GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
octave::math::svd< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for octave::math::svd< T >, including all inherited members.

DM_P typedefoctave::math::svd< T >private
DM_T typedefoctave::math::svd< T >
Driver enum nameoctave::math::svd< T >
gesdd(char &jobz, octave_f77_int_type m, octave_f77_int_type n, P *tmp_data, octave_f77_int_type m1, DM_P *s_vec, P *u, P *vt, octave_f77_int_type nrow_vt1, std::vector< P > &work, octave_f77_int_type &lwork, octave_f77_int_type *iwork, octave_f77_int_type &info)octave::math::svd< T >private
gesvd(char &jobu, char &jobv, octave_f77_int_type m, octave_f77_int_type n, P *tmp_data, octave_f77_int_type m1, DM_P *s_vec, P *u, P *vt, octave_f77_int_type nrow_vt1, std::vector< P > &work, octave_f77_int_type &lwork, octave_f77_int_type &info)octave::math::svd< T >private
left_singular_matrix(void) constoctave::math::svd< T >
left_smoctave::math::svd< T >private
m_driveroctave::math::svd< T >private
m_typeoctave::math::svd< T >private
operator=(const svd &a)octave::math::svd< T >inline
P typedefoctave::math::svd< T >private
right_singular_matrix(void) constoctave::math::svd< T >
right_smoctave::math::svd< T >private
sigmaoctave::math::svd< T >private
singular_values(void) constoctave::math::svd< T >inline
svd(void)octave::math::svd< T >inline
svd(const T &a, svd::Type type=svd::Type::std, svd::Driver driver=svd::Driver::GESVD)octave::math::svd< T >
svd(const svd &a)octave::math::svd< T >inline
Type enum nameoctave::math::svd< T >
~svd(void)=defaultoctave::math::svd< T >