GNU Octave  8.1.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
sparse_lu< lu_type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for sparse_lu< lu_type >, including all inherited members.

col_perm(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >inline
L(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >inline
lu_elt_type typedefsparse_lu< lu_type >
m_condsparse_lu< lu_type >protected
m_Lsparse_lu< lu_type >protected
m_Psparse_lu< lu_type >protected
m_Qsparse_lu< lu_type >protected
m_Rsparse_lu< lu_type >protected
m_Usparse_lu< lu_type >protected
operator=(const sparse_lu &a)sparse_lu< lu_type >inline
Pc(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
Pc_mat(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
Pc_vec(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
Pr(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
Pr_mat(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
Pr_vec(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
R(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >inline
rcond(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >inline
row_perm(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >inline
sparse_lu(void)sparse_lu< lu_type >inline
sparse_lu(const lu_type &a, const Matrix &piv_thres=Matrix(), bool scale=false)sparse_lu< lu_type >
sparse_lu(const lu_type &a, const ColumnVector &Qinit, const Matrix &piv_thres, bool scale=false, bool FixedQ=false, double droptol=-1.0, bool milu=false, bool udiag=false)sparse_lu< lu_type >
sparse_lu(const sparse_lu &a)sparse_lu< lu_type >inline
U(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >inline
Y(void) constsparse_lu< lu_type >
~sparse_lu(void)=defaultsparse_lu< lu_type >virtual