
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


dblquad.m File Reference


endif if (nargin< 6||isempty(tol)) tol
 if (ischar(f)) f
endfor endfunction Nasty
integrand to show quadgk off 
!assert (dblquad(@(x, y) 1./(x+y), 0, 1, 0, 1), 2 *log(2), 1e-6)%!assert(dblquad(@(x
endfor endfunction Nasty
integrand to show quadgk off
exp (-x.^2-y.^2)


function q
endif inner = @__dblquad_inner__
 varargin = {}
for i

Function Documentation

endfor endfunction Nasty integrand to show quadgk off !assert ( dblquad(@(x, y) 1./(x+y), 0, 1, 0, 1)  ,
2 *  log2,
1e-  6 

endfor endfunction Nasty integrand to show quadgk off y exp ( -x.^2-y.^  2  ) 

if ( ischar(f)   ) 

endif if (  ) 

Variable Documentation

for i

Initial value:

 1 : length (y)
    q(i) = feval (quadf, @(x) f(x, y(i), varargin{:}), xa, xb, tol)

endif inner = @__dblquad_inner__

Initial value:

 dblquad(f, xa, xb, ya, yb, tol, quadf, varargin) 
  if (nargin < 5)
    print_usage ()

varargin = {}