GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  This source file is part of Konsole, a terminal emulator.
4  Copyright (C) 2007, 2013 by Robert Knight <>
6  Rewritten for QT4 by e_k <e_k at>, Copyright (C)2008
8  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  (at your option) any later version.
13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  GNU General Public License for more details.
18  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
21  02110-1301 USA.
22 */
27 // Qt
28 #include <QtCore/QHash>
29 #include <QtCore/QMultiHash>
30 #include <QtCore/QList>
31 #include <QKeySequence>
32 #include <QtCore/QMetaType>
33 #include <QtCore/QVarLengthArray>
34 #include <QtCore>
36 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050100
38 #else
40 typedef void (*CleanUpFunction)();
42 /**
43  * @internal
44  *
45  * Helper class for K_GLOBAL_STATIC to clean up the object on library unload or application
46  * shutdown.
47  */
49 {
50  public:
53  inline ~CleanUpGlobalStatic() { func(); }
54 };
57 //these directives are taken from the heart of kdecore
61 #if QT_VERSION < 0x040400
63 # define testAndSetOrdered testAndSet
64 #endif
69 static QBasicAtomicPointer<TYPE > _k_static_##NAME = Q_BASIC_ATOMIC_INITIALIZER(0); \
70 static bool _k_static_##NAME##_destroyed; \
72 { \
73  bool isDestroyed() \
74  { \
75  return _k_static_##NAME##_destroyed; \
76  } \
77  inline operator TYPE*() \
78  { \
79  return operator->(); \
80  } \
81  inline TYPE *operator->() \
82  { \
83  if (!_k_static_##NAME) { \
84  if (isDestroyed()) { \
85  qFatal("Fatal Error: Accessed global static '%s *%s()' after destruction. " \
86  "Defined at %s:%d", #TYPE, #NAME, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
87  } \
88  TYPE *x = new TYPE ARGS; \
89  if (!_k_static_##NAME.testAndSetOrdered(0, x) \
90  && _k_static_##NAME != x ) { \
91  delete x; \
92  } else { \
93  static CleanUpGlobalStatic cleanUpObject = { destroy }; \
94  } \
95  } \
96  return _k_static_##NAME; \
97  } \
98  inline TYPE &operator*() \
99  { \
100  return *operator->(); \
101  } \
102  static void destroy() \
103  { \
104  _k_static_##NAME##_destroyed = true; \
105  TYPE *x = _k_static_##NAME; \
106  _k_static_##NAME = 0; \
107  delete x; \
108  } \
109 } NAME;
111 #endif
113 class QIODevice;
114 class QTextStream;
116 /**
117  * A convertor which maps between key sequences pressed by the user and the
118  * character strings which should be sent to the terminal and commands
119  * which should be invoked when those character sequences are pressed.
120  *
121  * Konsole supports multiple keyboard translators, allowing the user to
122  * specify the character sequences which are sent to the terminal
123  * when particular key sequences are pressed.
124  *
125  * A key sequence is defined as a key code, associated keyboard modifiers
126  * (Shift,Ctrl,Alt,Meta etc.) and state flags which indicate the state
127  * which the terminal must be in for the key sequence to apply.
128  */
130 {
131 public:
132  /**
133  * The meaning of a particular key sequence may depend upon the state which
134  * the terminal emulation is in. Therefore findEntry() may return a different
135  * Entry depending upon the state flags supplied.
136  *
137  * This enum describes the states which may be associated with with a particular
138  * entry in the keyboard translation entry.
139  */
140  enum State
141  {
142  /** Indicates that no special state is active */
143  NoState = 0,
144  /**
145  * TODO More documentation
146  */
148  /**
149  * Indicates that the terminal is in 'Ansi' mode.
150  * TODO: More documentation
151  */
153  /**
154  * TODO More documentation
155  */
157  /**
158  * Indicates that the alternate screen ( typically used by interactive programs
159  * such as screen or vim ) is active
160  */
162  /** Indicates that any of the modifier keys is active. */
163  AnyModifierState = 16
164  };
165  Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(States,State)
167  /**
168  * This enum describes commands which are associated with particular key sequences.
169  */
170  enum Command
171  {
172  /** Indicates that no command is associated with this command sequence */
174  /** TODO Document me */
176  /** Scroll the terminal display up one page */
178  /** Scroll the terminal display down one page */
180  /** Scroll the terminal display up one line */
182  /** Scroll the terminal display down one line */
184  /** Toggles scroll lock mode */
186  /** Echos the operating system specific erase character. */
187  EraseCommand = 64
188  };
189  Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Commands,Command)
191  /**
192  * Represents an association between a key sequence pressed by the user
193  * and the character sequence and commands associated with it for a particular
194  * KeyboardTranslator.
195  */
196  class Entry
197  {
198  public:
199  /**
200  * Constructs a new entry for a keyboard translator.
201  */
202  Entry();
204  /**
205  * Returns true if this entry is null.
206  * This is true for newly constructed entries which have no properties set.
207  */
208  bool isNull() const;
210  /** Returns the commands associated with this entry */
211  Command command() const;
212  /** Sets the command associated with this entry. */
213  void setCommand(Command command);
215  /**
216  * Returns the character sequence associated with this entry, optionally replacing
217  * wildcard '*' characters with numbers to indicate the keyboard modifiers being pressed.
218  *
219  * TODO: The numbers used to replace '*' characters are taken from the Konsole/KDE 3 code.
220  * Document them.
221  *
222  * @param expandWildCards Specifies whether wild cards (occurrences of the '*' character) in
223  * the entry should be replaced with a number to indicate the modifier keys being pressed.
224  *
225  * @param modifiers The keyboard modifiers being pressed.
226  */
227  QByteArray text(bool expandWildCards = false,
228  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier) const;
230  /** Sets the character sequence associated with this entry */
231  void setText(const QByteArray& text);
233  /**
234  * Returns the character sequence associated with this entry,
235  * with any non-printable characters replaced with escape sequences.
236  *
237  * eg. \\E for Escape, \\t for tab, \\n for new line.
238  *
239  * @param expandWildCards See text()
240  * @param modifiers See text()
241  */
242  QByteArray escapedText(bool expandWildCards = false,
243  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier) const;
245  /** Returns the character code ( from the Qt::Key enum ) associated with this entry */
246  int keyCode() const;
247  /** Sets the character code associated with this entry */
248  void setKeyCode(int keyCode);
250  /**
251  * Returns a bitwise-OR of the enabled keyboard modifiers associated with this entry.
252  * If a modifier is set in modifierMask() but not in modifiers(), this means that the entry
253  * only matches when that modifier is NOT pressed.
254  *
255  * If a modifier is not set in modifierMask() then the entry matches whether the modifier
256  * is pressed or not.
257  */
258  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers() const;
260  /** Returns the keyboard modifiers which are valid in this entry. See modifiers() */
261  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifierMask() const;
263  /** See modifiers() */
264  void setModifiers( Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers );
265  /** See modifierMask() and modifiers() */
266  void setModifierMask( Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers );
268  /**
269  * Returns a bitwise-OR of the enabled state flags associated with this entry.
270  * If flag is set in stateMask() but not in state(), this means that the entry only
271  * matches when the terminal is NOT in that state.
272  *
273  * If a state is not set in stateMask() then the entry matches whether the terminal
274  * is in that state or not.
275  */
276  States state() const;
278  /** Returns the state flags which are valid in this entry. See state() */
279  States stateMask() const;
281  /** See state() */
282  void setState( States state );
283  /** See stateMask() */
284  void setStateMask( States mask );
286  /**
287  * Returns the key code and modifiers associated with this entry
288  * as a QKeySequence
289  */
290  //QKeySequence keySequence() const;
292  /**
293  * Returns this entry's conditions ( ie. its key code, modifier and state criteria )
294  * as a string.
295  */
296  QString conditionToString() const;
298  /**
299  * Returns this entry's result ( ie. its command or character sequence )
300  * as a string.
301  *
302  * @param expandWildCards See text()
303  * @param modifiers See text()
304  */
305  QString resultToString(bool expandWildCards = false,
306  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier) const;
308  /**
309  * Returns true if this entry matches the given key sequence, specified
310  * as a combination of @p keyCode , @p modifiers and @p state.
311  */
312  bool matches( int keyCode ,
313  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers ,
314  States flags ) const;
316  bool operator==(const Entry& rhs) const;
318  private:
319  void insertModifier( QString& item , int modifier ) const;
320  void insertState( QString& item , int state ) const;
321  QByteArray unescape(const QByteArray& text) const;
323  int _keyCode;
324  Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers;
325  Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifierMask;
326  States _state;
327  States _stateMask;
330  QByteArray _text;
331  };
333  /** Constructs a new keyboard translator with the given @p name */
334  KeyboardTranslator(const QString& name);
336  //KeyboardTranslator(const KeyboardTranslator& other);
338  /** Returns the name of this keyboard translator */
339  QString name() const;
341  /** Sets the name of this keyboard translator */
342  void setName(const QString& name);
344  /** Returns the descriptive name of this keyboard translator */
345  QString description() const;
347  /** Sets the descriptive name of this keyboard translator */
348  void setDescription(const QString& description);
350  /**
351  * Looks for an entry in this keyboard translator which matches the given
352  * key code, keyboard modifiers and state flags.
353  *
354  * Returns the matching entry if found or a null Entry otherwise ( ie.
355  * entry.isNull() will return true )
356  *
357  * @param keyCode A key code from the Qt::Key enum
358  * @param modifiers A combination of modifiers
359  * @param state Optional flags which specify the current state of the terminal
360  */
361  Entry findEntry(int keyCode ,
362  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers ,
363  States state = NoState) const;
365  /**
366  * Adds an entry to this keyboard translator's table. Entries can be looked up according
367  * to their key sequence using findEntry()
368  */
369  void addEntry(const Entry& entry);
371  /**
372  * Replaces an entry in the translator. If the @p existing entry is null,
373  * then this is equivalent to calling addEntry(@p replacement)
374  */
375  void replaceEntry(const Entry& existing , const Entry& replacement);
377  /**
378  * Removes an entry from the table.
379  */
380  void removeEntry(const Entry& entry);
382  /** Returns a list of all entries in the translator. */
383  QList<Entry> entries() const;
385 private:
387  QMultiHash<int,Entry> _entries; // entries in this keyboard translation,
388  // entries are indexed according to
389  // their keycode
390  QString _name;
391  QString _description;
392 };
393 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KeyboardTranslator::States)
394 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KeyboardTranslator::Commands)
396 /**
397  * Parses the contents of a Keyboard Translator (.keytab) file and
398  * returns the entries found in it.
399  *
400  * Usage example:
401  *
402  * @code
403  * QFile source( "/path/to/keytab" );
404  * QIODevice::ReadOnly );
405  *
406  * KeyboardTranslator* translator = new KeyboardTranslator( "name-of-translator" );
407  *
408  * KeyboardTranslatorReader reader(source);
409  * while ( reader.hasNextEntry() )
410  * translator->addEntry(reader.nextEntry());
411  *
412  * source.close();
413  *
414  * if ( !reader.parseError() )
415  * {
416  * // parsing succeeded, do something with the translator
417  * }
418  * else
419  * {
420  * // parsing failed
421  * }
422  * @endcode
423  */
425 {
426 public:
427  /** Constructs a new reader which parses the given @p source */
428  KeyboardTranslatorReader( QIODevice* source );
430  /**
431  * Returns the description text.
432  * TODO: More documentation
433  */
434  QString description() const;
436  /** Returns true if there is another entry in the source stream */
437  bool hasNextEntry();
438  /** Returns the next entry found in the source stream */
439  KeyboardTranslator::Entry nextEntry();
441  /**
442  * Returns true if an error occurred whilst parsing the input or
443  * false if no error occurred.
444  */
445  bool parseError();
447  /**
448  * Parses a condition and result string for a translator entry
449  * and produces a keyboard translator entry.
450  *
451  * The condition and result strings are in the same format as in
452  */
453  static KeyboardTranslator::Entry createEntry( const QString& condition ,
454  const QString& result );
455 private:
456  struct Token
457  {
458  enum Type
459  {
465  OutputText
466  };
468  QString text;
469  };
470  QList<Token> tokenize(const QString&);
471  void readNext();
472  bool decodeSequence(const QString& ,
473  int& keyCode,
474  Qt::KeyboardModifiers& modifiers,
475  Qt::KeyboardModifiers& modifierMask,
476  KeyboardTranslator::States& state,
477  KeyboardTranslator::States& stateFlags);
479  static bool parseAsModifier(const QString& item , Qt::KeyboardModifier& modifier);
480  static bool parseAsStateFlag(const QString& item , KeyboardTranslator::State& state);
481  static bool parseAsKeyCode(const QString& item , int& keyCode);
482  static bool parseAsCommand(const QString& text , KeyboardTranslator::Command& command);
484  QIODevice* _source;
485  QString _description;
487  bool _hasNext;
488 };
490 /** Writes a keyboard translation to disk. */
492 {
493 public:
494  /**
495  * Constructs a new writer which saves data into @p destination.
496  * The caller is responsible for closing the device when writing is complete.
497  */
498  KeyboardTranslatorWriter(QIODevice* destination);
501  /**
502  * Writes the header for the keyboard translator.
503  * @param description Description of the keyboard translator.
504  */
505  void writeHeader( const QString& description );
506  /** Writes a translator entry. */
507  void writeEntry( const KeyboardTranslator::Entry& entry );
509 private:
510  QIODevice* _destination;
511  QTextStream* _writer;
512 };
514 /**
515  * Manages the keyboard translations available for use by terminal sessions,
516  * see KeyboardTranslator.
517  */
519 {
520 public:
521  /**
522  * Constructs a new KeyboardTranslatorManager and loads the list of
523  * available keyboard translations.
524  *
525  * The keyboard translations themselves are not loaded until they are
526  * first requested via a call to findTranslator()
527  */
531  /**
532  * Adds a new translator. If a translator with the same name
533  * already exists, it will be replaced by the new translator.
534  *
535  * TODO: More documentation.
536  */
537  void addTranslator(KeyboardTranslator* translator);
539  /**
540  * Deletes a translator. Returns true on successful deletion or false otherwise.
541  *
542  * TODO: More documentation
543  */
544  bool deleteTranslator(const QString& name);
546  /** Returns the default translator for Konsole. */
549  /**
550  * Returns the keyboard translator with the given name or 0 if no translator
551  * with that name exists.
552  *
553  * The first time that a translator with a particular name is requested,
554  * the on-disk .keyboard file is loaded and parsed.
555  */
556  const KeyboardTranslator* findTranslator(const QString& name);
557  /**
558  * Returns a list of the names of available keyboard translators.
559  *
560  * The first time this is called, a search for available
561  * translators is started.
562  */
565  /** Returns the global KeyboardTranslatorManager instance. */
568 private:
569  static const char* defaultTranslatorText;
571  void findTranslators(); // locate the available translators
572  KeyboardTranslator* loadTranslator(const QString& name); // loads the translator
573  // with the given name
574  KeyboardTranslator* loadTranslator(QIODevice* device,const QString& name);
576  bool saveTranslator(const KeyboardTranslator* translator);
577  QString findTranslatorPath(const QString& name);
579  QHash<QString,KeyboardTranslator*> _translators; // maps translator-name -> KeyboardTranslator
580  // instance
582 };
584 inline int KeyboardTranslator::Entry::keyCode() const { return _keyCode; }
585 inline void KeyboardTranslator::Entry::setKeyCode(int keyCode) { _keyCode = keyCode; }
587 inline void KeyboardTranslator::Entry::setModifiers( Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier )
588 {
589  _modifiers = modifier;
590 }
591 inline Qt::KeyboardModifiers KeyboardTranslator::Entry::modifiers() const { return _modifiers; }
593 inline void KeyboardTranslator::Entry::setModifierMask( Qt::KeyboardModifiers mask )
594 {
595  _modifierMask = mask;
596 }
597 inline Qt::KeyboardModifiers KeyboardTranslator::Entry::modifierMask() const { return _modifierMask; }
600 {
601  return ( *this == Entry() );
602 }
605 {
606  _command = command;
607 }
610 inline void KeyboardTranslator::Entry::setText( const QByteArray& text )
611 {
612  _text = unescape(text);
613 }
614 inline int oneOrZero(int value)
615 {
616  return value ? 1 : 0;
617 }
618 inline QByteArray KeyboardTranslator::Entry::text(bool expandWildCards,Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) const
619 {
620  QByteArray expandedText = _text;
622  if (expandWildCards)
623  {
624  int modifierValue = 1;
625  modifierValue += oneOrZero(modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier);
626  modifierValue += oneOrZero(modifiers & Qt::AltModifier) << 1;
627  modifierValue += oneOrZero(modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) << 2;
629  for (int i=0;i<_text.length();i++)
630  {
631  if (expandedText[i] == '*')
632  expandedText[i] = '0' + modifierValue;
633  }
634  }
636  return expandedText;
637 }
640 {
641  _state = state;
642 }
643 inline KeyboardTranslator::States KeyboardTranslator::Entry::state() const { return _state; }
645 inline void KeyboardTranslator::Entry::setStateMask( States stateMask )
646 {
647  _stateMask = stateMask;
648 }
649 inline KeyboardTranslator::States KeyboardTranslator::Entry::stateMask() const { return _stateMask; }
int oneOrZero(int value)
void(* CleanUpFunction)()
CleanUpFunction func
Manages the keyboard translations available for use by terminal sessions, see KeyboardTranslator.
Constructs a new KeyboardTranslatorManager and loads the list of available keyboard translations.
static const char * defaultTranslatorText
const KeyboardTranslator * defaultTranslator()
Returns the default translator for Konsole.
QList< QString > allTranslators()
Returns a list of the names of available keyboard translators.
bool saveTranslator(const KeyboardTranslator *translator)
QString findTranslatorPath(const QString &name)
KeyboardTranslator * loadTranslator(const QString &name)
const KeyboardTranslator * findTranslator(const QString &name)
Returns the keyboard translator with the given name or 0 if no translator with that name exists.
QHash< QString, KeyboardTranslator * > _translators
void addTranslator(KeyboardTranslator *translator)
Adds a new translator.
bool deleteTranslator(const QString &name)
Deletes a translator.
static KeyboardTranslatorManager * instance()
Returns the global KeyboardTranslatorManager instance.
Parses the contents of a Keyboard Translator (.keytab) file and returns the entries found in it.
KeyboardTranslator::Entry _nextEntry
Writes a keyboard translation to disk.
void writeHeader(const QString &description)
Writes the header for the keyboard translator.
void writeEntry(const KeyboardTranslator::Entry &entry)
Writes a translator entry.
KeyboardTranslatorWriter(QIODevice *destination)
Constructs a new writer which saves data into destination.
Represents an association between a key sequence pressed by the user and the character sequence and c...
void setModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
See modifiers()
QByteArray text(bool expandWildCards=false, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier) const
Returns the character sequence associated with this entry, optionally replacing wildcard '*' characte...
void setText(const QByteArray &text)
Sets the character sequence associated with this entry.
States state() const
Returns a bitwise-OR of the enabled state flags associated with this entry.
void setKeyCode(int keyCode)
Sets the character code associated with this entry.
Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers
Command command() const
Returns the commands associated with this entry.
Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifierMask
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers() const
Returns a bitwise-OR of the enabled keyboard modifiers associated with this entry.
int keyCode() const
Returns the character code ( from the Qt::Key enum ) associated with this entry.
bool isNull() const
Returns true if this entry is null.
void setStateMask(States mask)
See stateMask()
void setCommand(Command command)
Sets the command associated with this entry.
States stateMask() const
Returns the state flags which are valid in this entry.
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifierMask() const
Returns the keyboard modifiers which are valid in this entry.
void setState(States state)
See state()
void setModifierMask(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
See modifierMask() and modifiers()
A convertor which maps between key sequences pressed by the user and the character strings which shou...
QString name() const
Returns the name of this keyboard translator.
The meaning of a particular key sequence may depend upon the state which the terminal emulation is in...
@ NewLineState
TODO More documentation.
@ NoState
Indicates that no special state is active.
@ AnyModifierState
Indicates that any of the modifier keys is active.
@ AnsiState
Indicates that the terminal is in 'Ansi' mode.
@ AlternateScreenState
Indicates that the alternate screen ( typically used by interactive programs such as screen or vim ) ...
@ CursorKeysState
TODO More documentation.
Entry findEntry(int keyCode, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, States state=NoState) const
Looks for an entry in this keyboard translator which matches the given key code, keyboard modifiers a...
QString description() const
Returns the descriptive name of this keyboard translator.
This enum describes commands which are associated with particular key sequences.
@ ScrollLineUpCommand
Scroll the terminal display up one line.
@ EraseCommand
Echos the operating system specific erase character.
@ SendCommand
TODO Document me.
@ ScrollPageUpCommand
Scroll the terminal display up one page.
@ ScrollPageDownCommand
Scroll the terminal display down one page.
@ NoCommand
Indicates that no command is associated with this command sequence.
@ ScrollLockCommand
Toggles scroll lock mode.
@ ScrollLineDownCommand
Scroll the terminal display down one line.
void replaceEntry(const Entry &existing, const Entry &replacement)
Replaces an entry in the translator.
void setName(const QString &name)
Sets the name of this keyboard translator.
QList< Entry > entries() const
Returns a list of all entries in the translator.
KeyboardTranslator(const QString &name)
Constructs a new keyboard translator with the given name.
QMultiHash< int, Entry > _entries
void setDescription(const QString &description)
Sets the descriptive name of this keyboard translator.
void addEntry(const Entry &entry)
Adds an entry to this keyboard translator's table.
void removeEntry(const Entry &entry)
Removes an entry from the table.
bool operator==(const dim_vector &a, const dim_vector &b)
Definition: dim-vector.h:585
QString name
static uint32_t state[624]