GNU Octave  4.0.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
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1 C Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
2 C by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number
3 C W-7405-Eng-48.
4 C
6  * jstart,idid,rpar,ipar,phi,savr,delta,e,wm,iwm,
7  * alpha,beta,gamma,psi,sigma,cj,cjold,hold,s,hmin,uround,
8  * epli,sqrtn,rsqrtn,epcon,iphase,jcalc,jflg,k,kold,ns,nonneg,
9  * ntype,nls)
10 C
15 C***REVISION DATE 940909 (YYMMDD) (Reset PSI(1), PHI(*,2) at 690)
16 C
17 C
18 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
20 C
21 C DDSTP solves a system of differential/algebraic equations of
22 C the form G(X,Y,YPRIME) = 0, for one step (normally from X to X+H).
23 C
24 C The methods used are modified divided difference, fixed leading
25 C coefficient forms of backward differentiation formulas.
26 C The code adjusts the stepsize and order to control the local error
27 C per step.
28 C
29 C
30 C The parameters represent
31 C X -- Independent variable.
32 C Y -- Solution vector at X.
33 C YPRIME -- Derivative of solution vector
34 C after successful step.
35 C NEQ -- Number of equations to be integrated.
36 C RES -- External user-supplied subroutine
37 C to evaluate the residual. See RES description
38 C in DDASPK prologue.
39 C JAC -- External user-supplied routine to update
40 C Jacobian or preconditioner information in the
41 C nonlinear solver. See JAC description in DDASPK
42 C prologue.
43 C PSOL -- External user-supplied routine to solve
44 C a linear system using preconditioning.
45 C (This is optional). See PSOL in DDASPK prologue.
46 C H -- Appropriate step size for next step.
47 C Normally determined by the code.
48 C WT -- Vector of weights for error criterion used in Newton test.
49 C VT -- Masked vector of weights used in error test.
50 C JSTART -- Integer variable set 0 for
51 C first step, 1 otherwise.
52 C IDID -- Completion code returned from the nonlinear solver.
53 C See IDID description in DDASPK prologue.
54 C RPAR,IPAR -- Real and integer parameter arrays that
55 C are used for communication between the
56 C calling program and external user routines.
57 C They are not altered by DNSK
58 C PHI -- Array of divided differences used by
59 C DDSTP. The length is NEQ*(K+1), where
60 C K is the maximum order.
61 C SAVR -- Work vector for DDSTP of length NEQ.
62 C DELTA,E -- Work vectors for DDSTP of length NEQ.
63 C WM,IWM -- Real and integer arrays storing
64 C information required by the linear solver.
65 C
66 C The other parameters are information
67 C which is needed internally by DDSTP to
68 C continue from step to step.
69 C
70 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
73 C
75 C
76 C
78  dimension y(*),yprime(*),wt(*),vt(*)
79  dimension phi(neq,*),savr(*),delta(*),e(*)
80  dimension wm(*),iwm(*)
81  dimension psi(*),alpha(*),beta(*),gamma(*),sigma(*)
82  dimension rpar(*),ipar(*)
83  EXTERNAL res, jac, psol, nls
84 C
85  parameter(lmxord=3)
86  parameter(lnst=11, letf=14, lcfn=15)
87 C
88 C
89 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
90 C BLOCK 1.
91 C Initialize. On the first call, set
92 C the order to 1 and initialize
93 C other variables.
94 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
95 C
96 C Initializations for all calls
97 C
98  xold=x
99  ncf=0
100  nef=0
101  IF(jstart .NE. 0) go to 120
102 C
103 C If this is the first step, perform
104 C other initializations
105 C
106  k=1
107  kold=0
108  hold=0.0d0
109  psi(1)=h
110  cj = 1.d0/h
111  iphase = 0
112  ns=0
113 120 CONTINUE
114 C
115 C
116 C
117 C
118 C
119 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
120 C BLOCK 2
121 C Compute coefficients of formulas for
122 C this step.
123 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
124 200 CONTINUE
125  kp1=k+1
126  kp2=k+2
127  km1=k-1
128  IF(h.NE.hold.OR.k .NE. kold) ns = 0
129  ns=min0(ns+1,kold+2)
130  nsp1=ns+1
131  IF(kp1 .LT. ns)go to 230
132 C
133  beta(1)=1.0d0
134  alpha(1)=1.0d0
135  temp1=h
136  gamma(1)=0.0d0
137  sigma(1)=1.0d0
138  DO 210 i=2,kp1
139  temp2=psi(i-1)
140  psi(i-1)=temp1
141  beta(i)=beta(i-1)*psi(i-1)/temp2
142  temp1=temp2+h
143  alpha(i)=h/temp1
144  sigma(i)=(i-1)*sigma(i-1)*alpha(i)
145  gamma(i)=gamma(i-1)+alpha(i-1)/h
146 210 CONTINUE
147  psi(kp1)=temp1
148 230 CONTINUE
149 C
150 C Compute ALPHAS, ALPHA0
151 C
152  alphas = 0.0d0
153  alpha0 = 0.0d0
154  DO 240 i = 1,k
155  alphas = alphas - 1.0d0/i
156  alpha0 = alpha0 - alpha(i)
157 240 CONTINUE
158 C
159 C Compute leading coefficient CJ
160 C
161  cjlast = cj
162  cj = -alphas/h
163 C
164 C Compute variable stepsize error coefficient CK
165 C
166  ck = abs(alpha(kp1) + alphas - alpha0)
167  ck = max(ck,alpha(kp1))
168 C
169 C Change PHI to PHI STAR
170 C
171  IF(kp1 .LT. nsp1) go to 280
172  DO 270 j=nsp1,kp1
173  DO 260 i=1,neq
174 260 phi(i,j)=beta(j)*phi(i,j)
175 270 CONTINUE
176 280 CONTINUE
177 C
178 C Update time
179 C
180  x=x+h
181 C
182 C Initialize IDID to 1
183 C
184  idid = 1
185 C
186 C
187 C
188 C
189 C
190 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
191 C BLOCK 3
192 C Call the nonlinear system solver to obtain the solution and
193 C derivative.
194 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
195 C
196  CALL nls(x,y,yprime,neq,
197  * res,jac,psol,h,wt,jstart,idid,rpar,ipar,phi,gamma,
198  * savr,delta,e,wm,iwm,cj,cjold,cjlast,s,
199  * uround,epli,sqrtn,rsqrtn,epcon,jcalc,jflg,kp1,
200  * nonneg,ntype,iernls)
201 C
202  IF(iernls .NE. 0)go to 600
203 C
204 C
205 C
206 C
207 C
208 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
209 C BLOCK 4
210 C Estimate the errors at orders K,K-1,K-2
211 C as if constant stepsize was used. Estimate
212 C the local error at order K and test
213 C whether the current step is successful.
214 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
215 C
216 C Estimate errors at orders K,K-1,K-2
217 C
218  enorm = ddwnrm(neq,e,vt,rpar,ipar)
219  erk = sigma(k+1)*enorm
220  terk = (k+1)*erk
221  est = erk
222  knew=k
223  IF(k .EQ. 1)go to 430
224  DO 405 i = 1,neq
225 405 delta(i) = phi(i,kp1) + e(i)
226  erkm1=sigma(k)*ddwnrm(neq,delta,vt,rpar,ipar)
227  terkm1 = k*erkm1
228  IF(k .GT. 2)go to 410
229  IF(terkm1 .LE. 0.5*terk)go to 420
230  go to 430
231 410 CONTINUE
232  DO 415 i = 1,neq
233 415 delta(i) = phi(i,k) + delta(i)
234  erkm2=sigma(k-1)*ddwnrm(neq,delta,vt,rpar,ipar)
235  terkm2 = (k-1)*erkm2
236  IF(max(terkm1,terkm2).GT.terk)go to 430
237 C
238 C Lower the order
239 C
240 420 CONTINUE
241  knew=k-1
242  est = erkm1
243 C
244 C
245 C Calculate the local error for the current step
246 C to see if the step was successful
247 C
248 430 CONTINUE
249  err = ck * enorm
250  IF(err .GT. 1.0d0)go to 600
251 C
252 C
253 C
254 C
255 C
256 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
257 C BLOCK 5
258 C The step is successful. Determine
259 C the best order and stepsize for
260 C the next step. Update the differences
261 C for the next step.
262 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
263  idid=1
264  iwm(lnst)=iwm(lnst)+1
265  kdiff=k-kold
266  kold=k
267  hold=h
268 C
269 C
270 C Estimate the error at order K+1 unless
271 C already decided to lower order, or
272 C already using maximum order, or
273 C stepsize not constant, or
274 C order raised in previous step
275 C
276  IF(knew.EQ.km1.OR.k.EQ.iwm(lmxord))iphase=1
277  IF(iphase .EQ. 0)go to 545
278  IF(knew.EQ.km1)go to 540
279  IF(k.EQ.iwm(lmxord)) go to 550
280  IF(kp1.GE.ns.OR.kdiff.EQ.1)go to 550
281  DO 510 i=1,neq
282 510 delta(i)=e(i)-phi(i,kp2)
283  erkp1 = (1.0d0/(k+2))*ddwnrm(neq,delta,vt,rpar,ipar)
284  terkp1 = (k+2)*erkp1
285  IF(k.GT.1)go to 520
286  IF(terkp1.GE.0.5d0*terk)go to 550
287  go to 530
288 520 IF(terkm1.LE.min(terk,terkp1))go to 540
289  IF(terkp1.GE.terk.OR.k.EQ.iwm(lmxord))go to 550
290 C
291 C Raise order
292 C
293 530 k=kp1
294  est = erkp1
295  go to 550
296 C
297 C Lower order
298 C
299 540 k=km1
300  est = erkm1
301  go to 550
302 C
303 C If IPHASE = 0, increase order by one and multiply stepsize by
304 C factor two
305 C
306 545 k = kp1
307  hnew = h*2.0d0
308  h = hnew
309  go to 575
310 C
311 C
312 C Determine the appropriate stepsize for
313 C the next step.
314 C
315 550 hnew=h
316  temp2=k+1
317  r=(2.0d0*est+0.0001d0)**(-1.0d0/temp2)
318  IF(r .LT. 2.0d0) go to 555
319  hnew = 2.0d0*h
320  go to 560
321 555 IF(r .GT. 1.0d0) go to 560
322  r = max(0.5d0,min(0.9d0,r))
323  hnew = h*r
324 560 h=hnew
325 C
326 C
327 C Update differences for next step
328 C
329 575 CONTINUE
330  IF(kold.EQ.iwm(lmxord))go to 585
331  DO 580 i=1,neq
332 580 phi(i,kp2)=e(i)
333 585 CONTINUE
334  DO 590 i=1,neq
335 590 phi(i,kp1)=phi(i,kp1)+e(i)
336  DO 595 j1=2,kp1
337  j=kp1-j1+1
338  DO 595 i=1,neq
339 595 phi(i,j)=phi(i,j)+phi(i,j+1)
340  jstart = 1
342 C
343 C
344 C
345 C
346 C
347 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
348 C BLOCK 6
349 C The step is unsuccessful. Restore X,PSI,PHI
350 C Determine appropriate stepsize for
351 C continuing the integration, or exit with
352 C an error flag if there have been many
353 C failures.
354 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
355 600 iphase = 1
356 C
357 C Restore X,PHI,PSI
358 C
359  x=xold
360  IF(kp1.LT.nsp1)go to 630
361  DO 620 j=nsp1,kp1
362  temp1=1.0d0/beta(j)
363  DO 610 i=1,neq
364 610 phi(i,j)=temp1*phi(i,j)
365 620 CONTINUE
366 630 CONTINUE
367  DO 640 i=2,kp1
368 640 psi(i-1)=psi(i)-h
369 C
370 C
371 C Test whether failure is due to nonlinear solver
372 C or error test
373 C
374  IF(iernls .EQ. 0)go to 660
375  iwm(lcfn)=iwm(lcfn)+1
376 C
377 C
378 C The nonlinear solver failed to converge.
379 C Determine the cause of the failure and take appropriate action.
380 C If IERNLS .LT. 0, then return. Otherwise, reduce the stepsize
381 C and try again, unless too many failures have occurred.
382 C
383  IF (iernls .LT. 0) go to 675
384  ncf = ncf + 1
385  r = 0.25d0
386  h = h*r
387  IF (ncf .LT. 10 .AND. abs(h) .GE. hmin) go to 690
388  IF (idid .EQ. 1) idid = -7
389  IF (nef .GE. 3) idid = -9
390  go to 675
391 C
392 C
393 C The nonlinear solver converged, and the cause
394 C of the failure was the error estimate
395 C exceeding the tolerance.
396 C
397 660 nef=nef+1
398  iwm(letf)=iwm(letf)+1
399  IF (nef .GT. 1) go to 665
400 C
401 C On first error test failure, keep current order or lower
402 C order by one. Compute new stepsize based on differences
403 C of the solution.
404 C
405  k = knew
406  temp2 = k + 1
407  r = 0.90d0*(2.0d0*est+0.0001d0)**(-1.0d0/temp2)
408  r = max(0.25d0,min(0.9d0,r))
409  h = h*r
410  IF (abs(h) .GE. hmin) go to 690
411  idid = -6
412  go to 675
413 C
414 C On second error test failure, use the current order or
415 C decrease order by one. Reduce the stepsize by a factor of
416 C one quarter.
417 C
418 665 IF (nef .GT. 2) go to 670
419  k = knew
420  r = 0.25d0
421  h = r*h
422  IF (abs(h) .GE. hmin) go to 690
423  idid = -6
424  go to 675
425 C
426 C On third and subsequent error test failures, set the order to
427 C one, and reduce the stepsize by a factor of one quarter.
428 C
429 670 k = 1
430  r = 0.25d0
431  h = r*h
432  IF (abs(h) .GE. hmin) go to 690
433  idid = -6
434  go to 675
435 C
436 C
437 C
438 C
439 C For all crashes, restore Y to its last value,
440 C interpolate to find YPRIME at last X, and return.
441 C
442 C Before returning, verify that the user has not set
443 C IDID to a nonnegative value. If the user has set IDID
444 C to a nonnegative value, then reset IDID to be -7, indicating
445 C a failure in the nonlinear system solver.
446 C
447 675 CONTINUE
448  CALL ddatrp(x,x,y,yprime,neq,k,phi,psi)
449  jstart = 1
450  IF (idid .GE. 0) idid = -7
452 C
453 C
454 C Go back and try this step again.
455 C If this is the first step, reset PSI(1) and rescale PHI(*,2).
456 C
457 690 IF (kold .EQ. 0) THEN
458  psi(1) = h
459  DO 695 i = 1,neq
460 695 phi(i,2) = r*phi(i,2)
461  ENDIF
462  go to 200
463 C
464 C------END OF SUBROUTINE DDSTP------------------------------------------
465  END
std::string dimension(void) const
subroutine ddatrp(X, XOUT, YOUT, YPOUT, NEQ, KOLD, PHI, PSI)
Definition: ddatrp.f:1
double alpha(void) const
Definition: CollocWt.h:150
charNDArray max(char d, const charNDArray &m)
Definition: ddstp.f:5
function gamma(X)
Definition: gamma.f:2
double precision function ddwnrm(NEQ, V, RWT, RPAR, IPAR)
Definition: ddwnrm.f:5
T abs(T x)
charNDArray min(char d, const charNDArray &m)