GNU Octave  9.1.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
qrp< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for qrp< T >, including all inherited members.

CV_T typedefqr< T >
delete_col(octave_idx_type j)qr< T >
delete_col(const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
delete_col(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_col(const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
delete_col(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_col(const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
delete_col(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_col(const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
delete_col(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_col(const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
delete_row(octave_idx_type j)qr< T >
delete_row(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_row(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_row(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
delete_row(octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
economy enum valueqr< T >
ELT_T typedefqr< T >
form(octave_idx_type n, T &afact, ELT_T *tau, type qr_type)qr< T >protected
form(octave_idx_type n_arg, Matrix &afact, double *tau, type qr_type)qr< T >protected
form(octave_idx_type n_arg, FloatMatrix &afact, float *tau, type qr_type)qr< T >protected
form(octave_idx_type n_arg, ComplexMatrix &afact, Complex *tau, type qr_type)qr< T >protected
form(octave_idx_type n_arg, FloatComplexMatrix &afact, FloatComplex *tau, type qr_type)qr< T >protected
get_type() constqr< T >
init(const T &, type=qr< T >::std)qrp< T >
init(const Matrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
init(const FloatMatrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
init(const ComplexMatrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
init(const FloatComplexMatrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
insert_col(const CV_T &u, octave_idx_type j)qr< T >
insert_col(const T &u, const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
insert_col(const ColumnVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_col(const Matrix &u, const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
insert_col(const FloatColumnVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_col(const FloatMatrix &u, const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
insert_col(const ComplexColumnVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_col(const ComplexMatrix &u, const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
insert_col(const FloatComplexColumnVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_col(const FloatComplexMatrix &u, const Array< octave_idx_type > &j)qr< T >
insert_row(const RV_T &u, octave_idx_type j)qr< T >
insert_row(const RowVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_row(const FloatRowVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_row(const ComplexRowVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
insert_row(const FloatComplexRowVector &u, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
m_qqr< T >protected
m_rqr< T >protected
operator=(const qrp &a)qrp< T >inline
qr::operator=(const qr &a)qr< T >inline
P() constqrp< T >inline
Pvec() constqrp< T >
Pvec() constqrp< T >
Pvec() constqrp< T >
Pvec() constqrp< T >
Pvec() constqrp< T >
Q() constqr< T >inline
qr()qr< T >inline
qr(const T &a, type qr_type=qr::std)qr< T >inline
qr(const T &m_q, const T &m_r)qr< T >
qr(const qr &a)qr< T >inline
qrp()qrp< T >inline
qrp(const T &, type=qr< T >::std)qrp< T >
qrp(const qrp &a)qrp< T >inline
qrp(const Matrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
qrp(const FloatMatrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
qrp(const ComplexMatrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
qrp(const FloatComplexMatrix &a, type qr_type)qrp< T >
R() constqr< T >inline
raw enum valueqr< T >
regular() constqr< T >
RV_T typedefqrp< T >
shift_cols(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)qr< T >
shift_cols(octave_idx_type i_arg, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
shift_cols(octave_idx_type i_arg, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
shift_cols(octave_idx_type i_arg, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
shift_cols(octave_idx_type i_arg, octave_idx_type j_arg)qr< T >
std enum valueqr< T >
type typedefqrp< T >
update(const CV_T &u, const CV_T &v)qr< T >
update(const T &u, const T &v)qr< T >
update(const ColumnVector &u, const ColumnVector &v)qr< T >
update(const Matrix &u, const Matrix &v)qr< T >
update(const FloatColumnVector &u, const FloatColumnVector &v)qr< T >
update(const FloatMatrix &u, const FloatMatrix &v)qr< T >
update(const ComplexColumnVector &u, const ComplexColumnVector &v)qr< T >
update(const ComplexMatrix &u, const ComplexMatrix &v)qr< T >
update(const FloatComplexColumnVector &u, const FloatComplexColumnVector &v)qr< T >
update(const FloatComplexMatrix &u, const FloatComplexMatrix &v)qr< T >
~qr()=defaultqr< T >virtual
~qrp()=defaultqrp< T >