
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


onenormest.m File Reference


 if (ismatrix(varargin{1})) n
if error ("onenormest: matrix must be square")
 if (size(varargin) > 1) t
else if (size(varargin, 2)< 3) print_usage()
 if (size(varargin) > 3) t
 if (issing) myeps
 if (est > est_old||iter==2) w
 if (iter > itmax)
 if (all(partest)) break
endif if (any(partest)) numpar
 S (:, partest)
 if (iter >=2 &&mhi==ind_best) break
 if (t > 1) firstind
 if (all(been_there(firstind))) break
endfor been_there (ind(1:t))
 v (ind_best)
 !norm (inv(A), 1)%!test%!N
 !assert (nm1, N,-2 *eps)
 !assert (nminf, N,-2 *eps)
 !assert (norm(w1, 1), nm1 *norm(v1, 1),-2 *eps)%!assert(norm(winf
nminf * norm (vinf, 1)
id N ()
 !assert (nm1, norm(A, 1),-2 *eps)
 !assert (nminf, norm(A, inf),-2 *eps)
 !assert (nm1, norm(A, 1),-.1)
 !assert (nminf, norm(A, inf),-.1)


 function [est, v, w, iter]
endif default_t = 5
 itmax = 10
if n = size (varargin{1}, 2)
endif apply = @(x) varargin{1} * x
 apply_t = @(x) varargin{1}' * x
else t = min (n, default_t)
endif issing = isa (varargin {1}, "single")
endif X = rand (n, t)
 been_there = zeros (n, 1)
 est_old = 0
 S = zeros (n, t)
else myeps = eps
endif for iter
 S_old = S
 partest = any (abs (S_old' * S - n) < 4*eps*n)
 replacements = 2*(rand (n,numpar) < 0.5) - 1
endif Z = feval (apply_t, S)
 h = max (abs (Z),2)
 endif [h, ind] = sort (h, 'descend')
endif ind = ind (!been_there (ind))
for zz
endfor v = zeros (n, 1)
endfunction!demo !N = 100
 !A = randn(N) + eye(N)
 !nm1inv = lu(A) onenormest(@(x) U\(L\(P*x)), @(x) P'*(L'\(U'\x))

Function Documentation

!assert ( nminf  ,
norm(A, inf)  ,
-.  1 

!assert ( nm1  ,
norm(A, 1)  ,
-.  1 

!assert ( nminf  ,
norm(A, inf)  ,
-2 *  eps 

!assert ( nm1  ,
norm(A, 1)  ,
-2 *  eps 

!assert ( norm(w1, 1)  ,
nm1 *  normv1, 1,
-2 *  eps 

!assert ( nminf  ,
-2 *  eps 

!assert ( nm1  ,
-2 *  eps 

!norm ( inv(A)  ,

Type Constraints

endfor been_there ( ind(1:t)   ) 

if error ( "onenormest: matrix must be square"   ) 

Type Constraints

if ( all(been_there(firstind))   ) 

if ( ,

if ( iter >=2 &&  mhi = =ind_best  ) 

endif if ( any(partest  ) 

if ( all(partest  ) 

if ( iter  ,

if ( est  ,
est_old||  iter = =2 

if ( issing   ) 

if ( size(varargin)  ,

else if (  ) 

if ( size(varargin)  ,

if ( ismatrix(varargin{1})   ) 

id N (  )  [virtual]

nminf * norm ( vinf  ,

S ( ,

v ( ind_best   ) 

Variable Documentation

!A = randn(N) + eye(N)

endfunction !demo !N = 100

!nm1inv = lu(A) onenormest(@(x) U\(L\(P*x)), @(x) P'*(L'\(U'\x))

apply = @(x) varargin{1} * x

apply_t = @(x) varargin{1}' * x

been_there = zeros (n, 1)


endif[h, ind] = sort (h, 'descend')

function[est, v, w, iter]

Initial value:

 onenormest (varargin)

  if (size (varargin, 2) < 1 || size (varargin, 2) > 4)
    print_usage ()

h = max (abs (Z),2)

endif ind = ind (!been_there (ind))

endif issing = isa (varargin {1}, "single")

Initial value:

 1 : itmax + 1
    Y = feval (apply, X)

itmax = 10

else myeps = eps


endif n = size (varargin{1}, 2)

endif partest = any (abs (S_old' * S - n) < 4*eps*n)

replacements = 2*(rand (n,numpar) < 0.5) - 1

endif S = zeros (n, t)

S_old = S

else t = min (n, default_t)

endfor v = zeros (n, 1)

endif endif X = rand (n, t)

endif Z = feval (apply_t, S)

endif zz

Initial value:

 1 : t
      X(ind(zz),zz) = 1