATOL, IDID, RWORK(*), IWORK(*)
59 C
60 C
61 C *Arguments:
62 C
63 C RES:EXT This is the name of a subroutine which you
64 C provide to define the residual function G(t,y,y')
65 C of the differential/algebraic system.
66 C
67 C NEQ:IN This is the number of equations in the system.
68 C
69 C T:INOUT This is the current value of the independent
70 C variable.
71 C
72 C Y(*):INOUT This array contains the solution components at T.
73 C
74 C YPRIME(*):INOUT This array contains the derivatives of the solution
75 C components at T.
76 C
77 C TOUT:IN This is a point at which a solution is desired.
78 C
79 C INFO(N):IN This is an integer array used to communicate details
80 C of how the solution is to be carried out, such as
81 C tolerance type, matrix structure, step size and
82 C order limits, and choice of nonlinear system method.
83 C N must be at least 20.
84 C
85 C RTOL,ATOL:INOUT These quantities represent absolute and relative
86 C error tolerances (on local error) which you provide
87 C to indicate how accurately you wish the solution to
88 C be computed. You may choose them to be both scalars
89 C or else both arrays of length NEQ.
90 C
91 C IDID:OUT This integer scalar is an indicator reporting what
92 C the code did. You must monitor this variable to
93 C decide what action to take next.
94 C
95 C RWORK:WORK A real work array of length LRW which provides the
96 C code with needed storage space.
97 C
98 C LRW:IN The length of RWORK.
99 C
100 C IWORK:WORK An integer work array of length LIW which provides
101 C the code with needed storage space.
102 C
103 C LIW:IN The length of IWORK.
104 C
105 C RPAR,IPAR:IN These are real and integer parameter arrays which
106 C you can use for communication between your calling
107 C program and the RES, JAC, and PSOL subroutines.
108 C
109 C JAC:EXT This is the name of a subroutine which you may
110 C provide (optionally) for calculating Jacobian
111 C (partial derivative) data involved in solving linear
112 C systems within DDASPK.
113 C
114 C PSOL:EXT This is the name of a subroutine which you must
115 C provide for solving linear systems if you selected
116 C a Krylov method. The purpose of PSOL is to solve
117 C linear systems involving a left preconditioner P.
118 C
119 C *Overview
120 C
121 C The DDASPK solver uses the backward differentiation formulas of
122 C orders one through five to solve a system of the form G(t,y,y') = 0
123 C for y = Y and y' = YPRIME. Values for Y and YPRIME at the initial
124 C time must be given as input. These values should be consistent,
125 C that is, if T, Y, YPRIME are the given initial values, they should
126 C satisfy G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0. However, if consistent values are not
127 C known, in many cases you can have DDASPK solve for them -- see INFO(11).
128 C (This and other options are described in more detail below.)
129 C
130 C Normally, DDASPK solves the system from T to TOUT. It is easy to
131 C continue the solution to get results at additional TOUT. This is
132 C the interval mode of operation. Intermediate results can also be
133 C obtained easily by specifying INFO(3).
134 C
135 C On each step taken by DDASPK, a sequence of nonlinear algebraic
136 C systems arises. These are solved by one of two types of
137 C methods:
138 C * a Newton iteration with a direct method for the linear
139 C systems involved (INFO(12) = 0), or
140 C * a Newton iteration with a preconditioned Krylov iterative
141 C method for the linear systems involved (INFO(12) = 1).
142 C
143 C The direct method choices are dense and band matrix solvers,
144 C with either a user-supplied or an internal difference quotient
145 C Jacobian matrix, as specified by INFO(5) and INFO(6).
146 C In the band case, INFO(6) = 1, you must supply half-bandwidths
147 C in IWORK(1) and IWORK(2).
148 C
149 C The Krylov method is the Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES)
150 C method, in either complete or incomplete form, and with
151 C scaling and preconditioning. The method is implemented
152 C in an algorithm called SPIGMR. Certain options in the Krylov
153 C method case are specified by INFO(13) and INFO(15).
154 C
155 C If the Krylov method is chosen, you may supply a pair of routines,
156 C JAC and PSOL, to apply preconditioning to the linear system.
157 C If the system is A*x = b, the matrix is A = dG/dY + CJ*dG/dYPRIME
158 C (of order NEQ). This system can then be preconditioned in the form
159 C (P-inverse)*A*x = (P-inverse)*b, with left preconditioner P.
160 C (DDASPK does not allow right preconditioning.)
161 C Then the Krylov method is applied to this altered, but equivalent,
162 C linear system, hopefully with much better performance than without
163 C preconditioning. (In addition, a diagonal scaling matrix based on
164 C the tolerances is also introduced into the altered system.)
165 C
166 C The JAC routine evaluates any data needed for solving systems
167 C with coefficient matrix P, and PSOL carries out that solution.
168 C In any case, in order to improve convergence, you should try to
169 C make P approximate the matrix A as much as possible, while keeping
170 C the system P*x = b reasonably easy and inexpensive to solve for x,
171 C given a vector b.
172 C
173 C
174 C *Description
175 C
176 C------INPUT - WHAT TO DO ON THE FIRST CALL TO DDASPK-------------------
177 C
178 C
179 C The first call of the code is defined to be the start of each new
180 C problem. Read through the descriptions of all the following items,
181 C provide sufficient storage space for designated arrays, set
182 C appropriate variables for the initialization of the problem, and
183 C give information about how you want the problem to be solved.
184 C
185 C
186 C RES -- Provide a subroutine of the form
187 C
189 C
190 C to define the system of differential/algebraic
191 C equations which is to be solved. For the given values
192 C of T, Y and YPRIME, the subroutine should return
193 C the residual of the differential/algebraic system
195 C DELTA is a vector of length NEQ which is output from RES.
196 C
197 C Subroutine RES must not alter T, Y, YPRIME, or CJ.
198 C You must declare the name RES in an EXTERNAL
199 C statement in your program that calls DDASPK.
200 C You must dimension Y, YPRIME, and DELTA in RES.
201 C
202 C The input argument CJ can be ignored, or used to rescale
203 C constraint equations in the system (see Ref. 2, p. 145).
204 C Note: In this respect, DDASPK is not downward-compatible
205 C with DDASSL, which does not have the RES argument CJ.
206 C
207 C IRES is an integer flag which is always equal to zero
208 C on input. Subroutine RES should alter IRES only if it
209 C encounters an illegal value of Y or a stop condition.
210 C Set IRES = -1 if an input value is illegal, and DDASPK
211 C will try to solve the problem without getting IRES = -1.
212 C If IRES = -2, DDASPK will return control to the calling
213 C program with IDID = -11.
214 C
215 C RPAR and IPAR are real and integer parameter arrays which
216 C you can use for communication between your calling program
217 C and subroutine RES. They are not altered by DDASPK. If you
218 C do not need RPAR or IPAR, ignore these parameters by treat-
219 C ing them as dummy arguments. If you do choose to use them,
220 C dimension them in your calling program and in RES as arrays
221 C of appropriate length.
222 C
223 C NEQ -- Set it to the number of equations in the system (NEQ .GE. 1).
224 C
225 C T -- Set it to the initial point of the integration. (T must be
226 C a variable.)
227 C
228 C Y(*) -- Set this array to the initial values of the NEQ solution
229 C components at the initial point. You must dimension Y of
230 C length at least NEQ in your calling program.
231 C
232 C YPRIME(*) -- Set this array to the initial values of the NEQ first
233 C derivatives of the solution components at the initial
234 C point. You must dimension YPRIME at least NEQ in your
235 C calling program.
236 C
237 C TOUT - Set it to the first point at which a solution is desired.
238 C You cannot take TOUT = T. Integration either forward in T
239 C (TOUT .GT. T) or backward in T (TOUT .LT. T) is permitted.
240 C
241 C The code advances the solution from T to TOUT using step
242 C sizes which are automatically selected so as to achieve the
243 C desired accuracy. If you wish, the code will return with the
244 C solution and its derivative at intermediate steps (the
245 C intermediate-output mode) so that you can monitor them,
246 C but you still must provide TOUT in accord with the basic
247 C aim of the code.
248 C
249 C The first step taken by the code is a critical one because
250 C it must reflect how fast the solution changes near the
251 C initial point. The code automatically selects an initial
252 C step size which is practically always suitable for the
253 C problem. By using the fact that the code will not step past
254 C TOUT in the first step, you could, if necessary, restrict the
255 C length of the initial step.
256 C
257 C For some problems it may not be permissible to integrate
258 C past a point TSTOP, because a discontinuity occurs there
259 C or the solution or its derivative is not defined beyond
260 C TSTOP. When you have declared a TSTOP point (see INFO(4)
261 C and RWORK(1)), you have told the code not to integrate past
262 C TSTOP. In this case any tout beyond TSTOP is invalid input.
263 C
264 C INFO(*) - Use the INFO array to give the code more details about
265 C how you want your problem solved. This array should be
266 C dimensioned of length 20, though DDASPK uses only the
267 C first 15 entries. You must respond to all of the following
268 C items, which are arranged as questions. The simplest use
269 C of DDASPK corresponds to setting all entries of INFO to 0.
270 C
271 C INFO(1) - This parameter enables the code to initialize itself.
272 C You must set it to indicate the start of every new
273 C problem.
274 C
275 C **** Is this the first call for this problem ...
276 C yes - set INFO(1) = 0
277 C no - not applicable here.
278 C See below for continuation calls. ****
279 C
280 C INFO(2) - How much accuracy you want of your solution
281 C is specified by the error tolerances RTOL and ATOL.
282 C The simplest use is to take them both to be scalars.
283 C To obtain more flexibility, they can both be arrays.
284 C The code must be told your choice.
285 C
286 C **** Are both error tolerances RTOL, ATOL scalars ...
287 C yes - set INFO(2) = 0
288 C and input scalars for both RTOL and ATOL
289 C no - set INFO(2) = 1
290 C and input arrays for both RTOL and ATOL ****
291 C
292 C INFO(3) - The code integrates from T in the direction of TOUT
293 C by steps. If you wish, it will return the computed
294 C solution and derivative at the next intermediate step
295 C (the intermediate-output mode) or TOUT, whichever comes
296 C first. This is a good way to proceed if you want to
297 C see the behavior of the solution. If you must have
298 C solutions at a great many specific TOUT points, this
299 C code will compute them efficiently.
300 C
301 C **** Do you want the solution only at
302 C TOUT (and not at the next intermediate step) ...
303 C yes - set INFO(3) = 0
304 C no - set INFO(3) = 1 ****
305 C
306 C INFO(4) - To handle solutions at a great many specific
307 C values TOUT efficiently, this code may integrate past
308 C TOUT and interpolate to obtain the result at TOUT.
309 C Sometimes it is not possible to integrate beyond some
310 C point TSTOP because the equation changes there or it is
311 C not defined past TSTOP. Then you must tell the code
312 C this stop condition.
313 C
314 C **** Can the integration be carried out without any
315 C restrictions on the independent variable T ...
316 C yes - set INFO(4) = 0
317 C no - set INFO(4) = 1
318 C and define the stopping point TSTOP by
319 C setting RWORK(1) = TSTOP ****
320 C
321 C INFO(5) - used only when INFO(12) = 0 (direct methods).
322 C To solve differential/algebraic systems you may wish
323 C to use a matrix of partial derivatives of the
324 C system of differential equations. If you do not
325 C provide a subroutine to evaluate it analytically (see
326 C description of the item JAC in the call list), it will
327 C be approximated by numerical differencing in this code.
328 C Although it is less trouble for you to have the code
329 C compute partial derivatives by numerical differencing,
330 C the solution will be more reliable if you provide the
331 C derivatives via JAC. Usually numerical differencing is
332 C more costly than evaluating derivatives in JAC, but
333 C sometimes it is not - this depends on your problem.
334 C
335 C **** Do you want the code to evaluate the partial deriv-
336 C atives automatically by numerical differences ...
337 C yes - set INFO(5) = 0
338 C no - set INFO(5) = 1
339 C and provide subroutine JAC for evaluating the
340 C matrix of partial derivatives ****
341 C
342 C INFO(6) - used only when INFO(12) = 0 (direct methods).
343 C DDASPK will perform much better if the matrix of
344 C partial derivatives, dG/dY + CJ*dG/dYPRIME (here CJ is
345 C a scalar determined by DDASPK), is banded and the code
346 C is told this. In this case, the storage needed will be
347 C greatly reduced, numerical differencing will be performed
348 C much cheaper, and a number of important algorithms will
349 C execute much faster. The differential equation is said
350 C to have half-bandwidths ML (lower) and MU (upper) if
351 C equation i involves only unknowns Y(j) with
352 C i-ML .le. j .le. i+MU .
353 C For all i=1,2,...,NEQ. Thus, ML and MU are the widths
354 C of the lower and upper parts of the band, respectively,
355 C with the main diagonal being excluded. If you do not
356 C indicate that the equation has a banded matrix of partial
357 C derivatives the code works with a full matrix of NEQ**2
358 C elements (stored in the conventional way). Computations
359 C with banded matrices cost less time and storage than with
360 C full matrices if 2*ML+MU .lt. NEQ. If you tell the
361 C code that the matrix of partial derivatives has a banded
362 C structure and you want to provide subroutine JAC to
363 C compute the partial derivatives, then you must be careful
364 C to store the elements of the matrix in the special form
365 C indicated in the description of JAC.
366 C
367 C **** Do you want to solve the problem using a full (dense)
368 C matrix (and not a special banded structure) ...
369 C yes - set INFO(6) = 0
370 C no - set INFO(6) = 1
371 C and provide the lower (ML) and upper (MU)
372 C bandwidths by setting
373 C IWORK(1)=ML
374 C IWORK(2)=MU ****
375 C
376 C INFO(7) - You can specify a maximum (absolute value of)
377 C stepsize, so that the code will avoid passing over very
378 C large regions.
379 C
380 C **** Do you want the code to decide on its own the maximum
381 C stepsize ...
382 C yes - set INFO(7) = 0
383 C no - set INFO(7) = 1
384 C and define HMAX by setting
385 C RWORK(2) = HMAX ****
386 C
387 C INFO(8) - Differential/algebraic problems may occasionally
388 C suffer from severe scaling difficulties on the first
389 C step. If you know a great deal about the scaling of
390 C your problem, you can help to alleviate this problem
391 C by specifying an initial stepsize H0.
392 C
393 C **** Do you want the code to define its own initial
394 C stepsize ...
395 C yes - set INFO(8) = 0
396 C no - set INFO(8) = 1
397 C and define H0 by setting
398 C RWORK(3) = H0 ****
399 C
400 C INFO(9) - If storage is a severe problem, you can save some
401 C storage by restricting the maximum method order MAXORD.
402 C The default value is 5. For each order decrease below 5,
403 C the code requires NEQ fewer locations, but it is likely
404 C to be slower. In any case, you must have
405 C 1 .le. MAXORD .le. 5.
406 C **** Do you want the maximum order to default to 5 ...
407 C yes - set INFO(9) = 0
408 C no - set INFO(9) = 1
409 C and define MAXORD by setting
410 C IWORK(3) = MAXORD ****
411 C
412 C INFO(10) - If you know that certain components of the
413 C solutions to your equations are always nonnegative
414 C (or nonpositive), it may help to set this
415 C parameter. There are three options that are
416 C available:
417 C 1. To have constraint checking only in the initial
418 C condition calculation.
419 C 2. To enforce nonnegativity in Y during the integration.
420 C 3. To enforce both options 1 and 2.
421 C
422 C When selecting option 2 or 3, it is probably best to try the
423 C code without using this option first, and only use
424 C this option if that does not work very well.
425 C
426 C **** Do you want the code to solve the problem without
427 C invoking any special inequality constraints ...
428 C yes - set INFO(10) = 0
429 C no - set INFO(10) = 1 to have option 1 enforced
430 C no - set INFO(10) = 2 to have option 2 enforced
431 C no - set INFO(10) = 3 to have option 3 enforced ****
432 C
433 C If you have specified INFO(10) = 1 or 3, then you
434 C will also need to identify how each component of Y
435 C in the initial condition calculation is constrained.
436 C You must set:
437 C IWORK(40+I) = +1 if Y(I) must be .GE. 0,
438 C IWORK(40+I) = +2 if Y(I) must be .GT. 0,
439 C IWORK(40+I) = -1 if Y(I) must be .LE. 0, while
440 C IWORK(40+I) = -2 if Y(I) must be .LT. 0, while
441 C IWORK(40+I) = 0 if Y(I) is not constrained.
442 C
443 C INFO(11) - DDASPK normally requires the initial T, Y, and
444 C YPRIME to be consistent. That is, you must have
445 C G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0 at the initial T. If you do not know
446 C the initial conditions precisely, in some cases
447 C DDASPK may be able to compute it.
448 C
449 C Denoting the differential variables in Y by Y_d
450 C and the algebraic variables by Y_a, DDASPK can solve
451 C one of two initialization problems:
452 C 1. Given Y_d, calculate Y_a and Y'_d, or
453 C 2. Given Y', calculate Y.
454 C In either case, initial values for the given
455 C components are input, and initial guesses for
456 C the unknown components must also be provided as input.
457 C
458 C **** Are the initial T, Y, YPRIME consistent ...
459 C
460 C yes - set INFO(11) = 0
461 C no - set INFO(11) = 1 to calculate option 1 above,
462 C or set INFO(11) = 2 to calculate option 2 ****
463 C
464 C If you have specified INFO(11) = 1, then you
465 C will also need to identify which are the
466 C differential and which are the algebraic
467 C components (algebraic components are components
468 C whose derivatives do not appear explicitly
469 C in the function G(T,Y,YPRIME)). You must set:
470 C IWORK(LID+I) = +1 if Y(I) is a differential variable
471 C IWORK(LID+I) = -1 if Y(I) is an algebraic variable,
472 C where LID = 40 if INFO(10) = 0 or 2 and LID = 40+NEQ
473 C if INFO(10) = 1 or 3.
474 C
475 C INFO(12) - Except for the addition of the RES argument CJ,
476 C DDASPK by default is downward-compatible with DDASSL,
477 C which uses only direct (dense or band) methods to solve
478 C the linear systems involved. You must set INFO(12) to
479 C indicate whether you want the direct methods or the
480 C Krylov iterative method.
481 C **** Do you want DDASPK to use standard direct methods
482 C (dense or band) or the Krylov (iterative) method ...
483 C direct methods - set INFO(12) = 0.
484 C Krylov method - set INFO(12) = 1,
485 C and check the settings of INFO(13) and INFO(15).
486 C
487 C INFO(13) - used when INFO(12) = 1 (Krylov methods).
488 C DDASPK uses scalars MAXL, KMP, NRMAX, and EPLI for the
489 C iterative solution of linear systems. INFO(13) allows
490 C you to override the default values of these parameters.
491 C These parameters and their defaults are as follows:
492 C MAXL = maximum number of iterations in the SPIGMR
493 C algorithm (MAXL .le. NEQ). The default is
494 C MAXL = MIN(5,NEQ).
495 C KMP = number of vectors on which orthogonalization is
496 C done in the SPIGMR algorithm. The default is
497 C KMP = MAXL, which corresponds to complete GMRES
498 C iteration, as opposed to the incomplete form.
499 C NRMAX = maximum number of restarts of the SPIGMR
500 C algorithm per nonlinear iteration. The default is
501 C NRMAX = 5.
502 C EPLI = convergence test constant in SPIGMR algorithm.
503 C The default is EPLI = 0.05.
504 C Note that the length of RWORK depends on both MAXL
505 C and KMP. See the definition of LRW below.
506 C **** Are MAXL, KMP, and EPLI to be given their
507 C default values ...
508 C yes - set INFO(13) = 0
509 C no - set INFO(13) = 1,
510 C and set all of the following:
511 C IWORK(24) = MAXL (1 .le. MAXL .le. NEQ)
512 C IWORK(25) = KMP (1 .le. KMP .le. MAXL)
513 C IWORK(26) = NRMAX (NRMAX .ge. 0)
514 C RWORK(10) = EPLI (0 .lt. EPLI .lt. 1.0) ****
515 C
516 C INFO(14) - used with INFO(11) > 0 (initial condition
517 C calculation is requested). In this case, you may
518 C request control to be returned to the calling program
519 C immediately after the initial condition calculation,
520 C before proceeding to the integration of the system
521 C (e.g. to examine the computed Y and YPRIME).
522 C If this is done, and if the initialization succeeded
523 C (IDID = 4), you should reset INFO(11) to 0 for the
524 C next call, to prevent the solver from repeating the
525 C initialization (and to avoid an infinite loop).
526 C **** Do you want to proceed to the integration after
527 C the initial condition calculation is done ...
528 C yes - set INFO(14) = 0
529 C no - set INFO(14) = 1 ****
530 C
531 C INFO(15) - used when INFO(12) = 1 (Krylov methods).
532 C When using preconditioning in the Krylov method,
533 C you must supply a subroutine, PSOL, which solves the
534 C associated linear systems using P.
535 C The usage of DDASPK is simpler if PSOL can carry out
536 C the solution without any prior calculation of data.
537 C However, if some partial derivative data is to be
538 C calculated in advance and used repeatedly in PSOL,
539 C then you must supply a JAC routine to do this,
540 C and set INFO(15) to indicate that JAC is to be called
541 C for this purpose. For example, P might be an
542 C approximation to a part of the matrix A which can be
543 C calculated and LU-factored for repeated solutions of
544 C the preconditioner system. The arrays WP and IWP
545 C (described under JAC and PSOL) can be used to
546 C communicate data between JAC and PSOL.
547 C **** Does PSOL operate with no prior preparation ...
548 C yes - set INFO(15) = 0 (no JAC routine)
549 C no - set INFO(15) = 1
550 C and supply a JAC routine to evaluate and
551 C preprocess any required Jacobian data. ****
552 C
553 C INFO(16) - option to exclude algebraic variables from
554 C the error test.
555 C **** Do you wish to control errors locally on
556 C all the variables...
557 C yes - set INFO(16) = 0
558 C no - set INFO(16) = 1
559 C If you have specified INFO(16) = 1, then you
560 C will also need to identify which are the
561 C differential and which are the algebraic
562 C components (algebraic components are components
563 C whose derivatives do not appear explicitly
564 C in the function G(T,Y,YPRIME)). You must set:
565 C IWORK(LID+I) = +1 if Y(I) is a differential
566 C variable, and
567 C IWORK(LID+I) = -1 if Y(I) is an algebraic
568 C variable,
569 C where LID = 40 if INFO(10) = 0 or 2 and
570 C LID = 40 + NEQ if INFO(10) = 1 or 3.
571 C
572 C INFO(17) - used when INFO(11) > 0 (DDASPK is to do an
573 C initial condition calculation).
574 C DDASPK uses several heuristic control quantities in the
575 C initial condition calculation. They have default values,
576 C but can also be set by the user using INFO(17).
577 C These parameters and their defaults are as follows:
578 C MXNIT = maximum number of Newton iterations
579 C per Jacobian or preconditioner evaluation.
580 C The default is:
581 C MXNIT = 5 in the direct case (INFO(12) = 0), and
582 C MXNIT = 15 in the Krylov case (INFO(12) = 1).
583 C MXNJ = maximum number of Jacobian or preconditioner
584 C evaluations. The default is:
585 C MXNJ = 6 in the direct case (INFO(12) = 0), and
586 C MXNJ = 2 in the Krylov case (INFO(12) = 1).
587 C MXNH = maximum number of values of the artificial
588 C stepsize parameter H to be tried if INFO(11) = 1.
589 C The default is MXNH = 5.
590 C NOTE: the maximum number of Newton iterations
591 C allowed in all is MXNIT*MXNJ*MXNH if INFO(11) = 1,
592 C and MXNIT*MXNJ if INFO(11) = 2.
593 C LSOFF = flag to turn off the linesearch algorithm
594 C (LSOFF = 0 means linesearch is on, LSOFF = 1 means
595 C it is turned off). The default is LSOFF = 0.
596 C STPTOL = minimum scaled step in linesearch algorithm.
597 C The default is STPTOL = (unit roundoff)**(2/3).
598 C EPINIT = swing factor in the Newton iteration convergence
599 C test. The test is applied to the residual vector,
600 C premultiplied by the approximate Jacobian (in the
601 C direct case) or the preconditioner (in the Krylov
602 C case). For convergence, the weighted RMS norm of
603 C this vector (scaled by the error weights) must be
604 C less than EPINIT*EPCON, where EPCON = .33 is the
605 C analogous test constant used in the time steps.
606 C The default is EPINIT = .01.
607 C **** Are the initial condition heuristic controls to be
608 C given their default values...
609 C yes - set INFO(17) = 0
610 C no - set INFO(17) = 1,
611 C and set all of the following:
612 C IWORK(32) = MXNIT (.GT. 0)
613 C IWORK(33) = MXNJ (.GT. 0)
614 C IWORK(34) = MXNH (.GT. 0)
615 C IWORK(35) = LSOFF ( = 0 or 1)
616 C RWORK(14) = STPTOL (.GT. 0.0)
617 C RWORK(15) = EPINIT (.GT. 0.0) ****
618 C
619 C INFO(18) - option to get extra printing in initial condition
620 C calculation.
621 C **** Do you wish to have extra printing...
622 C no - set INFO(18) = 0
623 C yes - set INFO(18) = 1 for minimal printing, or
624 C set INFO(18) = 2 for full printing.
625 C If you have specified INFO(18) .ge. 1, data
626 C will be printed with the error handler routines.
627 C To print to a non-default unit number L, include
628 C the line CALL XSETUN(L) in your program. ****
629 C
630 C RTOL, ATOL -- You must assign relative (RTOL) and absolute (ATOL)
631 C error tolerances to tell the code how accurately you
632 C want the solution to be computed. They must be defined
633 C as variables because the code may change them.
634 C you have two choices --
635 C Both RTOL and ATOL are scalars (INFO(2) = 0), or
636 C both RTOL and ATOL are vectors (INFO(2) = 1).
637 C In either case all components must be non-negative.
638 C
639 C The tolerances are used by the code in a local error
640 C test at each step which requires roughly that
641 C abs(local error in Y(i)) .le. EWT(i) ,
642 C where EWT(i) = RTOL*abs(Y(i)) + ATOL is an error weight
643 C quantity, for each vector component.
644 C (More specifically, a root-mean-square norm is used to
645 C measure the size of vectors, and the error test uses the
646 C magnitude of the solution at the beginning of the step.)
647 C
648 C The true (global) error is the difference between the
649 C true solution of the initial value problem and the
650 C computed approximation. Practically all present day
651 C codes, including this one, control the local error at
652 C each step and do not even attempt to control the global
653 C error directly.
654 C
655 C Usually, but not always, the true accuracy of
656 C the computed Y is comparable to the error tolerances.
657 C This code will usually, but not always, deliver a more
658 C accurate solution if you reduce the tolerances and
659 C integrate again. By comparing two such solutions you
660 C can get a fairly reliable idea of the true error in the
661 C solution at the larger tolerances.
662 C
663 C Setting ATOL = 0. results in a pure relative error test
664 C on that component. Setting RTOL = 0. results in a pure
665 C absolute error test on that component. A mixed test
666 C with non-zero RTOL and ATOL corresponds roughly to a
667 C relative error test when the solution component is
668 C much bigger than ATOL and to an absolute error test
669 C when the solution component is smaller than the
670 C threshold ATOL.
671 C
672 C The code will not attempt to compute a solution at an
673 C accuracy unreasonable for the machine being used. It
674 C will advise you if you ask for too much accuracy and
675 C inform you as to the maximum accuracy it believes
676 C possible.
677 C
678 C RWORK(*) -- a real work array, which should be dimensioned in your
679 C calling program with a length equal to the value of
680 C LRW (or greater).
681 C
682 C LRW -- Set it to the declared length of the RWORK array. The
683 C minimum length depends on the options you have selected,
684 C given by a base value plus additional storage as described
685 C below.
686 C
687 C If INFO(12) = 0 (standard direct method), the base value is
688 C base = 50 + max(MAXORD+4,7)*NEQ.
689 C The default value is MAXORD = 5 (see INFO(9)). With the
690 C default MAXORD, base = 50 + 9*NEQ.
691 C Additional storage must be added to the base value for
692 C any or all of the following options:
693 C if INFO(6) = 0 (dense matrix), add NEQ**2
694 C if INFO(6) = 1 (banded matrix), then
695 C if INFO(5) = 0, add (2*ML+MU+1)*NEQ + 2*(NEQ/(ML+MU+1)+1),
696 C if INFO(5) = 1, add (2*ML+MU+1)*NEQ,
697 C if INFO(16) = 1, add NEQ.
698 C
699 C If INFO(12) = 1 (Krylov method), the base value is
700 C base = 50 + (MAXORD+5)*NEQ + (MAXL+3+MIN0(1,MAXL-KMP))*NEQ +
701 C + (MAXL+3)*MAXL + 1 + LENWP.
702 C See PSOL for description of LENWP. The default values are:
703 C MAXORD = 5 (see INFO(9)), MAXL = min(5,NEQ) and KMP = MAXL
704 C (see INFO(13)).
705 C With the default values for MAXORD, MAXL and KMP,
706 C base = 91 + 18*NEQ + LENWP.
707 C Additional storage must be added to the base value for
708 C any or all of the following options:
709 C if INFO(16) = 1, add NEQ.
710 C
711 C
712 C IWORK(*) -- an integer work array, which should be dimensioned in
713 C your calling program with a length equal to the value
714 C of LIW (or greater).
715 C
716 C LIW -- Set it to the declared length of the IWORK array. The
717 C minimum length depends on the options you have selected,
718 C given by a base value plus additional storage as described
719 C below.
720 C
721 C If INFO(12) = 0 (standard direct method), the base value is
722 C base = 40 + NEQ.
723 C IF INFO(10) = 1 or 3, add NEQ to the base value.
724 C If INFO(11) = 1 or INFO(16) =1, add NEQ to the base value.
725 C
726 C If INFO(12) = 1 (Krylov method), the base value is
727 C base = 40 + LENIWP.
728 C See PSOL for description of LENIWP.
729 C IF INFO(10) = 1 or 3, add NEQ to the base value.
730 C If INFO(11) = 1 or INFO(16) = 1, add NEQ to the base value.
731 C
732 C
733 C RPAR, IPAR -- These are arrays of double precision and integer type,
734 C respectively, which are available for you to use
735 C for communication between your program that calls
736 C DDASPK and the RES subroutine (and the JAC and PSOL
737 C subroutines). They are not altered by DDASPK.
738 C If you do not need RPAR or IPAR, ignore these
739 C parameters by treating them as dummy arguments.
740 C If you do choose to use them, dimension them in
741 C your calling program and in RES (and in JAC and PSOL)
742 C as arrays of appropriate length.
743 C
744 C JAC -- This is the name of a routine that you may supply
745 C (optionally) that relates to the Jacobian matrix of the
746 C nonlinear system that the code must solve at each T step.
747 C The role of JAC (and its call sequence) depends on whether
748 C a direct (INFO(12) = 0) or Krylov (INFO(12) = 1) method
749 C is selected.
750 C
751 C **** INFO(12) = 0 (direct methods):
752 C If you are letting the code generate partial derivatives
753 C numerically (INFO(5) = 0), then JAC can be absent
754 C (or perhaps a dummy routine to satisfy the loader).
755 C Otherwise you must supply a JAC routine to compute
756 C the matrix A = dG/dY + CJ*dG/dYPRIME. It must have
757 C the form
758 C
760 C
761 C The JAC routine must dimension Y, YPRIME, and PD (and RPAR
762 C and IPAR if used). CJ is a scalar which is input to JAC.
763 C For the given values of T, Y, and YPRIME, the JAC routine
764 C must evaluate the nonzero elements of the matrix A, and
765 C store these values in the array PD. The elements of PD are
766 C set to zero before each call to JAC, so that only nonzero
767 C elements need to be defined.
768 C The way you store the elements into the PD array depends
769 C on the structure of the matrix indicated by INFO(6).
770 C *** INFO(6) = 0 (full or dense matrix) ***
771 C Give PD a first dimension of NEQ. When you evaluate the
772 C nonzero partial derivatives of equation i (i.e. of G(i))
773 C with respect to component j (of Y and YPRIME), you must
774 C store the element in PD according to
775 C PD(i,j) = dG(i)/dY(j) + CJ*dG(i)/dYPRIME(j).
776 C *** INFO(6) = 1 (banded matrix with half-bandwidths ML, MU
777 C as described under INFO(6)) ***
778 C Give PD a first dimension of 2*ML+MU+1. When you
779 C evaluate the nonzero partial derivatives of equation i
780 C (i.e. of G(i)) with respect to component j (of Y and
781 C YPRIME), you must store the element in PD according to
782 C IROW = i - j + ML + MU + 1
783 C PD(IROW,j) = dG(i)/dY(j) + CJ*dG(i)/dYPRIME(j).
784 C
785 C **** INFO(12) = 1 (Krylov method):
786 C If you are not calculating Jacobian data in advance for use
787 C in PSOL (INFO(15) = 0), JAC can be absent (or perhaps a
788 C dummy routine to satisfy the loader). Otherwise, you may
789 C supply a JAC routine to compute and preprocess any parts of
790 C of the Jacobian matrix A = dG/dY + CJ*dG/dYPRIME that are
791 C involved in the preconditioner matrix P.
792 C It is to have the form
793 C
796 C
797 C The JAC routine must dimension Y, YPRIME, REWT, SAVR, WK,
798 C and (if used) WP, IWP, RPAR, and IPAR.
799 C The Y, YPRIME, and SAVR arrays contain the current values
800 C of Y, YPRIME, and the residual G, respectively.
801 C The array WK is work space of length NEQ.
802 C H is the step size. CJ is a scalar, input to JAC, that is
803 C normally proportional to 1/H. REWT is an array of
804 C reciprocal error weights, 1/EWT(i), where EWT(i) is
805 C RTOL*abs(Y(i)) + ATOL (unless you supplied routine DDAWTS
806 C instead), for use in JAC if needed. For example, if JAC
807 C computes difference quotient approximations to partial
808 C derivatives, the REWT array may be useful in setting the
809 C increments used. The JAC routine should do any
810 C factorization operations called for, in preparation for
811 C solving linear systems in PSOL. The matrix P should
812 C be an approximation to the Jacobian,
813 C A = dG/dY + CJ*dG/dYPRIME.
814 C
815 C WP and IWP are real and integer work arrays which you may
816 C use for communication between your JAC routine and your
817 C PSOL routine. These may be used to store elements of the
818 C preconditioner P, or related matrix data (such as factored
819 C forms). They are not altered by DDASPK.
820 C If you do not need WP or IWP, ignore these parameters by
821 C treating them as dummy arguments. If you do use them,
822 C dimension them appropriately in your JAC and PSOL routines.
823 C See the PSOL description for instructions on setting
824 C the lengths of WP and IWP.
825 C
826 C On return, JAC should set the error flag IER as follows..
827 C IER = 0 if JAC was successful,
828 C IER .ne. 0 if JAC was unsuccessful (e.g. if Y or YPRIME
829 C was illegal, or a singular matrix is found).
830 C (If IER .ne. 0, a smaller stepsize will be tried.)
831 C IER = 0 on entry to JAC, so need be reset only on a failure.
832 C If RES is used within JAC, then a nonzero value of IRES will
833 C override any nonzero value of IER (see the RES description).
834 C
835 C Regardless of the method type, subroutine JAC must not
836 C alter T, Y(*), YPRIME(*), H, CJ, or REWT(*).
837 C You must declare the name JAC in an EXTERNAL statement in
838 C your program that calls DDASPK.
839 C
840 C PSOL -- This is the name of a routine you must supply if you have
841 C selected a Krylov method (INFO(12) = 1) with preconditioning.
842 C In the direct case (INFO(12) = 0), PSOL can be absent
843 C (a dummy routine may have to be supplied to satisfy the
844 C loader). Otherwise, you must provide a PSOL routine to
845 C solve linear systems arising from preconditioning.
846 C When supplied with INFO(12) = 1, the PSOL routine is to
847 C have the form
848 C
851 C
852 C The PSOL routine must solve linear systems of the form
853 C P*x = b where P is the left preconditioner matrix.
854 C
855 C The right-hand side vector b is in the B array on input, and
856 C PSOL must return the solution vector x in B.
857 C The Y, YPRIME, and SAVR arrays contain the current values
858 C of Y, YPRIME, and the residual G, respectively.
859 C
860 C Work space required by JAC and/or PSOL, and space for data to
861 C be communicated from JAC to PSOL is made available in the form
862 C of arrays WP and IWP, which are parts of the RWORK and IWORK
863 C arrays, respectively. The lengths of these real and integer
864 C work spaces WP and IWP must be supplied in LENWP and LENIWP,
865 C respectively, as follows..
866 C IWORK(27) = LENWP = length of real work space WP
867 C IWORK(28) = LENIWP = length of integer work space IWP.
868 C
869 C WK is a work array of length NEQ for use by PSOL.
870 C CJ is a scalar, input to PSOL, that is normally proportional
871 C to 1/H (H = stepsize). If the old value of CJ
872 C (at the time of the last JAC call) is needed, it must have
873 C been saved by JAC in WP.
874 C
875 C WGHT is an array of weights, to be used if PSOL uses an
876 C iterative method and performs a convergence test. (In terms
877 C of the argument REWT to JAC, WGHT is REWT/sqrt(NEQ).)
878 C If PSOL uses an iterative method, it should use EPLIN
879 C (a heuristic parameter) as the bound on the weighted norm of
880 C the residual for the computed solution. Specifically, the
881 C residual vector R should satisfy
882 C SQRT (SUM ( (R(i)*WGHT(i))**2 ) ) .le. EPLIN
883 C
884 C PSOL must not alter NEQ, T, Y, YPRIME, SAVR, CJ, WGHT, EPLIN.
885 C
886 C On return, PSOL should set the error flag IER as follows..
887 C IER = 0 if PSOL was successful,
888 C IER .lt. 0 if an unrecoverable error occurred, meaning
889 C control will be passed to the calling routine,
890 C IER .gt. 0 if a recoverable error occurred, meaning that
891 C the step will be retried with the same step size
892 C but with a call to JAC to update necessary data,
893 C unless the Jacobian data is current, in which case
894 C the step will be retried with a smaller step size.
895 C IER = 0 on entry to PSOL so need be reset only on a failure.
896 C
897 C You must declare the name PSOL in an EXTERNAL statement in
898 C your program that calls DDASPK.
899 C
900 C
902 C
903 C DDASPK uses a weighted root-mean-square norm to measure the
904 C size of various error vectors. The weights used in this norm
905 C are set in the following subroutine:
906 C
908 C DIMENSION RTOL(*), ATOL(*), Y(*), EWT(*), RPAR(*), IPAR(*)
909 C
910 C A DDAWTS routine has been included with DDASPK which sets the
911 C weights according to
912 C EWT(I) = RTOL*ABS(Y(I)) + ATOL
913 C in the case of scalar tolerances (IWT = 0) or
914 C EWT(I) = RTOL(I)*ABS(Y(I)) + ATOL(I)
915 C in the case of array tolerances (IWT = 1). (IWT is INFO(2).)
916 C In some special cases, it may be appropriate for you to define
917 C your own error weights by writing a subroutine DDAWTS to be
918 C called instead of the version supplied. However, this should
919 C be attempted only after careful thought and consideration.
920 C If you supply this routine, you may use the tolerances and Y
921 C as appropriate, but do not overwrite these variables. You
922 C may also use RPAR and IPAR to communicate data as appropriate.
923 C ***Note: Aside from the values of the weights, the choice of
924 C norm used in DDASPK (weighted root-mean-square) is not subject
925 C to replacement by the user. In this respect, DDASPK is not
926 C downward-compatible with the original DDASSL solver (in which
927 C the norm routine was optionally user-replaceable).
928 C
929 C
930 C------OUTPUT - AFTER ANY RETURN FROM DDASPK----------------------------
931 C
932 C The principal aim of the code is to return a computed solution at
933 C T = TOUT, although it is also possible to obtain intermediate
934 C results along the way. To find out whether the code achieved its
935 C goal or if the integration process was interrupted before the task
936 C was completed, you must check the IDID parameter.
937 C
938 C
939 C T -- The output value of T is the point to which the solution
940 C was successfully advanced.
941 C
942 C Y(*) -- contains the computed solution approximation at T.
943 C
944 C YPRIME(*) -- contains the computed derivative approximation at T.
945 C
946 C IDID -- reports what the code did, described as follows:
947 C
948 C *** TASK COMPLETED ***
949 C Reported by positive values of IDID
950 C
951 C IDID = 1 -- a step was successfully taken in the
952 C intermediate-output mode. The code has not
953 C yet reached TOUT.
954 C
955 C IDID = 2 -- the integration to TSTOP was successfully
956 C completed (T = TSTOP) by stepping exactly to TSTOP.
957 C
958 C IDID = 3 -- the integration to TOUT was successfully
959 C completed (T = TOUT) by stepping past TOUT.
960 C Y(*) and YPRIME(*) are obtained by interpolation.
961 C
962 C IDID = 4 -- the initial condition calculation, with
963 C INFO(11) > 0, was successful, and INFO(14) = 1.
964 C No integration steps were taken, and the solution
965 C is not considered to have been started.
966 C
968 C Reported by negative values of IDID
969 C
970 C IDID = -1 -- a large amount of work has been expended
971 C (about 500 steps).
972 C
973 C IDID = -2 -- the error tolerances are too stringent.
974 C
975 C IDID = -3 -- the local error test cannot be satisfied
976 C because you specified a zero component in ATOL
977 C and the corresponding computed solution component
978 C is zero. Thus, a pure relative error test is
979 C impossible for this component.
980 C
981 C IDID = -5 -- there were repeated failures in the evaluation
982 C or processing of the preconditioner (in JAC).
983 C
984 C IDID = -6 -- DDASPK had repeated error test failures on the
985 C last attempted step.
986 C
987 C IDID = -7 -- the nonlinear system solver in the time integration
988 C could not converge.
989 C
990 C IDID = -8 -- the matrix of partial derivatives appears
991 C to be singular (direct method).
992 C
993 C IDID = -9 -- the nonlinear system solver in the time integration
994 C failed to achieve convergence, and there were repeated
995 C error test failures in this step.
996 C
997 C IDID =-10 -- the nonlinear system solver in the time integration
998 C failed to achieve convergence because IRES was equal
999 C to -1.
1000 C
1001 C IDID =-11 -- IRES = -2 was encountered and control is
1002 C being returned to the calling program.
1003 C
1004 C IDID =-12 -- DDASPK failed to compute the initial Y, YPRIME.
1005 C
1006 C IDID =-13 -- unrecoverable error encountered inside user's
1007 C PSOL routine, and control is being returned to
1008 C the calling program.
1009 C
1010 C IDID =-14 -- the Krylov linear system solver could not
1011 C achieve convergence.
1012 C
1013 C IDID =-15,..,-32 -- Not applicable for this code.
1014 C
1015 C *** TASK TERMINATED ***
1016 C reported by the value of IDID=-33
1017 C
1018 C IDID = -33 -- the code has encountered trouble from which
1019 C it cannot recover. A message is printed
1020 C explaining the trouble and control is returned
1021 C to the calling program. For example, this occurs
1022 C when invalid input is detected.
1023 C
1024 C RTOL, ATOL -- these quantities remain unchanged except when
1025 C IDID = -2. In this case, the error tolerances have been
1026 C increased by the code to values which are estimated to
1027 C be appropriate for continuing the integration. However,
1028 C the reported solution at T was obtained using the input
1029 C values of RTOL and ATOL.
1030 C
1031 C RWORK, IWORK -- contain information which is usually of no interest
1032 C to the user but necessary for subsequent calls.
1033 C However, you may be interested in the performance data
1034 C listed below. These quantities are accessed in RWORK
1035 C and IWORK but have internal mnemonic names, as follows..
1036 C
1037 C RWORK(3)--contains H, the step size h to be attempted
1038 C on the next step.
1039 C
1040 C RWORK(4)--contains TN, the current value of the
1041 C independent variable, i.e. the farthest point
1042 C integration has reached. This will differ
1043 C from T if interpolation has been performed
1044 C (IDID = 3).
1045 C
1046 C RWORK(7)--contains HOLD, the stepsize used on the last
1047 C successful step. If INFO(11) = INFO(14) = 1,
1048 C this contains the value of H used in the
1049 C initial condition calculation.
1050 C
1051 C IWORK(7)--contains K, the order of the method to be
1052 C attempted on the next step.
1053 C
1054 C IWORK(8)--contains KOLD, the order of the method used
1055 C on the last step.
1056 C
1057 C IWORK(11)--contains NST, the number of steps (in T)
1058 C taken so far.
1059 C
1060 C IWORK(12)--contains NRE, the number of calls to RES
1061 C so far.
1062 C
1063 C IWORK(13)--contains NJE, the number of calls to JAC so
1064 C far (Jacobian or preconditioner evaluations).
1065 C
1066 C IWORK(14)--contains NETF, the total number of error test
1067 C failures so far.
1068 C
1069 C IWORK(15)--contains NCFN, the total number of nonlinear
1070 C convergence failures so far (includes counts
1071 C of singular iteration matrix or singular
1072 C preconditioners).
1073 C
1074 C IWORK(16)--contains NCFL, the number of convergence
1075 C failures of the linear iteration so far.
1076 C
1077 C IWORK(17)--contains LENIW, the length of IWORK actually
1078 C required. This is defined on normal returns
1079 C and on an illegal input return for
1080 C insufficient storage.
1081 C
1082 C IWORK(18)--contains LENRW, the length of RWORK actually
1083 C required. This is defined on normal returns
1084 C and on an illegal input return for
1085 C insufficient storage.
1086 C
1087 C IWORK(19)--contains NNI, the total number of nonlinear
1088 C iterations so far (each of which calls a
1089 C linear solver).
1090 C
1091 C IWORK(20)--contains NLI, the total number of linear
1092 C (Krylov) iterations so far.
1093 C
1094 C IWORK(21)--contains NPS, the number of PSOL calls so
1095 C far, for preconditioning solve operations or
1096 C for solutions with the user-supplied method.
1097 C
1098 C Note: The various counters in IWORK do not include
1099 C counts during a call made with INFO(11) > 0 and
1100 C INFO(14) = 1.
1101 C
1102 C
1103 C------INPUT - WHAT TO DO TO CONTINUE THE INTEGRATION -----------------
1105 C
1106 C This code is organized so that subsequent calls to continue the
1107 C integration involve little (if any) additional effort on your
1108 C part. You must monitor the IDID parameter in order to determine
1109 C what to do next.
1110 C
1111 C Recalling that the principal task of the code is to integrate
1112 C from T to TOUT (the interval mode), usually all you will need
1113 C to do is specify a new TOUT upon reaching the current TOUT.
1114 C
1115 C Do not alter any quantity not specifically permitted below. In
1116 C particular do not alter NEQ, T, Y(*), YPRIME(*), RWORK(*),
1117 C IWORK(*), or the differential equation in subroutine RES. Any
1118 C such alteration constitutes a new problem and must be treated
1119 C as such, i.e. you must start afresh.
1120 C
1121 C You cannot change from array to scalar error control or vice
1122 C versa (INFO(2)), but you can change the size of the entries of
1123 C RTOL or ATOL. Increasing a tolerance makes the equation easier
1124 C to integrate. Decreasing a tolerance will make the equation
1125 C harder to integrate and should generally be avoided.
1126 C
1127 C You can switch from the intermediate-output mode to the
1128 C interval mode (INFO(3)) or vice versa at any time.
1129 C
1130 C If it has been necessary to prevent the integration from going
1131 C past a point TSTOP (INFO(4), RWORK(1)), keep in mind that the
1132 C code will not integrate to any TOUT beyond the currently
1133 C specified TSTOP. Once TSTOP has been reached, you must change
1134 C the value of TSTOP or set INFO(4) = 0. You may change INFO(4)
1135 C or TSTOP at any time but you must supply the value of TSTOP in
1136 C RWORK(1) whenever you set INFO(4) = 1.
1137 C
1138 C Do not change INFO(5), INFO(6), INFO(12-17) or their associated
1139 C IWORK/RWORK locations unless you are going to restart the code.
1140 C
1142 C
1143 C If..
1144 C IDID = 1, call the code again to continue the integration
1145 C another step in the direction of TOUT.
1146 C
1147 C IDID = 2 or 3, define a new TOUT and call the code again.
1148 C TOUT must be different from T. You cannot change
1149 C the direction of integration without restarting.
1150 C
1151 C IDID = 4, reset INFO(11) = 0 and call the code again to begin
1152 C the integration. (If you leave INFO(11) > 0 and
1153 C INFO(14) = 1, you may generate an infinite loop.)
1154 C In this situation, the next call to DASPK is
1155 C considered to be the first call for the problem,
1156 C in that all initializations are done.
1157 C
1159 C
1160 C To show the code that you realize the task was interrupted and
1161 C that you want to continue, you must take appropriate action and
1162 C set INFO(1) = 1.
1163 C
1164 C If..
1165 C IDID = -1, the code has taken about 500 steps. If you want to
1166 C continue, set INFO(1) = 1 and call the code again.
1167 C An additional 500 steps will be allowed.
1168 C
1169 C
1170 C IDID = -2, the error tolerances RTOL, ATOL have been increased
1171 C to values the code estimates appropriate for
1172 C continuing. You may want to change them yourself.
1173 C If you are sure you want to continue with relaxed
1174 C error tolerances, set INFO(1) = 1 and call the code
1175 C again.
1176 C
1177 C IDID = -3, a solution component is zero and you set the
1178 C corresponding component of ATOL to zero. If you
1179 C are sure you want to continue, you must first alter
1180 C the error criterion to use positive values of ATOL
1181 C for those components corresponding to zero solution
1182 C components, then set INFO(1) = 1 and call the code
1183 C again.
1184 C
1185 C IDID = -4 --- cannot occur with this code.
1186 C
1187 C IDID = -5, your JAC routine failed with the Krylov method. Check
1188 C for errors in JAC and restart the integration.
1189 C
1190 C IDID = -6, repeated error test failures occurred on the last
1191 C attempted step in DDASPK. A singularity in the
1192 C solution may be present. If you are absolutely
1193 C certain you want to continue, you should restart
1194 C the integration. (Provide initial values of Y and
1195 C YPRIME which are consistent.)
1196 C
1197 C IDID = -7, repeated convergence test failures occurred on the last
1198 C attempted step in DDASPK. An inaccurate or ill-
1199 C conditioned Jacobian or preconditioner may be the
1200 C problem. If you are absolutely certain you want
1201 C to continue, you should restart the integration.
1202 C
1203 C
1204 C IDID = -8, the matrix of partial derivatives is singular, with
1205 C the use of direct methods. Some of your equations
1206 C may be redundant. DDASPK cannot solve the problem
1207 C as stated. It is possible that the redundant
1208 C equations could be removed, and then DDASPK could
1209 C solve the problem. It is also possible that a
1210 C solution to your problem either does not exist
1211 C or is not unique.
1212 C
1213 C IDID = -9, DDASPK had multiple convergence test failures, preceded
1214 C by multiple error test failures, on the last
1215 C attempted step. It is possible that your problem is
1216 C ill-posed and cannot be solved using this code. Or,
1217 C there may be a discontinuity or a singularity in the
1218 C solution. If you are absolutely certain you want to
1219 C continue, you should restart the integration.
1220 C
1221 C IDID = -10, DDASPK had multiple convergence test failures
1222 C because IRES was equal to -1. If you are
1223 C absolutely certain you want to continue, you
1224 C should restart the integration.
1225 C
1226 C IDID = -11, there was an unrecoverable error (IRES = -2) from RES
1227 C inside the nonlinear system solver. Determine the
1228 C cause before trying again.
1229 C
1230 C IDID = -12, DDASPK failed to compute the initial Y and YPRIME
1231 C vectors. This could happen because the initial
1232 C approximation to Y or YPRIME was not very good, or
1233 C because no consistent values of these vectors exist.
1234 C The problem could also be caused by an inaccurate or
1235 C singular iteration matrix, or a poor preconditioner.
1236 C
1237 C IDID = -13, there was an unrecoverable error encountered inside
1238 C your PSOL routine. Determine the cause before
1239 C trying again.
1240 C
1241 C IDID = -14, the Krylov linear system solver failed to achieve
1242 C convergence. This may be due to ill-conditioning
1243 C in the iteration matrix, or a singularity in the
1244 C preconditioner (if one is being used).
1245 C Another possibility is that there is a better
1246 C choice of Krylov parameters (see INFO(13)).
1247 C Possibly the failure is caused by redundant equations
1248 C in the system, or by inconsistent equations.
1249 C In that case, reformulate the system to make it
1250 C consistent and non-redundant.
1251 C
1252 C IDID = -15,..,-32 --- Cannot occur with this code.
1253 C
1255 C
1256 C If IDID = -33, you cannot continue the solution of this problem.
1257 C An attempt to do so will result in your run being
1258 C terminated.
1259 C
1260 C ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1261 C
1263 C 1. L. R. Petzold, A Description of DASSL: A Differential/Algebraic
1264 C System Solver, in Scientific Computing, R. S. Stepleman et al.
1265 C (Eds.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983, pp. 65-68.
1266 C 2. K. E. Brenan, S. L. Campbell, and L. R. Petzold, Numerical
1267 C Solution of Initial-Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic
1268 C Equations, Elsevier, New York, 1989.
1269 C 3. P. N. Brown and A. C. Hindmarsh, Reduced Storage Matrix Methods
1270 C in Stiff ODE Systems, J. Applied Mathematics and Computation,
1271 C 31 (1989), pp. 40-91.
1272 C 4. P. N. Brown, A. C. Hindmarsh, and L. R. Petzold, Using Krylov
1273 C Methods in the Solution of Large-Scale Differential-Algebraic
1274 C Systems, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 15 (1994), pp. 1467-1488.
1275 C 5. P. N. Brown, A. C. Hindmarsh, and L. R. Petzold, Consistent
1276 C Initial Condition Calculation for Differential-Algebraic
1277 C Systems, LLNL Report UCRL-JC-122175, August 1995; submitted to
1278 C SIAM J. Sci. Comp.
1279 C
1281 C
1282 C The following are all the subordinate routines used by DDASPK.
1283 C
1284 C DDASIC computes consistent initial conditions.
1285 C DYYPNW updates Y and YPRIME in linesearch for initial condition
1286 C calculation.
1287 C DDSTP carries out one step of the integration.
1288 C DCNSTR/DCNST0 check the current solution for constraint violations.
1289 C DDAWTS sets error weight quantities.
1290 C DINVWT tests and inverts the error weights.
1291 C DDATRP performs interpolation to get an output solution.
1292 C DDWNRM computes the weighted root-mean-square norm of a vector.
1293 C D1MACH provides the unit roundoff of the computer.
1294 C XERRWD/XSETF/XSETUN/IXSAV is a package to handle error messages.
1295 C DDASID nonlinear equation driver to initialize Y and YPRIME using
1296 C direct linear system solver methods. Interfaces to Newton
1297 C solver (direct case).
1298 C DNSID solves the nonlinear system for unknown initial values by
1299 C modified Newton iteration and direct linear system methods.
1300 C DLINSD carries out linesearch algorithm for initial condition
1301 C calculation (direct case).
1302 C DFNRMD calculates weighted norm of preconditioned residual in
1303 C initial condition calculation (direct case).
1304 C DNEDD nonlinear equation driver for direct linear system solver
1305 C methods. Interfaces to Newton solver (direct case).
1306 C DMATD assembles the iteration matrix (direct case).
1307 C DNSD solves the associated nonlinear system by modified
1308 C Newton iteration and direct linear system methods.
1309 C DSLVD interfaces to linear system solver (direct case).
1310 C DDASIK nonlinear equation driver to initialize Y and YPRIME using
1311 C Krylov iterative linear system methods. Interfaces to
1312 C Newton solver (Krylov case).
1313 C DNSIK solves the nonlinear system for unknown initial values by
1314 C Newton iteration and Krylov iterative linear system methods.
1315 C DLINSK carries out linesearch algorithm for initial condition
1316 C calculation (Krylov case).
1317 C DFNRMK calculates weighted norm of preconditioned residual in
1318 C initial condition calculation (Krylov case).
1319 C DNEDK nonlinear equation driver for iterative linear system solver
1320 C methods. Interfaces to Newton solver (Krylov case).
1321 C DNSK solves the associated nonlinear system by Inexact Newton
1322 C iteration and (linear) Krylov iteration.
1323 C DSLVK interfaces to linear system solver (Krylov case).
1324 C DSPIGM solves a linear system by SPIGMR algorithm.
1325 C DATV computes matrix-vector product in Krylov algorithm.
1326 C DORTH performs orthogonalization of Krylov basis vectors.
1327 C DHEQR performs QR factorization of Hessenberg matrix.
1328 C DHELS finds least-squares solution of Hessenberg linear system.
1329 C DGETRF, DGETRS, DGBTRF, DGBTRS are LAPACK routines for solving
1330 C linear systems (dense or band direct methods).
1331 C DAXPY, DCOPY, DDOT, DNRM2, DSCAL are Basic Linear Algebra (BLAS)
1332 C routines.
1333 C
1334 C The routines called directly by DDASPK are:
1337 C
1339 C
1340 C
1343  dimension y(*),yprime(*)
1344  dimension info(20)
1345  dimension rwork(lrw),iwork(liw)
1346  dimension rtol(*),atol(*)
1347  dimension rpar(*),ipar(*)
1349  EXTERNAL res, jac, psol, ddasid, ddasik, dnedd, dnedk
1350 C
1351 C Set pointers into IWORK.
1352 C
1353  parameter(lml=1, lmu=2, lmtype=4,
1354  * liwm=1, lmxord=3, ljcalc=5, lphase=6, lk=7, lkold=8,
1355  * lns=9, lnstl=10, lnst=11, lnre=12, lnje=13, letf=14, lncfn=15,
1356  * lncfl=16, lniw=17, lnrw=18, lnni=19, lnli=20, lnps=21,
1357  * lnpd=22, lmiter=23, lmaxl=24, lkmp=25, lnrmax=26, llnwp=27,
1358  * llniwp=28, llocwp=29, llciwp=30, lkprin=31,
1359  * lmxnit=32, lmxnj=33, lmxnh=34, llsoff=35, licns=41)
1360 C
1361 C Set pointers into RWORK.
1362 C
1363  parameter(ltstop=1, lhmax=2, lh=3, ltn=4, lcj=5, lcjold=6,
1364  * lhold=7, ls=8, lround=9, lepli=10, lsqrn=11, lrsqrn=12,
1365  * lepcon=13, lstol=14, lepin=15,
1366  * lalpha=21, lbeta=27, lgamma=33, lpsi=39, lsigma=45, ldelta=51)
1367 C
1368  SAVE lid, lenid, nonneg
1369 C
1370 C
1372 C
1373 C
1374  IF(info(1).NE.0) GO TO 100
1375 C
1376 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1377 C This block is executed for the initial call only.
1378 C It contains checking of inputs and initializations.
1379 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1380 C
1381 C First check INFO array to make sure all elements of INFO
1382 C Are within the proper range. (INFO(1) is checked later, because
1383 C it must be tested on every call.) ITEMP holds the location
1384 C within INFO which may be out of range.
1385 C
1386  DO 10 i=2,9
1387  itemp = i
1388  IF (info(i) .NE. 0 .AND. info(i) .NE. 1) GO TO 701
1389  10 CONTINUE
1390  itemp = 10
1391  IF(info(10).LT.0 .OR. info(10).GT.3) GO TO 701
1392  itemp = 11
1393  IF(info(11).LT.0 .OR. info(11).GT.2) GO TO 701
1394  DO 15 i=12,17
1395  itemp = i
1396  IF (info(i) .NE. 0 .AND. info(i) .NE. 1) GO TO 701
1397  15 CONTINUE
1398  itemp = 18
1399  IF(info(18).LT.0 .OR. info(18).GT.2) GO TO 701
1401 C
1402 C Check NEQ to see if it is positive.
1403 C
1404  IF (neq .LE. 0) GO TO 702
1405 C
1406 C Check and compute maximum order.
1407 C
1408  mxord=5
1409  IF (info(9) .NE. 0) THEN
1410  mxord=iwork(lmxord)
1411  IF (mxord .LT. 1 .OR. mxord .GT. 5) GO TO 703
1412  ENDIF
1413  iwork(lmxord)=mxord
1414 C
1415 C Set and/or check inputs for constraint checking (INFO(10) .NE. 0).
1416 C Set values for ICNFLG, NONNEG, and pointer LID.
1417 C
1418  icnflg = 0
1419  nonneg = 0
1420  lid = licns
1421  IF (info(10) .EQ. 0) GO TO 20
1422  IF (info(10) .EQ. 1) THEN
1423  icnflg = 1
1424  nonneg = 0
1425  lid = licns + neq
1426  ELSEIF (info(10) .EQ. 2) THEN
1427  icnflg = 0
1428  nonneg = 1
1429  ELSE
1430  icnflg = 1
1431  nonneg = 1
1432  lid = licns + neq
1433  ENDIF
1434 C
1435  20 CONTINUE
1436 C
1437 C Set and/or check inputs for Krylov solver (INFO(12) .NE. 0).
1438 C If indicated, set default values for MAXL, KMP, NRMAX, and EPLI.
1439 C Otherwise, verify inputs required for iterative solver.
1440 C
1441  IF (info(12) .EQ. 0) GO TO 25
1442 C
1443  iwork(lmiter) = info(12)
1444  IF (info(13) .EQ. 0) THEN
1445  iwork(lmaxl) = min(5,neq)
1446  iwork(lkmp) = iwork(lmaxl)
1447  iwork(lnrmax) = 5
1448  rwork(lepli) = 0.05d0
1449  ELSE
1450  IF(iwork(lmaxl) .LT. 1 .OR. iwork(lmaxl) .GT. neq) GO TO 720
1451  IF(iwork(lkmp) .LT. 1 .OR. iwork(lkmp) .GT. iwork(lmaxl))
1452  1 GO TO 721
1453  IF(iwork(lnrmax) .LT. 0) GO TO 722
1454  IF(rwork(lepli).LE.0.0d0 .OR. rwork(lepli).GE.1.0d0)GO TO 723
1455  ENDIF
1456 C
1457  25 CONTINUE
1458 C
1459 C Set and/or check controls for the initial condition calculation
1460 C (INFO(11) .GT. 0). If indicated, set default values.
1461 C Otherwise, verify inputs required for iterative solver.
1462 C
1463  IF (info(11) .EQ. 0) GO TO 30
1464  IF (info(17) .EQ. 0) THEN
1465  iwork(lmxnit) = 5
1466  IF (info(12) .GT. 0) iwork(lmxnit) = 15
1467  iwork(lmxnj) = 6
1468  IF (info(12) .GT. 0) iwork(lmxnj) = 2
1469  iwork(lmxnh) = 5
1470  iwork(llsoff) = 0
1471  rwork(lepin) = 0.01d0
1472  ELSE
1473  IF (iwork(lmxnit) .LE. 0) GO TO 725
1474  IF (iwork(lmxnj) .LE. 0) GO TO 725
1475  IF (iwork(lmxnh) .LE. 0) GO TO 725
1476  lsoff = iwork(llsoff)
1477  IF (lsoff .LT. 0 .OR. lsoff .GT. 1) GO TO 725
1478  IF (rwork(lepin) .LE. 0.0d0) GO TO 725
1479  ENDIF
1480 C
1481  30 CONTINUE
1482 C
1483 C Below is the computation and checking of the work array lengths
1484 C LENIW and LENRW, using direct methods (INFO(12) = 0) or
1485 C the Krylov methods (INFO(12) = 1).
1486 C
1487  lenic = 0
1488  IF (info(10) .EQ. 1 .OR. info(10) .EQ. 3) lenic = neq
1489  lenid = 0
1490  IF (info(11) .EQ. 1 .OR. info(16) .EQ. 1) lenid = neq
1491  IF (info(12) .EQ. 0) THEN
1492 C
1493 C Compute MTYPE, etc. Check ML and MU.
1494 C
1495  ncphi = max(mxord + 1, 4)
1496  IF(info(6).EQ.0) THEN
1497  lenpd = neq**2
1498  lenrw = 50 + (ncphi+3)*neq + lenpd
1499  IF(info(5).EQ.0) THEN
1500  iwork(lmtype)=2
1501  ELSE
1502  iwork(lmtype)=1
1503  ENDIF
1504  ELSE
1505  IF(iwork(lml).LT.0.OR.iwork(lml).GE.neq)GO TO 717
1506  IF(iwork(lmu).LT.0.OR.iwork(lmu).GE.neq)GO TO 718
1507  lenpd=(2*iwork(lml)+iwork(lmu)+1)*neq
1508  IF(info(5).EQ.0) THEN
1509  iwork(lmtype)=5
1510  mband=iwork(lml)+iwork(lmu)+1
1511  msave=(neq/mband)+1
1512  lenrw = 50 + (ncphi+3)*neq + lenpd + 2*msave
1513  ELSE
1514  iwork(lmtype)=4
1515  lenrw = 50 + (ncphi+3)*neq + lenpd
1516  ENDIF
1517  ENDIF
1518 C
1519 C Compute LENIW, LENWP, LENIWP.
1520 C
1521  leniw = 40 + lenic + lenid + neq
1522  lenwp = 0
1523  leniwp = 0
1524 C
1525  ELSE IF (info(12) .EQ. 1) THEN
1526  maxl = iwork(lmaxl)
1527  lenwp = iwork(llnwp)
1528  leniwp = iwork(llniwp)
1529  lenpd = (maxl+3+min0(1,maxl-iwork(lkmp)))*neq
1530  1 + (maxl+3)*maxl + 1 + lenwp
1531  lenrw = 50 + (iwork(lmxord)+5)*neq + lenpd
1532  leniw = 40 + lenic + lenid + leniwp
1533 C
1534  ENDIF
1535  IF(info(16) .NE. 0) lenrw = lenrw + neq
1536 C
1537 C Check lengths of RWORK and IWORK.
1538 C
1539  iwork(lniw)=leniw
1540  iwork(lnrw)=lenrw
1541  iwork(lnpd)=lenpd
1542  iwork(llocwp) = lenpd-lenwp+1
1543  IF(lrw.LT.lenrw)GO TO 704
1544  IF(liw.LT.leniw)GO TO 705
1545 C
1546 C Check ICNSTR for legality.
1547 C
1548  IF (lenic .GT. 0) THEN
1549  DO 40 i = 1,neq
1550  ici = iwork(licns-1+i)
1551  IF (ici .LT. -2 .OR. ici .GT. 2) GO TO 726
1552  40 CONTINUE
1553  ENDIF
1554 C
1555 C Check Y for consistency with constraints.
1556 C
1557  IF (lenic .GT. 0) THEN
1558  CALL dcnst0(neq,y,iwork(licns),iret)
1559  IF (iret .NE. 0) GO TO 727
1560  ENDIF
1561 C
1562 C Check ID for legality.
1563 C
1564  IF (lenid .GT. 0) THEN
1565  DO 50 i = 1,neq
1566  idi = iwork(lid-1+i)
1567  IF (idi .NE. 1 .AND. idi .NE. -1) GO TO 724
1568  50 CONTINUE
1569  ENDIF
1570 C
1571 C Check to see that TOUT is different from T.
1572 C
1573  IF(tout .EQ. t)GO TO 719
1574 C
1575 C Check HMAX.
1576 C
1577  IF(info(7) .NE. 0) THEN
1578  hmax = rwork(lhmax)
1579  IF (hmax .LE. 0.0d0) GO TO 710
1580  ENDIF
1581 C
1582 C Initialize counters and other flags.
1583 C
1584  iwork(lnst)=0
1585  iwork(lnre)=0
1586  iwork(lnje)=0
1587  iwork(letf)=0
1588  iwork(lncfn)=0
1589  iwork(lnni)=0
1590  iwork(lnli)=0
1591  iwork(lnps)=0
1592  iwork(lncfl)=0
1593  iwork(lkprin)=info(18)
1594  idid=1
1595  GO TO 200
1596 C
1597 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1598 C This block is for continuation calls only.
1599 C Here we check INFO(1), and if the last step was interrupted,
1600 C we check whether appropriate action was taken.
1601 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1602 C
1603 100 CONTINUE
1604  IF(info(1).EQ.1)GO TO 110
1605  itemp = 1
1606  IF(info(1).NE.-1)GO TO 701
1607 C
1608 C If we are here, the last step was interrupted by an error
1609 C condition from DDSTP, and appropriate action was not taken.
1610 C This is a fatal error.
1611 C
1613  CALL xerrwd(msg,49,201,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
1615  CALL xerrwd(msg,47,202,0,1,idid,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
1617  CALL xerrwd(msg,41,203,1,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
1618  RETURN
1619 110 CONTINUE
1620 C
1621 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1622 C This block is executed on all calls.
1623 C
1624 C Counters are saved for later checks of performance.
1625 C Then the error tolerance parameters are checked, and the
1626 C work array pointers are set.
1627 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1628 C
1629 200 CONTINUE
1630 C
1631 C Save counters for use later.
1632 C
1633  iwork(lnstl)=iwork(lnst)
1634  nli0 = iwork(lnli)
1635  nni0 = iwork(lnni)
1636  ncfn0 = iwork(lncfn)
1637  ncfl0 = iwork(lncfl)
1638  nwarn = 0
1639 C
1640 C Check RTOL and ATOL.
1641 C
1642  nzflg = 0
1643  rtoli = rtol(1)
1644  atoli = atol(1)
1645  DO 210 i=1,neq
1646  IF (info(2) .EQ. 1) rtoli = rtol(i)
1647  IF (info(2) .EQ. 1) atoli = atol(i)
1648  IF (rtoli .GT. 0.0d0 .OR. atoli .GT. 0.0d0) nzflg = 1
1649  IF (rtoli .LT. 0.0d0) GO TO 706
1650  IF (atoli .LT. 0.0d0) GO TO 707
1651 210 CONTINUE
1652  IF (nzflg .EQ. 0) GO TO 708
1653 C
1654 C Set pointers to RWORK and IWORK segments.
1655 C For direct methods, SAVR is not used.
1656 C
1657  iwork(llciwp) = lid + lenid
1658  lsavr = ldelta
1659  IF (info(12) .NE. 0) lsavr = ldelta + neq
1660  le = lsavr + neq
1661  lwt = le + neq
1662  lvt = lwt
1663  IF (info(16) .NE. 0) lvt = lwt + neq
1664  lphi = lvt + neq
1665  lwm = lphi + (iwork(lmxord)+1)*neq
1666  IF (info(1) .EQ. 1) GO TO 400
1667 C
1668 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1669 C This block is executed on the initial call only.
1670 C Set the initial step size, the error weight vector, and PHI.
1671 C Compute unknown initial components of Y and YPRIME, if requested.
1672 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1673 C
1674 300 CONTINUE
1675  tn=t
1676  idid=1
1677 C
1678 C Set error weight array WT and altered weight array VT.
1679 C
1680  CALL ddawts(neq,info(2),rtol,atol,y,rwork(lwt),rpar,ipar)
1681  CALL dinvwt(neq,rwork(lwt),ier)
1682  IF (ier .NE. 0) GO TO 713
1683  IF (info(16) .NE. 0) THEN
1684  DO 305 i = 1, neq
1685  305 rwork(lvt+i-1) = max(iwork(lid+i-1),0)*rwork(lwt+i-1)
1686  ENDIF
1687 C
1688 C Compute unit roundoff and HMIN.
1689 C
1690  uround = d1mach(4)
1691  rwork(lround) = uround
1692  hmin = 4.0d0*uround*max(abs(t),abs(tout))
1693 C
1694 C Set/check STPTOL control for initial condition calculation.
1695 C
1696  IF (info(11) .NE. 0) THEN
1697  IF( info(17) .EQ. 0) THEN
1698  rwork(lstol) = uround**.6667d0
1699  ELSE
1700  IF (rwork(lstol) .LE. 0.0d0) GO TO 725
1701  ENDIF
1702  ENDIF
1703 C
1704 C Compute EPCON and square root of NEQ and its reciprocal, used
1705 C inside iterative solver.
1706 C
1707  rwork(lepcon) = 0.33d0
1708  floatn = neq
1709  rwork(lsqrn) = sqrt(floatn)
1710  rwork(lrsqrn) = 1.d0/rwork(lsqrn)
1711 C
1712 C Check initial interval to see that it is long enough.
1713 C
1714  tdist = abs(tout - t)
1715  IF(tdist .LT. hmin) GO TO 714
1716 C
1717 C Check H0, if this was input.
1718 C
1719  IF (info(8) .EQ. 0) GO TO 310
1720  h0 = rwork(lh)
1721  IF ((tout - t)*h0 .LT. 0.0d0) GO TO 711
1722  IF (h0 .EQ. 0.0d0) GO TO 712
1723  GO TO 320
1724 310 CONTINUE
1725 C
1726 C Compute initial stepsize, to be used by either
1727 C DDSTP or DDASIC, depending on INFO(11).
1728 C
1729  h0 = 0.001d0*tdist
1730  ypnorm = ddwnrm(neq,yprime,rwork(lvt),rpar,ipar)
1731  IF (ypnorm .GT. 0.5d0/h0) h0 = 0.5d0/ypnorm
1732  h0 = sign(h0,tout-t)
1733 C
1734 C Adjust H0 if necessary to meet HMAX bound.
1735 C
1736 320 IF (info(7) .EQ. 0) GO TO 330
1737  rh = abs(h0)/rwork(lhmax)
1738  IF (rh .GT. 1.0d0) h0 = h0/rh
1739 C
1740 C Check against TSTOP, if applicable.
1741 C
1742 330 IF (info(4) .EQ. 0) GO TO 340
1743  tstop = rwork(ltstop)
1744  IF ((tstop - t)*h0 .LT. 0.0d0) GO TO 715
1745  IF ((t + h0 - tstop)*h0 .GT. 0.0d0) h0 = tstop - t
1746  IF ((tstop - tout)*h0 .LT. 0.0d0) GO TO 709
1747 C
1748 340 IF (info(11) .EQ. 0) GO TO 370
1749 C
1750 C Compute unknown components of initial Y and YPRIME, depending
1751 C on INFO(11) and INFO(12). INFO(12) represents the nonlinear
1752 C solver type (direct/Krylov). Pass the name of the specific
1753 C nonlinear solver, depending on INFO(12). The location of the work
1754 C arrays SAVR, YIC, YPIC, PWK also differ in the two cases.
1755 C
1756  nwt = 1
1757  epconi = rwork(lepin)*rwork(lepcon)
1758 350 IF (info(12) .EQ. 0) THEN
1759  lyic = lphi + 2*neq
1760  lypic = lyic + neq
1761  lpwk = lypic
1762  CALL ddasic(tn,y,yprime,neq,info(11),iwork(lid),
1763  * res,jac,psol,h0,rwork(lwt),nwt,idid,rpar,ipar,
1764  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lsavr),rwork(ldelta),rwork(le),
1765  * rwork(lyic),rwork(lypic),rwork(lpwk),rwork(lwm),iwork(liwm),
1766  * hmin,rwork(lround),rwork(lepli),rwork(lsqrn),rwork(lrsqrn),
1767  * epconi,rwork(lstol),info(15),icnflg,iwork(licns),ddasid)
1768  ELSE IF (info(12) .EQ. 1) THEN
1769  lyic = lwm
1770  lypic = lyic + neq
1771  lpwk = lypic + neq
1772  CALL ddasic(tn,y,yprime,neq,info(11),iwork(lid),
1773  * res,jac,psol,h0,rwork(lwt),nwt,idid,rpar,ipar,
1774  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lsavr),rwork(ldelta),rwork(le),
1775  * rwork(lyic),rwork(lypic),rwork(lpwk),rwork(lwm),iwork(liwm),
1776  * hmin,rwork(lround),rwork(lepli),rwork(lsqrn),rwork(lrsqrn),
1777  * epconi,rwork(lstol),info(15),icnflg,iwork(licns),ddasik)
1778  ENDIF
1779 C
1780  IF (idid .LT. 0) GO TO 600
1781 C
1782 C DDASIC was successful. If this was the first call to DDASIC,
1783 C update the WT array (with the current Y) and call it again.
1784 C
1785  IF (nwt .EQ. 2) GO TO 355
1786  nwt = 2
1787  CALL ddawts(neq,info(2),rtol,atol,y,rwork(lwt),rpar,ipar)
1788  CALL dinvwt(neq,rwork(lwt),ier)
1789  IF (ier .NE. 0) GO TO 713
1790  GO TO 350
1791 C
1792 C If INFO(14) = 1, return now with IDID = 4.
1793 C
1794 355 IF (info(14) .EQ. 1) THEN
1795  idid = 4
1796  h = h0
1797  IF (info(11) .EQ. 1) rwork(lhold) = h0
1798  GO TO 590
1799  ENDIF
1800 C
1801 C Update the WT and VT arrays one more time, with the new Y.
1802 C
1803  CALL ddawts(neq,info(2),rtol,atol,y,rwork(lwt),rpar,ipar)
1804  CALL dinvwt(neq,rwork(lwt),ier)
1805  IF (ier .NE. 0) GO TO 713
1806  IF (info(16) .NE. 0) THEN
1807  DO 357 i = 1, neq
1808  357 rwork(lvt+i-1) = max(iwork(lid+i-1),0)*rwork(lwt+i-1)
1809  ENDIF
1810 C
1811 C Reset the initial stepsize to be used by DDSTP.
1812 C Use H0, if this was input. Otherwise, recompute H0,
1813 C and adjust it if necessary to meet HMAX bound.
1814 C
1815  IF (info(8) .NE. 0) THEN
1816  h0 = rwork(lh)
1817  GO TO 360
1818  ENDIF
1819 C
1820  h0 = 0.001d0*tdist
1821  ypnorm = ddwnrm(neq,yprime,rwork(lvt),rpar,ipar)
1822  IF (ypnorm .GT. 0.5d0/h0) h0 = 0.5d0/ypnorm
1823  h0 = sign(h0,tout-t)
1824 C
1825 360 IF (info(7) .NE. 0) THEN
1826  rh = abs(h0)/rwork(lhmax)
1827  IF (rh .GT. 1.0d0) h0 = h0/rh
1828  ENDIF
1829 C
1830 C Check against TSTOP, if applicable.
1831 C
1832  IF (info(4) .NE. 0) THEN
1833  tstop = rwork(ltstop)
1834  IF ((t + h0 - tstop)*h0 .GT. 0.0d0) h0 = tstop - t
1835  ENDIF
1836 C
1837 C Load H and RWORK(LH) with H0.
1838 C
1839 370 h = h0
1840  rwork(lh) = h
1841 C
1842 C Load Y and H*YPRIME into PHI(*,1) and PHI(*,2).
1843 C
1844  itemp = lphi + neq
1845  DO 380 i = 1,neq
1846  rwork(lphi + i - 1) = y(i)
1847 380 rwork(itemp + i - 1) = h*yprime(i)
1848 C
1849  GO TO 500
1850 C
1851 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1852 C This block is for continuation calls only.
1853 C Its purpose is to check stop conditions before taking a step.
1854 C Adjust H if necessary to meet HMAX bound.
1855 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1856 C
1857 400 CONTINUE
1858  uround=rwork(lround)
1859  done = .false.
1860  tn=rwork(ltn)
1861  h=rwork(lh)
1862  IF(info(7) .EQ. 0) GO TO 410
1863  rh = abs(h)/rwork(lhmax)
1864  IF(rh .GT. 1.0d0) h = h/rh
1865 410 CONTINUE
1866  IF(t .EQ. tout) GO TO 719
1867  IF((t - tout)*h .GT. 0.0d0) GO TO 711
1868  IF(info(4) .EQ. 1) GO TO 430
1869  IF(info(3) .EQ. 1) GO TO 420
1870  IF((tn-tout)*h.LT.0.0d0)GO TO 490
1871  CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1872  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1873  t=tout
1874  idid = 3
1875  done = .true.
1876  GO TO 490
1877 420 IF((tn-t)*h .LE. 0.0d0) GO TO 490
1878  IF((tn - tout)*h .GT. 0.0d0) GO TO 425
1879  CALL ddatrp(tn,tn,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1880  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1881  t = tn
1882  idid = 1
1883  done = .true.
1884  GO TO 490
1885 425 CONTINUE
1886  CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1887  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1888  t = tout
1889  idid = 3
1890  done = .true.
1891  GO TO 490
1892 430 IF(info(3) .EQ. 1) GO TO 440
1893  tstop=rwork(ltstop)
1894  IF((tn-tstop)*h.GT.0.0d0) GO TO 715
1895  IF((tstop-tout)*h.LT.0.0d0)GO TO 709
1896  IF((tn-tout)*h.LT.0.0d0)GO TO 450
1897  CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1898  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1899  t=tout
1900  idid = 3
1901  done = .true.
1902  GO TO 490
1903 440 tstop = rwork(ltstop)
1904  IF((tn-tstop)*h .GT. 0.0d0) GO TO 715
1905  IF((tstop-tout)*h .LT. 0.0d0) GO TO 709
1906  IF((tn-t)*h .LE. 0.0d0) GO TO 450
1907  IF((tn - tout)*h .GT. 0.0d0) GO TO 445
1908  CALL ddatrp(tn,tn,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1909  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1910  t = tn
1911  idid = 1
1912  done = .true.
1913  GO TO 490
1914 445 CONTINUE
1915  CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1916  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1917  t = tout
1918  idid = 3
1919  done = .true.
1920  GO TO 490
1921 450 CONTINUE
1922 C
1923 C Check whether we are within roundoff of TSTOP.
1924 C
1925  IF(abs(tn-tstop).GT.100.0d0*uround*
1926  * (abs(tn)+abs(h)))GO TO 460
1927  CALL ddatrp(tn,tstop,y,yprime,neq,iwork(lkold),
1928  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
1929  idid=2
1930  t=tstop
1931  done = .true.
1932  GO TO 490
1933 460 tnext=tn+h
1934  IF((tnext-tstop)*h.LE.0.0d0)GO TO 490
1935  h=tstop-tn
1936  rwork(lh)=h
1937 C
1938 490 IF (done) GO TO 590
1939 C
1940 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1941 C The next block contains the call to the one-step integrator DDSTP.
1942 C This is a looping point for the integration steps.
1943 C Check for too many steps.
1944 C Check for poor Newton/Krylov performance.
1945 C Update WT. Check for too much accuracy requested.
1946 C Compute minimum stepsize.
1947 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1948 C
1949 500 CONTINUE
1950 C
1951 C Check for too many steps.
1952 C
1953  IF((iwork(lnst)-iwork(lnstl)).LT.500) GO TO 505
1954  idid=-1
1955  GO TO 527
1956 C
1957 C Check for poor Newton/Krylov performance.
1958 C
1959 505 IF (info(12) .EQ. 0) GO TO 510
1960  nstd = iwork(lnst) - iwork(lnstl)
1961  nnid = iwork(lnni) - nni0
1962  IF (nstd .LT. 10 .OR. nnid .EQ. 0) GO TO 510
1963  avlin = real(iwork(lnli) - nli0)/real(nnid)
1964  rcfn = real(iwork(lncfn) - ncfn0)/real(nstd)
1965  rcfl = real(iwork(lncfl) - ncfl0)/real(nnid)
1966  fmaxl = iwork(lmaxl)
1967  lavl = avlin .GT. fmaxl
1968  lcfn = rcfn .GT. 0.9d0
1969  lcfl = rcfl .GT. 0.9d0
1970  lwarn = lavl .OR. lcfn .OR. lcfl
1971  IF (.NOT.lwarn) GO TO 510
1972  nwarn = nwarn + 1
1973  IF (nwarn .GT. 10) GO TO 510
1974  IF (lavl) THEN
1975  msg = 'DASPK-- Warning. Poor iterative algorithm performance '
1976  CALL xerrwd (msg, 56, 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0)
1977  msg = ' at T = R1. Average no. of linear iterations = R2 '
1978  CALL xerrwd (msg, 56, 501, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, tn, avlin)
1979  ENDIF
1980  IF (lcfn) THEN
1981  msg = 'DASPK-- Warning. Poor iterative algorithm performance '
1982  CALL xerrwd (msg, 56, 502, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0)
1983  msg = ' at T = R1. Nonlinear convergence failure rate = R2'
1984  CALL xerrwd (msg, 56, 502, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, tn, rcfn)
1985  ENDIF
1986  IF (lcfl) THEN
1987  msg = 'DASPK-- Warning. Poor iterative algorithm performance '
1988  CALL xerrwd (msg, 56, 503, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0)
1989  msg = ' at T = R1. Linear convergence failure rate = R2 '
1990  CALL xerrwd (msg, 56, 503, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, tn, rcfl)
1991  ENDIF
1992 C
1993 C Update WT and VT, if this is not the first call.
1994 C
1995 510 CALL ddawts(neq,info(2),rtol,atol,rwork(lphi),rwork(lwt),
1996  * rpar,ipar)
1997  CALL dinvwt(neq,rwork(lwt),ier)
1998  IF (ier .NE. 0) THEN
1999  idid = -3
2000  GO TO 527
2001  ENDIF
2002  IF (info(16) .NE. 0) THEN
2003  DO 515 i = 1, neq
2004  515 rwork(lvt+i-1) = max(iwork(lid+i-1),0)*rwork(lwt+i-1)
2005  ENDIF
2006 C
2007 C Test for too much accuracy requested.
2008 C
2009  r = ddwnrm(neq,rwork(lphi),rwork(lwt),rpar,ipar)*100.0d0*uround
2010  IF (r .LE. 1.0d0) GO TO 525
2011 C
2012 C Multiply RTOL and ATOL by R and return.
2013 C
2014  IF(info(2).EQ.1)GO TO 523
2015  rtol(1)=r*rtol(1)
2016  atol(1)=r*atol(1)
2017  idid=-2
2018  GO TO 527
2019 523 DO 524 i=1,neq
2020  rtol(i)=r*rtol(i)
2021 524 atol(i)=r*atol(i)
2022  idid=-2
2023  GO TO 527
2024 525 CONTINUE
2025 C
2026 C Compute minimum stepsize.
2027 C
2028  hmin=4.0d0*uround*max(abs(tn),abs(tout))
2029 C
2030 C Test H vs. HMAX
2031  IF (info(7) .NE. 0) THEN
2032  rh = abs(h)/rwork(lhmax)
2033  IF (rh .GT. 1.0d0) h = h/rh
2034  ENDIF
2035 C
2036 C Call the one-step integrator.
2037 C Note that INFO(12) represents the nonlinear solver type.
2038 C Pass the required nonlinear solver, depending upon INFO(12).
2039 C
2040  IF (info(12) .EQ. 0) THEN
2041  CALL ddstp(tn,y,yprime,neq,
2042  * res,jac,psol,h,rwork(lwt),rwork(lvt),info(1),idid,rpar,ipar,
2043  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lsavr),rwork(ldelta),rwork(le),
2044  * rwork(lwm),iwork(liwm),
2045  * rwork(lalpha),rwork(lbeta),rwork(lgamma),
2046  * rwork(lpsi),rwork(lsigma),
2047  * rwork(lcj),rwork(lcjold),rwork(lhold),rwork(ls),hmin,
2048  * rwork(lround), rwork(lepli),rwork(lsqrn),rwork(lrsqrn),
2049  * rwork(lepcon), iwork(lphase),iwork(ljcalc),info(15),
2050  * iwork(lk), iwork(lkold),iwork(lns),nonneg,info(12),
2051  * dnedd)
2052  ELSE IF (info(12) .EQ. 1) THEN
2053  CALL ddstp(tn,y,yprime,neq,
2054  * res,jac,psol,h,rwork(lwt),rwork(lvt),info(1),idid,rpar,ipar,
2055  * rwork(lphi),rwork(lsavr),rwork(ldelta),rwork(le),
2056  * rwork(lwm),iwork(liwm),
2057  * rwork(lalpha),rwork(lbeta),rwork(lgamma),
2058  * rwork(lpsi),rwork(lsigma),
2059  * rwork(lcj),rwork(lcjold),rwork(lhold),rwork(ls),hmin,
2060  * rwork(lround), rwork(lepli),rwork(lsqrn),rwork(lrsqrn),
2061  * rwork(lepcon), iwork(lphase),iwork(ljcalc),info(15),
2062  * iwork(lk), iwork(lkold),iwork(lns),nonneg,info(12),
2063  * dnedk)
2064  ENDIF
2065 C
2066 527 IF(idid.LT.0)GO TO 600
2067 C
2068 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2069 C This block handles the case of a successful return from DDSTP
2070 C (IDID=1). Test for stop conditions.
2071 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2072 C
2073  IF(info(4).NE.0)GO TO 540
2074  IF(info(3).NE.0)GO TO 530
2075  IF((tn-tout)*h.LT.0.0d0)GO TO 500
2076  CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,
2077  * iwork(lkold),rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
2078  idid=3
2079  t=tout
2080  GO TO 580
2081 530 IF((tn-tout)*h.GE.0.0d0)GO TO 535
2082  t=tn
2083  idid=1
2084  GO TO 580
2085 535 CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,
2086  * iwork(lkold),rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
2087  idid=3
2088  t=tout
2089  GO TO 580
2090 540 IF(info(3).NE.0)GO TO 550
2091  IF((tn-tout)*h.LT.0.0d0)GO TO 542
2092  CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,
2093  * iwork(lkold),rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
2094  t=tout
2095  idid=3
2096  GO TO 580
2097 542 IF(abs(tn-tstop).LE.100.0d0*uround*
2098  * (abs(tn)+abs(h)))GO TO 545
2099  tnext=tn+h
2100  IF((tnext-tstop)*h.LE.0.0d0)GO TO 500
2101  h=tstop-tn
2102  GO TO 500
2103 545 CALL ddatrp(tn,tstop,y,yprime,neq,
2104  * iwork(lkold),rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
2105  idid=2
2106  t=tstop
2107  GO TO 580
2108 550 IF((tn-tout)*h.GE.0.0d0)GO TO 555
2109  IF(abs(tn-tstop).LE.100.0d0*uround*(abs(tn)+abs(h)))GO TO 552
2110  t=tn
2111  idid=1
2112  GO TO 580
2113 552 CALL ddatrp(tn,tstop,y,yprime,neq,
2114  * iwork(lkold),rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
2115  idid=2
2116  t=tstop
2117  GO TO 580
2118 555 CALL ddatrp(tn,tout,y,yprime,neq,
2119  * iwork(lkold),rwork(lphi),rwork(lpsi))
2120  t=tout
2121  idid=3
2122 580 CONTINUE
2123 C
2124 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2125 C All successful returns from DDASPK are made from this block.
2126 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2127 C
2128 590 CONTINUE
2129  rwork(ltn)=tn
2130  rwork(lh)=h
2131  RETURN
2132 C
2133 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2134 C This block handles all unsuccessful returns other than for
2135 C illegal input.
2136 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2137 C
2138 600 CONTINUE
2139  itemp = -idid
2140  GO TO (610,620,630,700,655,640,650,660,670,675,
2141  * 680,685,690,695), itemp
2142 C
2143 C The maximum number of steps was taken before
2144 C reaching tout.
2145 C
2146 610 msg = 'DASPK-- AT CURRENT T (=R1) 500 STEPS'
2147  CALL xerrwd(msg,38,610,0,0,0,0,1,tn,0.0d0)
2149  CALL xerrwd(msg,48,611,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2150  GO TO 700
2151 C
2152 C Too much accuracy for machine precision.
2153 C
2155  CALL xerrwd(msg,47,620,0,0,0,0,1,tn,0.0d0)
2157  CALL xerrwd(msg,48,621,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2159  CALL xerrwd(msg,45,622,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2160  GO TO 700
2161 C
2162 C WT(I) .LE. 0.0D0 for some I (not at start of problem).
2163 C
2164 630 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) SOME ELEMENT OF WT'
2165  CALL xerrwd(msg,38,630,0,0,0,0,1,tn,0.0d0)
2166  msg = .LE.'DASPK-- HAS BECOME 0.0'
2167  CALL xerrwd(msg,28,631,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2168  GO TO 700
2169 C
2170 C Error test failed repeatedly or with H=HMIN.
2171 C
2172 640 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2173  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,640,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2175  CALL xerrwd(msg,57,641,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2176  GO TO 700
2177 C
2178 C Nonlinear solver failed to converge repeatedly or with H=HMIN.
2179 C
2180 650 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2181  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,650,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2183  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,651,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2185  CALL xerrwd(msg,40,652,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2186  GO TO 700
2187 C
2188 C The preconditioner had repeated failures.
2189 C
2190 655 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2191  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,655,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2193  CALL xerrwd(msg,46,656,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2194  GO TO 700
2195 C
2196 C The iteration matrix is singular.
2197 C
2198 660 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2199  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,660,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2201  CALL xerrwd(msg,38,661,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2202  GO TO 700
2203 C
2204 C Nonlinear system failure preceded by error test failures.
2205 C
2206 670 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2207  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,670,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2209  CALL xerrwd(msg,45,671,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2211  CALL xerrwd(msg,49,672,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2212  GO TO 700
2213 C
2214 C Nonlinear system failure because IRES = -1.
2215 C
2216 675 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2217  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,675,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2219  CALL xerrwd(msg,51,676,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2221  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,677,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2222  GO TO 700
2223 C
2224 C Failure because IRES = -2.
2225 C
2226 680 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2)'
2227  CALL xerrwd(msg,40,680,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2229  CALL xerrwd(msg,36,681,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2230  GO TO 700
2231 C
2232 C Failed to compute initial YPRIME.
2233 C
2234 685 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2235  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,685,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2237  CALL xerrwd(msg,49,686,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h0)
2238  GO TO 700
2239 C
2240 C Failure because IER was negative from PSOL.
2241 C
2242 690 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2)'
2243  CALL xerrwd(msg,40,690,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2245  CALL xerrwd(msg,35,691,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2246  GO TO 700
2247 C
2248 C Failure because the linear system solver could not converge.
2249 C
2250 695 msg = 'DASPK-- AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE'
2251  CALL xerrwd(msg,44,695,0,0,0,0,2,tn,h)
2253  CALL xerrwd(msg,50,696,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2254  GO TO 700
2255 C
2256 C
2257 700 CONTINUE
2258  info(1)=-1
2259  t=tn
2260  rwork(ltn)=tn
2261  rwork(lh)=h
2262  RETURN
2263 C
2264 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2265 C This block handles all error returns due to illegal input,
2266 C as detected before calling DDSTP.
2267 C First the error message routine is called. If this happens
2268 C twice in succession, execution is terminated.
2269 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2270 C
2272  CALL xerrwd(msg,50,1,0,1,itemp,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2273  GO TO 750
2274 702 msg = .LE.'DASPK-- NEQ (=I1) 0'
2275  CALL xerrwd(msg,25,2,0,1,neq,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2276  GO TO 750
2277 703 msg = 'DASPK-- MAXORD (=I1) NOT IN RANGE'
2278  CALL xerrwd(msg,34,3,0,1,mxord,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2279  GO TO 750
2281  CALL xerrwd(msg,60,4,0,2,lenrw,lrw,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2282  GO TO 750
2284  CALL xerrwd(msg,60,5,0,2,leniw,liw,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2285  GO TO 750
2286 706 msg = .LT.'DASPK-- SOME ELEMENT OF RTOL IS 0'
2287  CALL xerrwd(msg,39,6,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2288  GO TO 750
2289 707 msg = .LT.'DASPK-- SOME ELEMENT OF ATOL IS 0'
2290  CALL xerrwd(msg,39,7,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2291  GO TO 750
2293  CALL xerrwd(msg,47,8,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2294  GO TO 750
2295 709 msg='DASPK-- INFO(4) = 1 AND TSTOP (=R1) BEHIND TOUT (=R2)'
2296  CALL xerrwd(msg,54,9,0,0,0,0,2,tstop,tout)
2297  GO TO 750
2298 710 msg = .LT.'DASPK-- HMAX (=R1) 0.0'
2299  CALL xerrwd(msg,28,10,0,0,0,0,1,hmax,0.0d0)
2300  GO TO 750
2301 711 msg = 'DASPK-- TOUT (=R1) BEHIND T (=R2)'
2302  CALL xerrwd(msg,34,11,0,0,0,0,2,tout,t)
2303  GO TO 750
2304 712 msg = 'DASPK-- INFO(8)=1 AND H0=0.0'
2305  CALL xerrwd(msg,29,12,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2306  GO TO 750
2307 713 msg = .LE.'DASPK-- SOME ELEMENT OF WT IS 0.0'
2308  CALL xerrwd(msg,39,13,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2309  GO TO 750
2311  CALL xerrwd(msg,60,14,0,0,0,0,2,tout,t)
2312  GO TO 750
2313 715 msg = 'DASPK-- INFO(4)=1 AND TSTOP (=R1) BEHIND T (=R2)'
2314  CALL xerrwd(msg,49,15,0,0,0,0,2,tstop,t)
2315  GO TO 750
2316 717 msg = .LT..GT.'DASPK-- ML (=I1) ILLEGAL. EITHER 0 OR NEQ'
2317  CALL xerrwd(msg,52,17,0,1,iwork(lml),0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2318  GO TO 750
2319 718 msg = .LT..GT.'DASPK-- MU (=I1) ILLEGAL. EITHER 0 OR NEQ'
2320  CALL xerrwd(msg,52,18,0,1,iwork(lmu),0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2321  GO TO 750
2322 719 msg = 'DASPK-- TOUT (=R1) IS EQUAL TO T (=R2)'
2323  CALL xerrwd(msg,39,19,0,0,0,0,2,tout,t)
2324  GO TO 750
2325 720 msg = .LT..GT.'DASPK-- MAXL (=I1) ILLEGAL. EITHER 1 OR NEQ'
2326  CALL xerrwd(msg,54,20,0,1,iwork(lmaxl),0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2327  GO TO 750
2328 721 msg = .LT..GT.'DASPK-- KMP (=I1) ILLEGAL. EITHER 1 OR MAXL'
2329  CALL xerrwd(msg,54,21,0,1,iwork(lkmp),0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2330  GO TO 750
2331 722 msg = .LT.'DASPK-- NRMAX (=I1) ILLEGAL. 0'
2332  CALL xerrwd(msg,36,22,0,1,iwork(lnrmax),0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2333  GO TO 750
2334 723 msg = .LE..GE.'DASPK-- EPLI (=R1) ILLEGAL. EITHER 0.D0 OR 1.D0'
2335  CALL xerrwd(msg,58,23,0,0,0,0,1,rwork(lepli),0.0d0)
2336  GO TO 750
2337 724 msg = .NE.'DASPK-- ILLEGAL IWORK VALUE FOR INFO(11) 0'
2338  CALL xerrwd(msg,48,24,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2339  GO TO 750
2340 725 msg = 'DASPK-- ONE OF THE INPUTS FOR INFO(17) = 1 IS ILLEGAL'
2341  CALL xerrwd(msg,54,25,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2342  GO TO 750
2343 726 msg = .NE.'DASPK-- ILLEGAL IWORK VALUE FOR INFO(10) 0'
2344  CALL xerrwd(msg,48,26,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2345  GO TO 750
2346 727 msg = 'DASPK-- Y(I) AND IWORK(40+I) (I=I1) INCONSISTENT'
2347  CALL xerrwd(msg,49,27,0,1,iret,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2348  GO TO 750
2349 750 IF(info(1).EQ.-1) GO TO 760
2350  info(1)=-1
2351  idid=-33
2352  RETURN
2354  CALL xerrwd(msg,46,701,0,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2356  CALL xerrwd(msg,47,702,1,0,0,0,0,0.0d0,0.0d0)
2357  RETURN
2358 C
2359 C------END OF SUBROUTINE DDASPK-----------------------------------------
2360  END
charNDArray max(char d, const charNDArray &m)
charNDArray min(char d, const charNDArray &m)
double precision function d1mach(i)
Definition: d1mach.f:23
ColumnVector real(const ComplexColumnVector &a)
subroutine dcnst0(NEQ, Y, ICNSTR, IRET)
Definition: dcnst0.f:6
Definition: ddasic.f:9
Definition: ddasid.f:9
Definition: ddasik.f:9
Definition: ddaspk.f:7
subroutine ddatrp(X, XOUT, YOUT, YPOUT, NEQ, KOLD, PHI, PSI)
Definition: ddatrp.f:2
subroutine ddawts(NEQ, IWT, RTOL, ATOL, Y, WT, RPAR, IPAR)
Definition: ddawts.f:2
Definition: ddstp.f:10
double precision function ddwnrm(NEQ, V, RWT, RPAR, IPAR)
Definition: ddwnrm.f:6
subroutine dinvwt(NEQ, WT, IER)
Definition: dinvwt.f:6
Definition: dnedd.f:9
Definition: dnedk.f:9
static T abs(T x)
subroutine xerrwd(MSG, NMES, NERR, LEVEL, NI, I1, I2, NR, R1, R2)
Definition: xerrwd.f:4