Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- l -
- L()
: base_lu< lu_type >
, sparse_base_chol< chol_type, chol_elt, p_type >
, SparseComplexCHOL
, SparseCHOL
, sparse_base_lu< lu_type, lu_elt_type, p_type, p_elt_type >
- l_fact
: base_lu< lu_type >
- label
: tree_switch_case
- label_matches()
: tree_switch_case
- lambda
, FloatEIG
- last_elt_p()
: printf_format_list
- last_time
: profile_data_accumulator
- lastfactor
: GL2PScontext
- lastlinewidth
: GL2PScontext
- lastpattern
: GL2PScontext
- lastrgba
: GL2PScontext
- lastvertex
: GL2PScontext
- lb
: CollocWt
- lead_comm
: octave_user_function
, tree_try_catch_command
, tree_unwind_protect_command
, tree_while_command
, tree_simple_for_command
, tree_complex_for_command
, tree_if_clause
, tree_if_command
, tree_switch_case
, tree_switch_command
- leading_comment()
: tree_while_command
, tree_simple_for_command
, tree_complex_for_command
, tree_if_clause
, tree_if_command
, tree_switch_case
, tree_switch_command
, octave_user_function
, tree_try_catch_command
, tree_unwind_protect_command
- left
: octave_chunk_buffer
, CollocWt
- left_hand_side()
: tree_simple_assignment
, tree_multi_assignment
, tree_simple_for_command
, tree_complex_for_command
- left_included()
: CollocWt
- left_singular_matrix()
: ComplexSVD
, FloatComplexSVD
, FloatSVD
- left_sm
: ComplexSVD
, FloatComplexSVD
, FloatSVD
- len
: Array< T >::ArrayRep
, idx_vector::idx_range_rep
, idx_vector::idx_vector_rep
, idx_vector::idx_mask_rep
, kpse_path_iterator
, octave_sort< T >::s_slice
- length()
: tm_row_const
, Array< T >::ArrayRep
, Array< T >
, octave_base_list< elt_type >
, command_history
, DiagArray2< T >
, dim_vector
, idx_vector::idx_base_rep
, idx_vector::idx_colon_rep
, idx_vector::idx_range_rep
, idx_vector::idx_scalar_rep
, idx_vector::idx_vector_rep
, idx_vector::idx_mask_rep
, idx_vector
, PermMatrix
, Sparse< T >::SparseRep
, Sparse< T >
, octave_map
, octave_value_list
, scanf_format_list
, octave_value
- lexical_feedback()
: lexical_feedback
- Lfact
: sparse_base_lu< lu_type, lu_elt_type, p_type, p_elt_type >
- lhs
: tree_simple_assignment
, tree_multi_assignment
, tree_simple_for_command
, tree_complex_for_command
, tree_binary_expression
- lib_list
: octave_shlib_list
- limit()
: tree_colon_expression
, Range
- line
: tree_breakpoint
, whos_parameter
, tree_colon_expression
, tree_statement
, tree
, token
- line_num
: tree
, token
- lineanchors()
: regexp::opts
- linear_slice()
: Array< T >
- lines_in_file
: command_history
- lines_this_session
: command_history
- list
: scanf_format_list
, printf_format_list
, octave_stream_list
, tree_breakpoint
, tree_while_command
, tree_simple_for_command
, tree_complex_for_command
, tree_if_clause
, tree_if_command
, tree_switch_case
, tree_switch_command
, octave_errno
, command_history
- list_breakpoints()
: tree_statement_list
- list_in_columns()
: string_vector
- list_includes_magic_end
: tree_argument_list
- list_includes_magic_tilde
: tree_argument_list
- list_open_files()
: octave_stream_list
- list_value()
: octave_base_value
, octave_cell
, octave_cs_list
, octave_value
- literal_conversion
: scanf_format_elt
- liw
- load_ascii()
: octave_base_diag< DMT, MT >
, octave_base_int_matrix< T >
, octave_base_int_scalar< T >
, octave_base_sparse< T >
, octave_base_value
, octave_bool_matrix
, octave_bool
, octave_cell
, octave_class
, octave_complex
, octave_complex_matrix
, octave_fcn_handle
, octave_fcn_inline
, octave_float_scalar
, octave_float_complex
, octave_float_complex_matrix
, octave_float_matrix
, octave_lazy_index
, octave_oncleanup
, octave_perm_matrix
, octave_range
, octave_matrix
, octave_scalar
, octave_char_matrix_str
, octave_struct
, octave_scalar_struct
, octave_value
- load_binary()
: octave_base_int_matrix< T >
, octave_base_int_scalar< T >
, octave_base_value
, octave_bool_matrix
, octave_sparse_bool_matrix
, octave_bool
, octave_cell
, octave_class
, octave_complex
, octave_complex_diag_matrix
, octave_complex_matrix
, octave_sparse_complex_matrix
, octave_fcn_handle
, octave_fcn_inline
, octave_float_scalar
, octave_value
, octave_float_complex
, octave_float_complex_diag_matrix
, octave_float_complex_matrix
, octave_scalar
, octave_float_diag_matrix
, octave_float_matrix
, octave_lazy_index
, octave_oncleanup
, octave_perm_matrix
, octave_range
, octave_diag_matrix
, octave_matrix
, octave_sparse_matrix
, octave_char_matrix_str
, octave_struct
, octave_scalar_struct
- load_class_constructor()
: symbol_table::fcn_info::fcn_info_rep
- load_class_method()
: symbol_table::fcn_info::fcn_info_rep
- load_mex()
: octave_dynamic_loader
- load_oct()
: octave_dynamic_loader
- load_path()
: load_path
- load_private_function()
: symbol_table::fcn_info::fcn_info_rep
- load_save_format()
: load_save_format
- local
: symbol_table::symbol_record
- local_protect()
: octave_user_function
- local_scope
: octave_user_function
- location_column
: octave_user_function
- location_line
: octave_user_function
- lock()
: octave_base_mutex
, octave_base_value
, octave_function
, octave_value
, octave_mutex
- lock_result
: octave_autolock
- lock_subfunction()
: symbol_table::fcn_info::fcn_info_rep
, symbol_table::fcn_info
- lock_subfunctions()
: octave_function
, octave_user_function
, symbol_table
- locked
: octave_function
- long_value()
: octave_base_value
, octave_value
- looking_at_anon_fcn_args
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_decl_list
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_function_handle
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_indirect_ref
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_initializer_expression
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_matrix_or_assign_lhs
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_object_index
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_parameter_list
: lexical_feedback
- looking_at_return_list
: lexical_feedback
- looking_for_object_index
: lexical_feedback
- lookup()
: octave_sort< T >
, Array< T >
, octave_errno
, octave_stream_list
, Array< T >
, octave_sort< T >
- lookup_assign_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_assignany_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_binary_class_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_binary_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_cache
: octave_stream_list
- lookup_cat_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_non_const_unary_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_pref_assign_conv()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_sorted()
: octave_sort< T >
- lookup_type()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_type_conv_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_unary_class_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_unary_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- lookup_widening_op()
: octave_value_typeinfo
- loop()
: idx_vector
- looping
: lexical_feedback
- Lower
: MatrixType
- lower_band
: MatrixType
- lower_limit
: DefQuad
, FloatDefQuad
- lowercase()
: float_format
- lrw
- lshift()
: octave_int_arith_base< T, true >
, octave_int_arith_base< T, false >
- lssolve()
: Matrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, ComplexMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, FloatComplexMatrix
- lst
: symbol_info_list
, octave_cs_list
, octave_base_list< elt_type >
- lste
: idx_vector::idx_mask_rep
- lsti
: idx_vector::idx_mask_rep
- ltsolve()
: FloatComplexMatrix
, SparseMatrix
, SparseComplexMatrix
, SparseMatrix
, ComplexMatrix
, SparseComplexMatrix
, SparseMatrix
, FloatMatrix
, SparseComplexMatrix
, Matrix
, SparseMatrix
, SparseComplexMatrix
- LU()
: LU
- lu_elt_type
: base_lu< lu_type >
- lvalue()
: tree_identifier
, tree_black_hole
, tree_expression
, tree_index_expression
, tree_decl_elt
- lvalue_list()
: tree_argument_list
- lvalue_ok()
: tree_expression
, tree_identifier
, tree_index_expression
, tree_decl_elt