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12.1.2 Catching Errors

When an error occurs, it can be detected and handled using the try statement as described in The try Statement. As an example, the following piece of code counts the number of errors that occurs during a for loop.

number_of_errors = 0;
for n = 1:100

The above example treats all errors the same. In many situations it can however be necessary to discriminate between errors, and take different actions depending on the error. The lasterror function returns a structure containing information about the last error that occurred. As an example, the code above could be changed to count the number of errors related to the ‘*’ operator.

number_of_errors = 0;
for n = 1:100
    msg = lasterror.message;
    if (strfind (msg, "operator *"))

Alternatively, the output of the lasterror function can be found in a variable indicated immediately after the catch keyword, as in the example below showing how to redirect an error as a warning:

catch err
  warning(err.identifier, err.message);
lasterr = lasterror ()
lasterror (err)
lasterror ("reset")

Query or set the last error message structure.

When called without arguments, return a structure containing the last error message and other information related to this error. The elements of the structure are:


The text of the last error message


The message identifier of this error message


A structure containing information on where the message occurred. This may be an empty structure if the information cannot be obtained. The fields of the structure are:


The name of the file where the error occurred


The name of function in which the error occurred


The line number at which the error occurred


An optional field with the column number at which the error occurred

The last error structure may be set by passing a scalar structure, err, as input. Any fields of err that match those above are set while any unspecified fields are initialized with default values.

If lasterror is called with the argument "reset", all fields are set to their default values.

See also: lasterr, error, lastwarn.

[msg, msgid] = lasterr ()
lasterr (msg)
lasterr (msg, msgid)

Query or set the last error message.

When called without input arguments, return the last error message and message identifier.

With one argument, set the last error message to msg.

With two arguments, also set the last message identifier.

See also: lasterror, error, lastwarn.

The next example counts indexing errors. The errors are caught using the field identifier of the structure returned by the function lasterror.

number_of_errors = 0;
for n = 1:100
    id = lasterror.identifier;
    if (strcmp (id, "Octave:invalid-indexing"))

The functions distributed with Octave can issue one of the following errors.


Indicates the error was generated by an operation that cannot be executed in the scope from which it was called. For example, the function print_usage () when called from the Octave prompt raises this error.


Indicates that a function was called with invalid input arguments.


Indicates that a function was called in an incorrect way, e.g., wrong number of input arguments.


Indicates that a data-type was indexed incorrectly, e.g., real-value index for arrays, nonexistent field of a structure.


Indicates that memory couldn’t be allocated.


Indicates a call to a function that is not defined. The function may exist but Octave is unable to find it in the search path.

When an error has been handled it is possible to raise it again. This can be useful when an error needs to be detected, but the program should still abort. This is possible using the rethrow function. The previous example can now be changed to count the number of errors related to the ‘*’ operator, but still abort if another kind of error occurs.

number_of_errors = 0;
for n = 1:100
    msg = lasterror.message;
    if (strfind (msg, "operator *"))
      rethrow (lasterror);
rethrow (err)

Reissue a previous error as defined by err.

err is a structure that must contain at least the "message" and "identifier" fields. err can also contain a field "stack" that gives information on the assumed location of the error. Typically err is returned from lasterror.

See also: lasterror, lasterr, error.

err = errno ()
err = errno (val)
err = errno (name)

Query or set the system-dependent variable errno.

When called with no inputs, return the current value of errno.

When called with a numeric input val, set the current value of errno to the specified value. The previous value of errno is returned as err.

When called with a character string name, return the numeric value of errno which corresponds to the specified error code. If name is not a recognized error code then -1 is returned.

See also: errno_list.

errno_list ()

Return a structure containing the system-dependent errno values.

See also: errno.

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