
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


isocolors.m File Reference


otherwise print_usage ()
endswitch if (ismatrix(vp)&&size(vp, 2)==3) pa
 elseif (ishandle(vp)) pa
else error ("Last argument is no vertex list and no patch handle")
endif if (calc_rgb) new _col
 new_col (:, 1)
 new_col (:, 2)
 new_col (:, 3)
endif switch nargout case if (!isempty(pa)) set(pa
 !assert (size(cdat, 1)==size(v, 1))


function varargout
switch nargin case c = varargin{1}
 vp = varargin{2}
 x = 1:size (c, 2)
 y = 1:size (c, 1)
 z = 1:size (c, 3)
case calc_rgb = true
 R = varargin{1}
 G = varargin{2}
 B = varargin{3}
 v = vp
else new_col = __interp_cube__ (x, y, z, c, v, "values" )
endif switch nargout case FaceVertexCData
endswitch endfunction !test [x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2)
 !c = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2
 !cdat = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4) isocolors (x, y, z, c, v)

Function Documentation

!assert ( size(cdat, 1)  = =size(v, 1)  ) 

elseif ( ishandle(vp  ) 

else error ( "Last argument is no vertex list and no patch handle"   ) 

endif switch nargout case if ( isemptypa  ) 

endif if ( calc_rgb   )  [new]

endswitch if ( ismatrix(vp)&&size(vp, 2)  = =3  ) 

new_col ( ,

new_col ( ,

new_col ( ,

otherwise print_usage (  ) 

Variable Documentation

!c = (x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^2 + (z-.5).^2

!cdat = isosurface (x, y, z, c, .4) isocolors (x, y, z, c, v)

endswitch endfunction !test[x, y, z] = meshgrid (0:.5:2, 0:.5:2, 0:.5:2)

B = varargin{3}

c = varargin{1}

case calc_rgb = true

endif switch nargout case FaceVertexCData

G = varargin{2}

endif switch nargout case new_col = __interp_cube__ (x, y, z, c, v, "values" )

R = varargin{1}

v = vp

endif case varargout

Initial value:

  calc_rgb = false

vp = varargin{2}

x = 1:size (c, 2)

y = 1:size (c, 1)

z = 1:size (c, 3)