GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2007, 2013 by Robert Knight <>
4  Rewritten for QT4 by e_k <e_k at>, Copyright (C)2008
5  Adoption to octave by Torsten <>, Copyright (c) 2017
7  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  (at your option) any later version.
12  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
20  02110-1301 USA.
21 */
23 // Own
24 #include "unix/Filter.h"
26 // Qt
27 #include <QDesktopServices>
28 #include <QAction>
29 #include <QApplication>
30 #include <QClipboard>
31 #include <QtCore/QString>
33 #include <QtCore/QSharedData>
34 #include <QtCore>
36 // Konsole
40 {
41  QMutableListIterator<Filter*> iter(*this);
43  while ( iter.hasNext() )
44  {
45  Filter* filter =;
46  iter.remove();
47  delete filter;
48  }
49 }
52 {
53  append(filter);
54 }
56 {
57  removeAll(filter);
58 }
60 {
61  return contains(filter);
62 }
64 {
65  QListIterator<Filter*> iter(*this);
66  while (iter.hasNext())
68 }
69 void FilterChain::setBuffer(const QString* buffer , const QList<int>* linePositions)
70 {
71  QListIterator<Filter*> iter(*this);
72  while (iter.hasNext())
74 }
76 {
77  QListIterator<Filter*> iter(*this);
78  while (iter.hasNext())
80 }
82 {
84 }
86 {
87  QListIterator<Filter*> iter(*this);
88  while (iter.hasNext())
89  {
90  Filter* filter =;
91  Filter::HotSpot* spot = filter->hotSpotAt(line,column);
92  if ( spot != nullptr )
93  {
94  return spot;
95  }
96  }
98  return nullptr;
99 }
102 {
104  QListIterator<Filter*> iter(*this);
105  while (iter.hasNext())
106  {
107  Filter* filter =;
108  list << filter->hotSpots();
109  }
110  return list;
111 }
114 : _buffer(nullptr)
115 , _linePositions(nullptr)
116 {
117 }
120 {
121  delete _buffer;
122  delete _linePositions;
123 }
125 void TerminalImageFilterChain::setImage(const Character* const image , int lines , int columns, const QVector<LineProperty>& lineProperties)
126 {
127 //qDebug("%s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
128  if (empty())
129  return;
130 //qDebug("%s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
132  // reset all filters and hotspots
133  reset();
134 //qDebug("%s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
136  PlainTextDecoder decoder;
137  decoder.setTrailingWhitespace(false);
139 //qDebug("%s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
140  // setup new shared buffers for the filters to process on
141  QString* newBuffer = new QString();
142  QList<int>* newLinePositions = new QList<int>();
143  setBuffer( newBuffer , newLinePositions );
145  // free the old buffers
146  delete _buffer;
147  delete _linePositions;
149  _buffer = newBuffer;
150  _linePositions = newLinePositions;
152  QTextStream lineStream(_buffer);
153  decoder.begin(&lineStream);
155  for (int i=0 ; i < lines ; i++)
156  {
157  _linePositions->append(_buffer->length());
158  decoder.decodeLine(image + i*columns,columns,LINE_DEFAULT);
160  // pretend that each line ends with a newline character.
161  // this prevents a link that occurs at the end of one line
162  // being treated as part of a link that occurs at the start of the next line
163  //
164  // the downside is that links which are spread over more than one line are not
165  // highlighted.
166  //
167  // TODO - Use the "line wrapped" attribute associated with lines in a
168  // terminal image to avoid adding this imaginary character for wrapped
169  // lines
170  if ( !(lineProperties.value(i,LINE_DEFAULT) & LINE_WRAPPED) )
171  lineStream << QChar('\n');
172  }
173  decoder.end();
174 // qDebug("%s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
175 }
178 _linePositions(nullptr),
179 _buffer(nullptr)
180 {
181 }
184 {
185  QListIterator<HotSpot*> iter(_hotspotList);
186  while (iter.hasNext())
187  {
188  delete;
189  }
190 }
192 {
193  _hotspots.clear();
194  _hotspotList.clear();
195 }
197 void Filter::setBuffer(const QString* buffer , const QList<int>* linePositions)
198 {
199  _buffer = buffer;
200  _linePositions = linePositions;
201 }
203 void Filter::getLineColumn(int position , int& startLine , int& startColumn)
204 {
205  Q_ASSERT( _linePositions );
206  Q_ASSERT( _buffer );
209  for (int i = 0 ; i < _linePositions->count() ; i++)
210  {
211  //kDebug() << "line position at " << i << " = " << _linePositions[i];
212  int nextLine = 0;
214  if ( i == _linePositions->count()-1 )
215  {
216  nextLine = _buffer->length() + 1;
217  }
218  else
219  {
220  nextLine = _linePositions->value(i+1);
221  }
223  // kDebug() << "pos - " << position << " line pos(" << i<< ") " << _linePositions->value(i) <<
224  // " next = " << nextLine << " buffer len = " << _buffer->length();
226  if ( _linePositions->value(i) <= position && position < nextLine )
227  {
228  startLine = i;
229  startColumn = position - _linePositions->value(i);
230  return;
231  }
232  }
233 }
236 /*void Filter::addLine(const QString& text)
237 {
238  _linePositions << _buffer.length();
239  _buffer.append(text);
240 }*/
242 const QString* Filter::buffer()
243 {
244  return _buffer;
245 }
247 {
248 }
250 {
251  _hotspotList << spot;
253  for (int line = spot->startLine() ; line <= spot->endLine() ; line++)
254  {
255  _hotspots.insert(line,spot);
256  }
257 }
259 {
260  return _hotspotList;
261 }
263 {
264  return _hotspots.values(line);
265 }
267 Filter::HotSpot* Filter::hotSpotAt(int line , int column) const
268 {
269  QListIterator<HotSpot*> spotIter(_hotspots.values(line));
271  while (spotIter.hasNext())
272  {
273  HotSpot* spot =;
275  if ( spot->startLine() == line && spot->startColumn() > column )
276  continue;
277  if ( spot->endLine() == line && spot->endColumn() < column )
278  continue;
280  return spot;
281  }
283  return nullptr;
284 }
286 Filter::HotSpot::HotSpot(int startLine , int startColumn , int endLine , int endColumn)
287  : _startLine(startLine)
288  , _startColumn(startColumn)
289  , _endLine(endLine)
290  , _endColumn(endColumn)
291  , _type(NotSpecified)
292 {
293 }
295 {
296  return QString();
297 }
299 {
300  return QList<QAction*>();
301 }
303 {
304  return _startLine;
305 }
307 {
308  return _endLine;
309 }
311 {
312  return _startColumn;
313 }
315 {
316  return _endColumn;
317 }
319 {
320  return _type;
321 }
323 {
324  _type = type;
325 }
328  : _type (t)
329 {
330 }
332 RegExpFilter::HotSpot::HotSpot(int startLine,int startColumn,
333  int endLine,int endColumn, Filter::Type t)
334  : Filter::HotSpot(startLine,startColumn,endLine,endColumn)
335 {
336  setType(t);
337 }
340 {
341 }
343 void RegExpFilter::HotSpot::setCapturedTexts(const QStringList& texts)
344 {
345  _capturedTexts = texts;
346 }
348 {
349  return _capturedTexts;
350 }
352 void RegExpFilter::setRegExp(const QRegExp& regExp)
353 {
355 }
356 QRegExp RegExpFilter::regExp() const
357 {
358  return _searchText;
359 }
360 /*void RegExpFilter::reset(int)
361 {
362  _buffer = QString();
363 }*/
365 {
366  int pos = 0;
367  const QString* text = buffer();
369  Q_ASSERT( text );
371  // ignore any regular expressions which match an empty string.
372  // otherwise the while loop below will run indefinitely
373  static const QString emptyString("");
374  if ( _searchText.exactMatch(emptyString) )
375  return;
377  while(pos >= 0)
378  {
379  pos = _searchText.indexIn(*text,pos);
381  if ( pos >= 0 )
382  {
384  int startLine = 0;
385  int endLine = 0;
386  int startColumn = 0;
387  int endColumn = 0;
390  //kDebug() << "pos from " << pos << " to " << pos + _searchText.matchedLength();
392  getLineColumn(pos,startLine,startColumn);
393  getLineColumn(pos + _searchText.matchedLength(),endLine,endColumn);
395  RegExpFilter::HotSpot* spot = newHotSpot(startLine,startColumn,
396  endLine,endColumn,_type);
397  spot->setCapturedTexts(_searchText.capturedTexts());
399  addHotSpot( spot );
400  pos += _searchText.matchedLength();
402  // if matchedLength == 0, the program will get stuck in an infinite loop
403  Q_ASSERT( _searchText.matchedLength() > 0 );
404  }
405  }
406 }
408 RegExpFilter::HotSpot* RegExpFilter::newHotSpot(int startLine,int startColumn,
409  int endLine,int endColumn,
410  Filter::Type t)
411 {
412  return new RegExpFilter::HotSpot(startLine,startColumn,
413  endLine,endColumn, t);
414 }
415 UrlFilter::HotSpot* UrlFilter::newHotSpot(int startLine,int startColumn,int endLine,
416  int endColumn, Filter::Type t)
417 {
418  return new UrlFilter::HotSpot(startLine,startColumn,
419  endLine,endColumn,t);
420 }
423 {
424  int pos = 0;
425  const QString* text = buffer();
427  Q_ASSERT( text );
429  // ignore any regular expressions which match an empty string.
430  // otherwise the while loop below will run indefinitely
431  static const QString emptyString("");
432  if ( _searchText.exactMatch(emptyString) )
433  return;
435  while(pos >= 0)
436  {
437  pos = _searchText.indexIn(*text,pos);
439  if ( pos >= 0 )
440  {
442  int startLine = 0;
443  int endLine = 0;
444  int startColumn = 0;
445  int endColumn = 0;
448  //kDebug() << "pos from " << pos << " to " << pos + _searchText.matchedLength();
450  getLineColumn(pos,startLine,startColumn);
451  getLineColumn(pos + _searchText.matchedLength(),endLine,endColumn);
453  UrlFilter::HotSpot* spot = newHotSpot(startLine,startColumn,
454  endLine,endColumn,_type);
455  spot->setCapturedTexts(_searchText.capturedTexts());
457  // Connect the signal of the urlobject to the slot of the filter;
458  // the filter is then signaling to the main window
459  connect (spot->get_urlObject (),
460  SIGNAL (request_open_file_signal (const QString&, int)),
461  this, SLOT (request_open_file (const QString&, int)));
463  addHotSpot( spot );
464  pos += _searchText.matchedLength();
466  // if matchedLength == 0, the program will get stuck in an infinite loop
467  Q_ASSERT( _searchText.matchedLength() > 0 );
468  }
469  }
470 }
472 UrlFilter::HotSpot::HotSpot(int startLine,int startColumn,
473  int endLine,int endColumn,Type t)
474 : RegExpFilter::HotSpot(startLine,startColumn,endLine,endColumn,t)
475 , _urlObject(new FilterObject(this))
476 {
477 }
480 {
481  QString url = capturedTexts().first();
483  const UrlType kind = urlType();
485  if ( kind == StandardUrl )
486  return QString();
487  else if ( kind == Email )
488  return QString();
489  else
490  return QString();
491 }
493 {
494  QString url = capturedTexts().first();
496  if ( FullUrlRegExp.exactMatch(url) )
497  return StandardUrl;
498  else if ( EmailAddressRegExp.exactMatch(url) )
499  return Email;
500  else if ( ErrorLinkRegExp.exactMatch(url) )
501  return ErrorLink;
502  else if ( ParseErrorLinkRegExp.exactMatch(url) )
503  return ParseErrorLink;
504  else
505  return Unknown;
506 }
509 {
510  QString url = capturedTexts().first();
512  const UrlType kind = urlType();
514  const QString& actionName = object ? object->objectName() : QString();
516  if ( actionName == "copy-action" )
517  {
518  //kDebug() << "Copying url to clipboard:" << url;
520  QApplication::clipboard()->setText(url);
521  return;
522  }
524  if ( !object || actionName == "open-action" )
525  {
526  if ( kind == StandardUrl )
527  {
528  // if the URL path does not include the protocol ( eg. "" ) then
529  // prepend http:// ( eg. "" --> "" )
530  if (!url.contains("://"))
531  url.prepend("http://");
532  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (url));
533  }
534  else if ( kind == Email )
535  {
536  url.prepend("mailto:");
537  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (url));
538  }
539  else if (kind == ErrorLink)
540  {
541  int pos = ErrorLinkRegExp.indexIn (url);
542  if (pos > -1)
543  {
544  QString file_name = ErrorLinkRegExp.cap (1);
545  QString line = ErrorLinkRegExp.cap (2);
546  // call the urlobject's method for opening a file; this
547  // method then signals to the filter
548  _urlObject->request_open_file (file_name, line.toInt ());
549  }
550  }
551  else if (kind == ParseErrorLink)
552  {
553  int pos = ParseErrorLinkRegExp.indexIn (url);
554  if (pos > -1)
555  {
556  QString line = ParseErrorLinkRegExp.cap (1);
557  QString file_name = ParseErrorLinkRegExp.cap (2);
558  // call the urlobject's method for opening a file; this
559  // method then signals to the filter
560  _urlObject->request_open_file (file_name, line.toInt ());
561  }
562  }
565  }
567 }
569 // Note: Altering these regular expressions can have a major effect on the performance of the filters
570 // used for finding URLs in the text, especially if they are very general and could match very long
571 // pieces of text.
572 // Please be careful when altering them.
574 //regexp matches:
575 // full url:
576 // protocolname:// or www. followed by anything other than whitespaces, <, >, ' or ", and ends before whitespaces, <, >, ', ", ], !, comma and dot
577 const QRegExp UrlFilter::FullUrlRegExp("(www\\.(?!\\.)|[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*://)[^\\s<>'\"]+[^!,\\.\\s<>'\"\\]]");
578 // email address:
579 // [word chars, dots or dashes]@[word chars, dots or dashes].[word chars]
580 const QRegExp UrlFilter::EmailAddressRegExp("\\b(\\w|\\.|-)+@(\\w|\\.|-)+\\.\\w+\\b");
581 // matches full url or email address
582 const QRegExp UrlFilter::CompleteUrlRegExp('('+FullUrlRegExp.pattern()+'|'+
583  EmailAddressRegExp.pattern()+')');
584 // error link:
585 // normal error
586 const QRegExp UrlFilter::ErrorLinkRegExp ("(\\S+) at line (\\d+) column (?:\\d+)");
587 // parse error
588 const QRegExp UrlFilter::ParseErrorLinkRegExp ("parse error near line (\\d+) of file (\\S+)");
589 // complete regexp
590 const QRegExp UrlFilter::CompleteErrorLinkRegExp ('('+ErrorLinkRegExp.pattern ()+'|'+
591  ParseErrorLinkRegExp.pattern ()+')');
595  : RegExpFilter (t)
596 {
597  if (_type == ErrorLink)
599  else
601 }
603 {
604  delete _urlObject;
605 }
607 {
608  _filter->activate(sender());
609 }
611 {
612  QList<QAction*> list;
614  const UrlType kind = urlType();
616  QAction* openAction = new QAction(_urlObject);
617  QAction* copyAction = new QAction(_urlObject);;
619  Q_ASSERT (kind == StandardUrl || kind == Email
620  || kind == ErrorLink
621  || kind == ParseErrorLink);
623  if ( kind == StandardUrl )
624  {
625  openAction->setText(tr ("Open Link"));
626  copyAction->setText(tr ("Copy Link Address"));
627  }
628  else if ( kind == Email )
629  {
630  openAction->setText(tr ("Send Email To..."));
631  copyAction->setText(tr ("Copy Email Address"));
632  }
633  else if ( kind == ErrorLink )
634  {
635  QString url = capturedTexts().first();
636  int pos = ErrorLinkRegExp.indexIn (url);
637  if (pos >= 0)
638  {
639  QString file_name = ErrorLinkRegExp.cap (1);
640  QString line = ErrorLinkRegExp.cap (2);
641  openAction->setText(tr ("Edit %1 at line %2")
642  .arg (file_name).arg (line));
643  }
644  }
645  else if ( kind == ParseErrorLink )
646  {
647  QString url = capturedTexts().first();
648  int pos = ParseErrorLinkRegExp.indexIn (url);
649  if (pos >= 0)
650  {
651  QString line = ParseErrorLinkRegExp.cap (1);
652  QString file_name = ParseErrorLinkRegExp.cap (2);
653  openAction->setText(tr ("Edit %1 at line %2")
654  .arg (file_name).arg (line));
655  }
656  }
658  // object names are set here so that the hotspot performs the
659  // correct action when activated() is called with the triggered
660  // action passed as a parameter.
661  openAction->setObjectName("open-action");
662  copyAction->setObjectName("copy-action");
664  QObject::connect( openAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) , _urlObject , SLOT(activated()) );
665  list << openAction;
667  if (kind != ErrorLink && kind != ParseErrorLink)
668  {
669  QObject::connect ( copyAction , SIGNAL(triggered()) ,
670  _urlObject , SLOT(activated()) );
671  list << copyAction;
672  }
673  return list;
674 }
676 void
677 UrlFilter::request_open_file (const QString& file, int line)
678 {
679  QFileInfo file_info = QFileInfo (file);
681  // We have to distinguish between a parse error, where we get the full
682  // path of the file or a general error in a script, where we only get
683  // the function name. depending on this we have to invoke different
684  // slots in main_window
685  if (file_info.isAbsolute () && file_info.exists ())
686  emit request_open_file_signal (file, line);
687  else
688  emit request_edit_mfile_signal (file, line);
689 }
691 //#include "moc_Filter.cpp"
static const int LINE_WRAPPED
Definition: Character.h:37
static const int LINE_DEFAULT
Definition: Character.h:36
A single character in the terminal which consists of a unicode character value, foreground and backgr...
Definition: Character.h:56
void process()
Processes each filter in the chain.
Definition: Filter.cpp:75
bool containsFilter(Filter *filter)
Returns true if the chain contains filter.
Definition: Filter.cpp:59
void addFilter(Filter *filter)
Adds a new filter to the chain.
Definition: Filter.cpp:51
void removeFilter(Filter *filter)
Removes a filter from the chain.
Definition: Filter.cpp:55
void reset()
Resets each filter in the chain.
Definition: Filter.cpp:63
Filter::HotSpot * hotSpotAt(int line, int column) const
Returns the first hotspot which occurs at line, column or 0 if no hotspot was found.
Definition: Filter.cpp:85
virtual ~FilterChain()
Definition: Filter.cpp:39
QList< Filter::HotSpot * > hotSpots() const
Returns a list of all the hotspots in all the chain's filters.
Definition: Filter.cpp:101
void setBuffer(const QString *buffer, const QList< int > *linePositions)
Sets the buffer for each filter in the chain to process.
Definition: Filter.cpp:69
void clear()
Removes all filters from the chain.
Definition: Filter.cpp:81
void activated()
Definition: Filter.cpp:606
virtual QString tooltip() const
Returns the text of a tooltip to be shown when the mouse moves over the hotspot, or an empty string i...
Definition: Filter.cpp:294
int endLine() const
Returns the line where the hotspot area ends.
Definition: Filter.cpp:306
int startLine() const
Returns the line when the hotspot area starts.
Definition: Filter.cpp:302
virtual ~HotSpot()
Definition: Filter.cpp:246
int endColumn() const
Returns the column on endLine() where the hotspot area ends.
Definition: Filter.cpp:314
virtual QList< QAction * > actions()
Returns a list of actions associated with the hotspot which can be used in a menu or toolbar.
Definition: Filter.cpp:298
void setType(Type type)
Sets the type of a hotspot.
Definition: Filter.cpp:322
Type type() const
Returns the type of the hotspot.
Definition: Filter.cpp:318
HotSpot(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
Constructs a new hotspot which covers the area from (startLine,startColumn) to (endLine,...
Definition: Filter.cpp:286
int startColumn() const
Returns the column on startLine() where the hotspot area starts.
Definition: Filter.cpp:310
A filter processes blocks of text looking for certain patterns (such as URLs or keywords from a list)...
Definition: Filter.h:56
QList< HotSpot * > _hotspotList
Definition: Filter.h:186
const QString * _buffer
Definition: Filter.h:189
void setBuffer(const QString *buffer, const QList< int > *linePositions)
TODO: Document me.
Definition: Filter.cpp:197
virtual ~Filter()
Definition: Filter.cpp:183
QList< HotSpot * > hotSpotsAtLine(int line) const
Returns the list of hotspots identified by the filter which occur on a given line.
Definition: Filter.cpp:262
HotSpot * hotSpotAt(int line, int column) const
Adds a new line of text to the filter and increments the line count.
Definition: Filter.cpp:267
const QString * buffer()
Returns the internal buffer.
Definition: Filter.cpp:242
QMultiHash< int, HotSpot * > _hotspots
Definition: Filter.h:185
Represents an area of text which matched the pattern a particular filter has been looking for.
Definition: Filter.h:75
@ NotSpecified
Definition: Filter.h:77
@ ErrorLink
Definition: Filter.h:83
const QList< int > * _linePositions
Definition: Filter.h:188
QList< HotSpot * > hotSpots() const
Returns the list of hotspots identified by the filter.
Definition: Filter.cpp:258
Constructs a new filter.
Definition: Filter.cpp:177
void reset()
Empties the filters internal buffer and resets the line count back to 0.
Definition: Filter.cpp:191
void getLineColumn(int position, int &startLine, int &startColumn)
Converts a character position within buffer() to a line and column.
Definition: Filter.cpp:203
void addHotSpot(HotSpot *)
Adds a new hotspot to the list.
Definition: Filter.cpp:249
A terminal character decoder which produces plain text, ignoring colours and other appearance-related...
void setTrailingWhitespace(bool enable)
Set whether trailing whitespace at the end of lines should be included in the output.
virtual void decodeLine(const Character *const characters, int count, LineProperty properties)
Converts a line of terminal characters with associated properties into a text string and writes the s...
virtual void begin(QTextStream *output)
Begin decoding characters.
virtual void end()
End decoding.
Type of hotspot created by RegExpFilter.
Definition: Filter.h:210
virtual void activate(QObject *object=nullptr)
Causes the an action associated with a hotspot to be triggered.
Definition: Filter.cpp:339
HotSpot(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, Filter::Type)
Definition: Filter.cpp:332
QStringList capturedTexts() const
Returns the texts found by the filter when matching the filter's regular expression.
Definition: Filter.cpp:347
void setCapturedTexts(const QStringList &texts)
Sets the captured texts associated with this hotspot.
Definition: Filter.cpp:343
A filter which searches for sections of text matching a regular expression and creates a new RegExpFi...
Definition: Filter.h:200
virtual void process()
Reimplemented to search the filter's text buffer for text matching regExp()
Definition: Filter.cpp:364
void setRegExp(const QRegExp &text)
Sets the regular expression which the filter searches for in blocks of text.
Definition: Filter.cpp:352
void request_edit_mfile_signal(const QString &, int)
QRegExp regExp() const
Returns the regular expression which the filter searches for in blocks of text.
Definition: Filter.cpp:356
Constructs a new regular expression filter.
Definition: Filter.cpp:327
Type _type
Definition: Filter.h:257
QRegExp _searchText
Definition: Filter.h:259
void request_open_file_signal(const QString &, int)
virtual RegExpFilter::HotSpot * newHotSpot(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, Type)
Called when a match for the regular expression is encountered.
Definition: Filter.cpp:408
QList< int > * _linePositions
Definition: Filter.h:413
void setImage(const Character *const image, int lines, int columns, const QVector< LineProperty > &lineProperties)
Set the current terminal image to image.
Definition: Filter.cpp:125
virtual ~TerminalImageFilterChain()
Definition: Filter.cpp:119
Hotspot type created by UrlFilter instances.
Definition: Filter.h:276
FilterObject * get_urlObject()
Definition: Filter.h:291
FilterObject * _urlObject
Definition: Filter.h:304
UrlType urlType() const
Definition: Filter.cpp:492
virtual void activate(QObject *object=nullptr)
Open a web browser at the current URL.
Definition: Filter.cpp:508
virtual QString tooltip() const
Returns the text of a tooltip to be shown when the mouse moves over the hotspot, or an empty string i...
Definition: Filter.cpp:479
virtual ~HotSpot()
Definition: Filter.cpp:602
HotSpot(int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn, Type t)
Definition: Filter.cpp:472
virtual QList< QAction * > actions()
Returns a list of actions associated with the hotspot which can be used in a menu or toolbar.
Definition: Filter.cpp:610
void request_open_file(const QString &, int)
Definition: Filter.cpp:677
static const QRegExp FullUrlRegExp
Definition: Filter.h:319
virtual void process()
Reimplemented to search the filter's text buffer for text matching regExp()
Definition: Filter.cpp:422
UrlFilter(Type t=Link)
Definition: Filter.cpp:594
static const QRegExp CompleteUrlRegExp
Definition: Filter.h:326
static const QRegExp ErrorLinkRegExp
Definition: Filter.h:321
static const QRegExp ParseErrorLinkRegExp
Definition: Filter.h:322
virtual HotSpot * newHotSpot(int, int, int, int, Type)
Called when a match for the regular expression is encountered.
Definition: Filter.cpp:415
static const QRegExp CompleteErrorLinkRegExp
Definition: Filter.h:323
static const QRegExp EmailAddressRegExp
Definition: Filter.h:320
MArray< T > filter(MArray< T > &b, MArray< T > &a, MArray< T > &x, MArray< T > &si, int dim=0)