Scatter Properties

Properties of scatter objects (see scatter):


Callback Execution | Color Data | Coordinate Data | Creation/Deletion | Display | Legend Options | Marker Appearance | Mouse Interaction | Object Identification | Parent/Children

Callback Execution

busyaction: "cancel" | {"queue"}

Define how Octave handles the execution of this object’s callback properties when it is unable to interrupt another object’s executing callback. This is only relevant when the currently executing callback object has its interruptible property set to "off". The busyaction property of the interrupting callback object indicates whether the interrupting callback is queued ("queue" (default)) or discarded ("cancel"). See Callbacks section.

interruptible: "off" | {"on"}

Specify whether this object’s callback functions may be interrupted by other callbacks. By default interruptible is "on" and callbacks that make use of drawnow, figure, waitfor, getframe or pause functions are eventually interrupted. See Callbacks section.

Color Data

cdata: scalar | matrix, def. [0 0.4470 0.7410]

Data defining the scatter object color.

If cdata is a scalar index into the current colormap or a RGB triplet, it defines the color of all scatter markers.

If cdata is an N-by-1 vector of indices or an N-by-3 (RGB) matrix, it defines the color of each one of the N scatter markers.

cdatamode: {"auto"} | "manual"

If cdatamode is "auto", cdata is set to the color from the colororder of the ancestor axes corresponding to the seriesindex.

cdatasource: string, def. ""

The name of a workspace variable that contains data that will be used for the "cdata" property. Data is transferred into "cdata" using the refreshdata function.

seriesindex: def. 1

Each scatter object in the same axes is assigned an incrementing integer. This corresponds to the index into the colororder of the ancestor axes that is used if cdatamode is set to "auto".

Coordinate Data

latitudedata: def. [](0x0)

Geographic coordinate scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. latitudedata is unused.

latitudedatasource: def. ""

Geographic coordinate scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. latitudedatasource is unused.

longitudedata: def. [](0x0)

Geographic coordinate scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. longitudedata is unused.

longitudedatasource: def. ""

Geographic coordinate scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. longitudedatasource is unused.

rdata: def. [](0x0)

Polar coordinates for scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. rdata is unused.

rdatasource: def. ""

Polar coordinates for scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. rdatasource is unused.

thetadata: def. [](0x0)

Polar coordinates for scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. thetadata is unused.

thetadatasource: def. ""

Polar coordinates for scatter plotting is not yet implemented for scatter objects. thetadatasource is unused.

xdata: vector, def. [](0x0)

Vector with the x coordinates of the scatter object.

xdatasource: string, def. ""

The name of a workspace variable that contains data that will be used for the "xdata" property. Data is transferred into "xdata" using the refreshdata function.

ydata: vector, def. [](0x0)

Vector with the y coordinates of the scatter object.

ydatasource: string, def. ""

The name of a workspace variable that contains data that will be used for the "ydata" property. Data is transferred into "ydata" using the refreshdata function.

zdata: [] | vector, def. [](0x0)

For 3D data, vector with the y coordinates of the scatter object.

zdatasource: string, def. ""

The name of a workspace variable that contains data that will be used for the "zdata" property. Data is transferred into "zdata" using the refreshdata function.


beingdeleted: {"off"} | "on"

Property indicating that a function has initiated deletion of the object. beingdeleted is set to true until the object no longer exists.

createfcn: string | function handle, def. [](0x0)

Callback function executed immediately after scatter has been created. Function is set by using default property on root object, e.g., set (groot, "defaultscattercreatefcn", 'disp ("scatter created!")').

For information on how to write graphics listener functions see Callbacks section.

deletefcn: string | function handle, def. [](0x0)

Callback function executed immediately before scatter is deleted.

For information on how to write graphics listener functions see Callbacks section.


clipping: "off" | {"on"}

If clipping is "on", the scatter is clipped in its parent axes limits.

visible: "off" | {"on"}

If visible is "off", the scatter is not rendered on screen.

Legend Options

annotation: def. [](0x0)

Legend appearance toggling from within the scatter object is not yet implemented for scatter objects. annotation is unused.

displayname: def. ""

Text of the legend entry corresponding to this scatter object.

Marker Appearance

linewidth: scalar, def. 0.5000

Line width of the edge of the markers.

marker: "*" | "+" | "." | "<" | ">" | "^" | "_" | "d" | "diamond" | "h" | "hexagram" | "none" | {"o"} | "p" | "pentagram" | "s" | "square" | "v" | "x" | "|"

See line marker property.

markeredgealpha: scalar, def. 1

Transparency level of the faces of the markers where a value of 0 means complete transparency and a value of 1 means solid faces without transparency. Note that the markers are not sorted from back to front which might lead to unexpected results when rendering layered transparent markers or in combination with other transparent objects.

markeredgecolor: {"none"} | {"flat"} | colorspec

Color of the edge of the markers. "none" means that the edges are transparent and "flat" means that the value from cdata is used. See line markeredgecolor property.

markerfacealpha: scalar, def. 1

Transparency level of the faces of the markers where a value of 0 means complete transparency and a value of 1 means solid faces without transparency. Note that the markers are not sorted from back to front which might lead to unexpected results when rendering layered transparent markers or in combination with other transparent objects.

markerfacecolor: {{"none"}} | "flat" | "auto" | colorspec

Color of the face of the markers. "none" means that the faces are transparent, "flat" means that the value from cdata is used, and "auto" uses the color property of the ancestor axes. See line markerfacecolor property.

sizedata: [] | scalar | vector, def. [](0x0)

Size of the area of the marker. A scalar value applies to all markers. If cdata is an N-by-1 vector, it defines the color of each one of the N scatter markers.

sizedatasource: def. ""

Data from workspace variables is not yet implemented for scatter objects. sizedatasource is unused.

Mouse Interaction

buttondownfcn: string | function handle, def. [](0x0)

For information on how to write graphics listener functions see Callbacks section.

contextmenu: graphics handle, def. [](0x0)

Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is currently associated to this scatter object.

datatiptemplate: def. [](0x0)

Data tip objects is not yet implemented for scatter objects. datatiptemplate is unused.

hittest: "off" | {"on"}

Specify whether scatter processes mouse events or passes them to ancestors of the object. When enabled, the object may respond to mouse clicks by evaluating the "buttondownfcn", showing the uicontextmenu, and eventually becoming the root "currentobject". This property is only relevant when the object can accept mouse clicks which is determined by the "pickableparts" property. See pickableparts property.

pickableparts: "all" | "none" | {"visible"}

Specify whether scatter will accept mouse clicks. By default, pickableparts is "visible" and only visible parts of the scatter or its children may react to mouse clicks. When pickableparts is "all" both visible and invisible parts (or children) may react to mouse clicks. When pickableparts is "none" mouse clicks on the object are ignored and transmitted to any objects underneath this one. When an object is configured to accept mouse clicks the "hittest" property will determine how they are processed. See hittest property.

selected: {"off"} | "on"

Property indicates whether this scatter is selected.

selectionhighlight: "off" | {"on"}

If selectionhighlight is "on", then the scatter’s selection state is visually highlighted.

Object Identification

tag: string, def. ""

A user-defined string to label the graphics object.

type (read-only): string

Class name of the graphics object. type is always "scatter".

userdata: Any Octave data, def. [](0x0)

User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.


children (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. [](0x1)

Child objects for Scatter plots is not yet implemented for scatter objects. children is unused.

handlevisibility: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}

If handlevisibility is "off", the scatter’s handle is not visible in its parent’s "children" property.

parent: graphics handle

Handle of the parent graphics object.