GNU Octave  9.1.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
FloatComplexNDArray Member List

This is the complete list of members for FloatComplexNDArray, including all inherited members.

abs() constFloatComplexNDArray
all(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
all_elements_are_real() constFloatComplexNDArray
all_integers(float &max_val, float &min_val) constFloatComplexNDArray
any(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
any_element_is_inf_or_nan() constFloatComplexNDArray
any_element_is_nan() constFloatComplexNDArray
Array(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, const dim_vector &dv, octave_idx_type l, octave_idx_type u)Array< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
Array()Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
Array(const dim_vector &dv, const T &val)Array< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
Array(T *ptr, const dim_vector &dv, const Alloc &xallocator=Alloc())Array< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
Array(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
Array(const Container< T > &a, const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
Array(const Array< U, A > &a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array(const Array< T, Alloc > &a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array(Array< T, Alloc > &&a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
as_column() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
as_matrix() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
as_row() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs)Array< T, Alloc >inline
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
assign(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs)Array< T, Alloc >inline
assign(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
assign(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, const Array< T, Alloc > &rhs)Array< T, Alloc >inline
byte_size() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
cat(int dim, octave_idx_type n, const Array< T, Alloc > *array_list)Array< T, Alloc >static
checkelem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >
checkelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
checkelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >
clear()Array< T, Alloc >
clear(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
clear(octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T, Alloc >inline
cols() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
column(octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
columns() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
compare_fcn_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
compute_index(Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx, const dim_vector &dimensions)FloatComplexNDArraystatic
MArray< FloatComplex >::compute_index(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >
MArray< FloatComplex >::compute_index(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
MArray< FloatComplex >::compute_index(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >
compute_index_unchecked(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
concat(const FloatComplexNDArray &rb, const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)FloatComplexNDArray
concat(const FloatNDArray &rb, const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)FloatComplexNDArray
conj(const FloatComplexNDArray &a)FloatComplexNDArrayfriend
crefT typedefArray< T, Alloc >
cummax(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
cummax(Array< octave_idx_type > &index, int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
cummin(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
cummin(Array< octave_idx_type > &index, int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
cumprod(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
cumsum(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
data() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
delete_elements(const octave::idx_vector &i)Array< T, Alloc >
delete_elements(int dim, const octave::idx_vector &i)Array< T, Alloc >
delete_elements(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia)Array< T, Alloc >
diag(octave_idx_type k=0) constFloatComplexNDArray
diag(octave_idx_type m, octave_idx_type n) constFloatComplexNDArray
diff(octave_idx_type order=1, int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
dim1() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dim2() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dim3() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dims() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
dprod(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
dsum(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
elem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
elem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
element_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
fill(const T &val)Array< T, Alloc >
find(octave_idx_type n=-1, bool backward=false) constArray< T, Alloc >
find(octave_idx_type, bool) constArray< T, Alloc >
find(octave_idx_type, bool) constArray< T, Alloc >
FloatComplexNDArray(const dim_vector &dv)FloatComplexNDArrayinline
FloatComplexNDArray(const dim_vector &dv, const FloatComplex &val)FloatComplexNDArrayinline
FloatComplexNDArray(const FloatComplexNDArray &a)FloatComplexNDArrayinline
FloatComplexNDArray(const MArray< U > &a)FloatComplexNDArrayinline
FloatComplexNDArray(const Array< U > &a)FloatComplexNDArrayinline
FloatComplexNDArray(const charNDArray &)FloatComplexNDArray
fortran_vec()Array< T, Alloc >
fourier(int dim=1) constFloatComplexNDArray
fourier2d() constFloatComplexNDArray
fourierNd() constFloatComplexNDArray
hermitian(FloatComplex(*fcn)(const FloatComplex &)=nullptr) constMArray< FloatComplex >inline
Array::hermitian(T(*fcn)(const T &)=nullptr) constArray< T, Alloc >
idx_add(const octave::idx_vector &idx, FloatComplex val)MArray< FloatComplex >
idx_add(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< FloatComplex > &vals)MArray< FloatComplex >
idx_add_nd(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< FloatComplex > &vals, int dim=-1)MArray< FloatComplex >
idx_max(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< FloatComplex > &vals)MArray< FloatComplex >
idx_min(const octave::idx_vector &idx, const MArray< FloatComplex > &vals)MArray< FloatComplex >
ifourier(int dim=1) constFloatComplexNDArray
ifourier2d() constFloatComplexNDArray
ifourierNd() constFloatComplexNDArray
increment_index(Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx, const dim_vector &dimensions, int start_dimension=0)FloatComplexNDArraystatic
index(const octave::idx_vector &i) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, bool resize_ok) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const octave::idx_vector &i, const octave::idx_vector &j, bool resize_ok) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
index(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok, const T &rfv) constArray< T, Alloc >
index(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &ia, bool resize_ok) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
insert(const NDArray &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)FloatComplexNDArray
insert(const FloatComplexNDArray &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)FloatComplexNDArray
insert(const FloatComplexNDArray &a, const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)FloatComplexNDArray
MArray< FloatComplex >::insert(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, const Array< octave_idx_type > &idx)Array< T, Alloc >
MArray< FloatComplex >::insert(const Array< T, Alloc > &a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c)Array< T, Alloc >
ipermute(const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec) constMArray< FloatComplex >inline
is_nd_vector() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
is_shared() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
is_sorted_rows(sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
is_sorted_rows(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
is_sorted_rows(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
isempty() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
isfinite() constFloatComplexNDArray
isinf() constFloatComplexNDArray
isnan() constFloatComplexNDArray
issorted(sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
issorted(sortmode mode) constArray< T, Alloc >
issorted(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
issorted(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
issquare() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
isvector() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
linear_slice(octave_idx_type lo, octave_idx_type up) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const T &value, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const Array< T, Alloc > &values, sortmode mode=UNSORTED) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(octave::idx_vector const &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const Array< octave::idx_vector > &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(octave::cdef_object const &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
lookup(const Array< octave::cdef_object > &, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
m_dimensionsArray< T, Alloc >protected
m_repArray< T, Alloc >protected
m_slice_dataArray< T, Alloc >protected
m_slice_lenArray< T, Alloc >protected
make_unique()Array< T, Alloc >inline
map(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
map(U(&fcn)(T)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
map(U(&fcn)(const T &)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
MArray()MArray< FloatComplex >inline
MArray(const dim_vector &dv)MArray< FloatComplex >inlineexplicit
MArray(const dim_vector &dv, const FloatComplex &val)MArray< FloatComplex >inlineexplicit
MArray(const MArray< FloatComplex > &a)MArray< FloatComplex >inline
MArray(const Array< U > &a)MArray< FloatComplex >inline
max(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
max(Array< octave_idx_type > &index, int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
maybe_economize()Array< T, Alloc >inline
min(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
min(Array< octave_idx_type > &index, int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
ndims() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
nnz() constArray< T, Alloc >
nnz() constArray< T, Alloc >
nnz() constArray< T, Alloc >
nth_element(const octave::idx_vector &n, int dim=0) constArray< T, Alloc >
nth_element(const octave::idx_vector &, int) constArray< T, Alloc >
nth_element(const octave::idx_vector &, int) constArray< T, Alloc >
numel() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator!() constFloatComplexNDArray
operator()(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator()(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FloatComplexNDArray &a)FloatComplexNDArrayfriend
operator=(const FloatComplexNDArray &a)FloatComplexNDArrayinline
MArray< FloatComplex >::operator=(const MArray< FloatComplex > &a)MArray< FloatComplex >inline
Array::operator=(const Array< T, Alloc > &a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
Array::operator=(Array< T, Alloc > &&a)Array< T, Alloc >inline
operator>>(std::istream &is, FloatComplexNDArray &a)FloatComplexNDArrayfriend
optimize_dimensions(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >
page(octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >
pages() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
permute(const Array< octave_idx_type > &vec, bool inv=false) constMArray< FloatComplex >inline
print_info(std::ostream &os, const std::string &prefix) constArray< T, Alloc >
prod(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
reshape(const dim_vector &new_dims) constMArray< FloatComplex >inline
Array::reshape(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
resize(const dim_vector &dv, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
resize(const dim_vector &dv)Array< T, Alloc >inline
resize1(octave_idx_type n, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
resize1(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
resize2(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, const T &rfv)Array< T, Alloc >
resize2(octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc)Array< T, Alloc >inline
resize_fill_value() constArray< T, Alloc >virtual
rows() constArray< T, Alloc >inline
size(const size_type d) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
size_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
sort(int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int dim=0, sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort(Array< octave_idx_type > &sidx, int, sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort_rows_idx(sortmode mode=ASCENDING) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort_rows_idx(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
sort_rows_idx(sortmode) constArray< T, Alloc >
squeeze() constFloatComplexNDArrayinline
sum(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
sumsq(int dim=-1) constFloatComplexNDArray
test(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_all(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_all(bool(&fcn)(T)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_all(bool(&fcn)(const T &)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_any(F fcn) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_any(bool(&fcn)(T)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
test_any(bool(&fcn)(const T &)) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
too_large_for_float() constFloatComplexNDArray
transpose() constMArray< FloatComplex >inline
value_type typedefArray< T, Alloc >
xelem(octave_idx_type n)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type n) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(octave_idx_type i, octave_idx_type j, octave_idx_type k) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx)Array< T, Alloc >inline
xelem(const Array< octave_idx_type > &ra_idx) constArray< T, Alloc >inline
~Array()Array< T, Alloc >inlinevirtual
~MArray()=defaultMArray< FloatComplex >