GNU Octave  9.1.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
ComplexRowVector Member List

This is the complete list of members for ComplexRowVector, including all inherited members.

append(const RowVector &a) constComplexRowVector
append(const ComplexRowVector &a) constComplexRowVector
Array(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, const dim_vector &dv, octave_idx_type l, octave_idx_type u)Array< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
Array()Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
Array(const dim_vector &dv, const T &val)Array< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
Array(T *ptr, const dim_vector &dv, const Alloc &xallocator=Alloc())Array< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
Array(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
Array(const Container< T > &a, const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
Array(const Array< U, A > &a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array(const Array< T, Alloc > &a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array(Array< T, Alloc > &&a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
as_column() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
as_matrix() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
as_row() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs)Array< T, Alloc >inline
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs)Array< T, Alloc >inline
assign(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
assign(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs)Array< T, Alloc >inline
byte_size() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
cat(int dim, octave_idx_type n, const Array< T, Alloc > *array_list)Array< T, Alloc >static
changesign()MArray< Complex >
checkelem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
checkelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >
clear(octave_idx_type n)ComplexRowVectorinline
MArray< Complex >::clear()Array< T, Alloc >
MArray< Complex >::clear(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
MArray< Complex >::clear(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T, Alloc >inline
cols() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
column(octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
columns() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
compare_fcn_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
ComplexColumnVector classComplexRowVectorfriend
ComplexRowVector(octave_idx_type n)ComplexRowVectorinlineexplicit
ComplexRowVector(const dim_vector &dv)ComplexRowVectorinlineexplicit
ComplexRowVector(octave_idx_type n, const Complex &val)ComplexRowVectorinline
ComplexRowVector(const ComplexRowVector &a)ComplexRowVectorinline
ComplexRowVector(const MArray< Complex > &a)ComplexRowVectorinline
ComplexRowVector(const Array< Complex > &a)ComplexRowVectorinline
ComplexRowVector(const RowVector &a)ComplexRowVectorinlineexplicit
compute_index(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >
compute_index(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
compute_index(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >
compute_index_unchecked(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
conj(const ComplexRowVector &a)ComplexRowVectorfriend
crefT typedefArray< T, Alloc >
data() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
delete_elements(const octave::idx_vector &i)Array< T, Alloc >
delete_elements(int dim, const octave::idx_vector &i)Array< T, Alloc >
delete_elements(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia)Array< T, Alloc >
diag(octave_idx_type k=0) constArray< T, Alloc >
diag(octave_idx_type m, octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >
dim1() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dim2() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dim3() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dims() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
element_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
extract(octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type c2) constComplexRowVector
extract_n(octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type n) constComplexRowVector
fill(double val)ComplexRowVector
fill(const Complex &val)ComplexRowVector
fill(double val, octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type c2)ComplexRowVector
fill(const Complex &val, octave_idx_type c1, octave_idx_type c2)ComplexRowVector
MArray< Complex >::fill(const T &val)Array< T, Alloc >
find(octave_idx_type n=-1, bool backward=false) constArray< T, Alloc >
find(octave_idx_type, bool) constArray< T, Alloc >
find(octave_idx_type, bool) constArray< T, Alloc >
fortran_vec()Array< T, Alloc >
hermitian() constComplexRowVector
MArray< Complex >::hermitian(Complex(*fcn)(const Complex &)=nullptr) constMArray< Complex >inline
Array::hermitian(T(*fcn)(const T &)=nullptr) constArray< T, Alloc >
idx_add(const octave::idx_vector &idx, Complex val)MArray< Complex >
idx_add(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< Complex > &vals)MArray< Complex >
idx_add_nd(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< Complex > &vals, int dim=-1)MArray< Complex >
idx_max(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< Complex > &vals)MArray< Complex >
idx_min(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< Complex > &vals)MArray< Complex >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
index(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
insert(const RowVector &a, octave_idx_type c)ComplexRowVector
insert(const ComplexRowVector &a, octave_idx_type c)ComplexRowVector
MArray< Complex >::insert(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, const Array< octave_idx_type > &idx)Array< T, Alloc >
MArray< Complex >::insert(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T, Alloc >
ipermute(const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec) constMArray< Complex >inline
is_nd_vector() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
is_shared() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
is_sorted_rows(sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
is_sorted_rows(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
is_sorted_rows(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
isempty() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
issorted(sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
issorted(sortmode mode) constArray< T, Alloc >
issorted(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
issorted(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
issquare() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
isvector() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
linear_slice(octave_idx_type lo, octave_idx_type up) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const T &value, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const Array< T, Alloc > &values, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(octave::idx_vector const &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(octave::cdef_object const &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const Array< octave::cdef_object > &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
m_dimensionsArray< T, Alloc >protected
m_repArray< T, Alloc >protected
m_slice_dataArray< T, Alloc >protected
m_slice_lenArray< T, Alloc >protected
make_unique()Array< T, Alloc >inline
map(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
map(U(&fcn)(T)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
map(U(&fcn)(const T &)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
MArray()MArray< Complex >inline
MArray(const dim_vector &dv)MArray< Complex >inlineexplicit
MArray(const dim_vector &dv, const Complex &val)MArray< Complex >inlineexplicit
MArray(const MArray< Complex > &a)MArray< Complex >inline
MArray(const Array< U > &a)MArray< Complex >inline
max() constComplexRowVector
maybe_economize()Array< T, Alloc >inline
min() constComplexRowVector
ndims() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
nnz() constArray< T, Alloc >
nnz() constArray< T, Alloc >
nnz() constArray< T, Alloc >
nth_element(const octave::idx_vector &n, int dim=0) constArray< T, Alloc >
nth_element(const octave::idx_vector &, int) constArray< T, Alloc >
nth_element(const octave::idx_vector &, int) constArray< T, Alloc >
numel() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator!=(const ComplexRowVector &a) constComplexRowVector
operator()(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator*(const ComplexRowVector &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)ComplexRowVectorfriend
operator*(const RowVector &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)ComplexRowVectorfriend
operator+=(const RowVector &a)ComplexRowVector
operator-=(const RowVector &a)ComplexRowVector
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ComplexRowVector &a)ComplexRowVectorfriend
operator=(const ComplexRowVector &a)ComplexRowVectorinline
MArray< Complex >::operator=(const MArray< Complex > &a)MArray< Complex >inline
Array::operator=(const Array< T, Alloc > &a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array::operator=(Array< T, Alloc > &&a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator==(const ComplexRowVector &a) constComplexRowVector
operator>>(std::istream &is, ComplexRowVector &a)ComplexRowVectorfriend
optimize_dimensions(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
page(octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
pages() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
permute(const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec, bool inv=false) constMArray< Complex >inline
print_info(std::ostream &os, const std::string &prefix) constArray< T, Alloc >
reshape(const dim_vector &new_dims) constMArray< Complex >inline
Array::reshape(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
resize(octave_idx_type n, const Complex &rfv=Complex(0))ComplexRowVectorinline
MArray< Complex >::resize(const dim_vector &dv, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
MArray< Complex >::resize(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >inline
resize1(octave_idx_type n, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
resize1(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
resize2(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
resize2(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc)Array< T, Alloc >inline
resize_fill_value() constArray< T, Alloc >virtual
rows() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
size(const size_type d) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
size_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
sort(int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort_rows_idx(sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort_rows_idx(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort_rows_idx(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
squeeze() constMArray< Complex >inline
test(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_all(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_all(bool(&fcn)(T)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_all(bool(&fcn)(const T &)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_any(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_any(bool(&fcn)(T)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_any(bool(&fcn)(const T &)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
transpose() constComplexRowVector
value_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
xelem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
~Array()Array< T, Alloc >inlinevirtual
~MArray()=defaultMArray< Complex >