This is the complete list of members for interpreter, including all inherited members.
add_atexit_fcn(const std::string &fname) | interpreter | |
add_debug_watch_expression(const std::string &expr) | interpreter | |
assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &val=octave_value()) | interpreter | |
assignin(const std::string &context, const std::string &varname, const octave_value &val=octave_value()) | interpreter | |
at_top_level() const | interpreter | |
autoloaded_functions() const | interpreter | |
cancel_quit(bool flag) | interpreter | inline |
chdir(const std::string &dir) | interpreter | |
cleanup_tmp_files() | interpreter | |
clear_all(bool force=false) | interpreter | |
clear_debug_watch_expressions() | interpreter | |
clear_function(const std::string &name) | interpreter | |
clear_function_pattern(const std::string &pat) | interpreter | |
clear_function_regexp(const std::string &pat) | interpreter | |
clear_functions(bool force=false) | interpreter | |
clear_global_variable(const std::string &name) | interpreter | |
clear_global_variable_pattern(const std::string &pattern) | interpreter | |
clear_global_variable_regexp(const std::string &pattern) | interpreter | |
clear_global_variables() | interpreter | |
clear_objects() | interpreter | |
clear_symbol(const std::string &name) | interpreter | |
clear_symbol_pattern(const std::string &pat) | interpreter | |
clear_symbol_regexp(const std::string &pat) | interpreter | |
clear_variable(const std::string &name) | interpreter | |
clear_variable_pattern(const std::string &pattern) | interpreter | |
clear_variable_regexp(const std::string &pattern) | interpreter | |
clear_variables() | interpreter | |
debug_watch_expressions() const | interpreter | |
eval(const std::string &try_code, int nargout) | interpreter | |
eval(const std::string &try_code, const std::string &catch_code, int nargout) | interpreter | |
eval_string(const std::string &eval_str, bool silent, int &parse_status, int nargout) | interpreter | |
eval_string(const std::string &eval_str, bool silent, int &parse_status) | interpreter | |
eval_string(const octave_value &arg, bool silent, int &parse_status, int nargout) | interpreter | |
evalin(const std::string &context, const std::string &try_code, int nargout) | interpreter | |
evalin(const std::string &context, const std::string &try_code, const std::string &catch_code, int nargout) | interpreter | |
execute() | interpreter | |
executing_finish_script() const | interpreter | inline |
experimental_terminal_widget() const | interpreter | |
feval(const char *name, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list(), int nargout=0) | interpreter | |
feval(const std::string &name, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list(), int nargout=0) | interpreter | |
feval(octave_function *fcn, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list(), int nargout=0) | interpreter | |
feval(const octave_value &f_arg, const octave_value_list &args=octave_value_list(), int nargout=0) | interpreter | |
feval(const octave_value_list &args, int nargout=0) | interpreter | |
find(const std::string &name) | interpreter | |
get_app_context() | interpreter | inline |
get_cdef_manager() | interpreter | inline |
get_child_list() | interpreter | inline |
get_current_scope() const | interpreter | |
get_display_info() | interpreter | inline |
get_dynamic_loader() | interpreter | inline |
get_environment() | interpreter | inline |
get_error_system() | interpreter | inline |
get_evaluator() | interpreter | |
get_event_manager() | interpreter | inline |
get_gh_manager() | interpreter | inline |
get_gtk_manager() | interpreter | inline |
get_help_system() | interpreter | inline |
get_history_system() | interpreter | inline |
get_input_system() | interpreter | inline |
get_line_and_eval() | interpreter | |
get_load_path() | interpreter | inline |
get_load_save_system() | interpreter | inline |
get_output_system() | interpreter | inline |
get_profiler() | interpreter | |
get_settings() | interpreter | inline |
get_stream_list() | interpreter | |
get_symbol_table() | interpreter | inline |
get_top_scope() const | interpreter | |
get_type_info() | interpreter | inline |
get_url_handle_manager() | interpreter | |
global_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &val=octave_value()) | interpreter | |
global_variable_names() | interpreter | |
global_varval(const std::string &name) const | interpreter | |
handle_exception(const execution_exception &ee) | interpreter | |
in_top_level_repl() const | interpreter | inline |
inhibit_startup_message(bool flag) | interpreter | inline |
initialize() | interpreter | |
initialize_history(bool read_history_file=false) | interpreter | |
initialize_load_path(bool set_initial_path=true) | interpreter | |
initialized() const | interpreter | inline |
install_variable(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value, bool global) | interpreter | |
interactive() const | interpreter | inline |
interactive(bool arg) | interpreter | inline |
intern_nargin(octave_idx_type nargs) | interpreter | |
interpreter(application *app_context=nullptr) | interpreter | |
interrupt() | interpreter | |
interrupt_all_in_process_group(bool b) | interpreter | inline |
interrupt_all_in_process_group() const | interpreter | inline |
is_initialized() const | interpreter | inline |
is_local_variable(const std::string &name) const | interpreter | |
is_variable(const std::string &name) const | interpreter | |
isglobal(const std::string &name) const | interpreter | |
make_function_handle(const std::string &name) | interpreter | |
mark_for_deletion(const std::string &file) | interpreter | |
mfilename(const std::string &opt="") const | interpreter | |
mislocked(bool skip_first=false) const | interpreter | |
mislocked(const char *nm) | interpreter | |
mislocked(const std::string &nm) | interpreter | |
mlock(bool skip_first=false) const | interpreter | |
munlock(bool skip_first=false) const | interpreter | |
munlock(const char *nm) | interpreter | |
munlock(const std::string &nm) | interpreter | |
parse_and_execute(const std::string &input, bool &incomplete_parse) | interpreter | |
pause() | interpreter | |
PS1(const octave_value_list &args, int nargout) | interpreter | |
PS1() const | interpreter | |
PS1(const std::string &s) | interpreter | |
PS2(const octave_value_list &args, int nargout) | interpreter | |
PS2() const | interpreter | |
PS2(const std::string &s) | interpreter | |
PS4(const octave_value_list &args, int nargout) | interpreter | |
PS4() const | interpreter | |
PS4(const std::string &s) | interpreter | |
quit(int exit_status, bool force=false, bool confirm=true) | interpreter | |
read_init_files(bool flag) | interpreter | inline |
read_site_files(bool flag) | interpreter | inline |
recover_from_exception() | interpreter | |
remove_atexit_fcn(const std::string &fname) | interpreter | |
remove_debug_watch_expression(const std::string &expr) | interpreter | |
require_current_scope(const std::string &who) const | interpreter | |
resume() | interpreter | |
server_mode() const | interpreter | inline |
set_global_value(const std::string &name, const octave_value &value) | interpreter | |
set_PS1(const std::string &s) | interpreter | |
set_PS2(const std::string &s) | interpreter | |
set_PS4(const std::string &s) | interpreter | |
source_file(const std::string &file_name, const std::string &context="", bool verbose=false, bool require_file=true) | interpreter | |
stop() | interpreter | |
the_interpreter() | interpreter | inlinestatic |
top_level_assign(const std::string &name, const octave_value &val=octave_value()) | interpreter | |
top_level_variable_names() | interpreter | |
top_level_varval(const std::string &name) const | interpreter | |
traditional(bool flag) | interpreter | inline |
traditional() const | interpreter | inline |
user_function_names() | interpreter | |
variable_names() | interpreter | |
varval(const std::string &name) const | interpreter | |
verbose(bool flag) | interpreter | inline |
~interpreter() | interpreter |