GNU Octave  6.2.0
A high-level interpreted language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab
octave_sort< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for octave_sort< T >, including all inherited members.

ascending_compare(typename ref_param< T >::type, typename ref_param< T >::type)octave_sort< T >static
binarysort(T *data, octave_idx_type nel, octave_idx_type start, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
binarysort(T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type nel, octave_idx_type start, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
compare_fcn_type typedefoctave_sort< T >
count_run(T *lo, octave_idx_type n, bool &descending, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
descending_compare(typename ref_param< T >::type, typename ref_param< T >::type)octave_sort< T >static
gallop_left(T key, T *a, octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type hint, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
gallop_right(T key, T *a, octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type hint, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
is_sorted_rows(const T *data, octave_idx_type rows, octave_idx_type cols)octave_sort< T >
is_sorted_rows(const T *data, octave_idx_type rows, octave_idx_type cols, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
issorted(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel)octave_sort< T >
issorted(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
lookup(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, const T &value)octave_sort< T >
lookup(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, const T *values, octave_idx_type nvalues, octave_idx_type *idx)octave_sort< T >
lookup(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, const T &value, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
lookup(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, const T *values, octave_idx_type nvalues, octave_idx_type *idx, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
lookup_sorted(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, const T *values, octave_idx_type nvalues, octave_idx_type *idx, bool rev=false)octave_sort< T >
lookup_sorted(const T *data, octave_idx_type nel, const T *values, octave_idx_type nvalues, octave_idx_type *idx, bool rev, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
m_compareoctave_sort< T >private
m_msoctave_sort< T >private
MAX_MERGE_PENDINGoctave_sort< T >privatestatic
merge_at(octave_idx_type i, T *data, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_at(octave_idx_type i, T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_collapse(T *data, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_collapse(T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_compute_minrun(octave_idx_type n)octave_sort< T >private
merge_force_collapse(T *data, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_force_collapse(T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_hi(T *pa, octave_idx_type na, T *pb, octave_idx_type nb, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_hi(T *pa, octave_idx_type *ipa, octave_idx_type na, T *pb, octave_idx_type *ipb, octave_idx_type nb, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_lo(T *pa, octave_idx_type na, T *pb, octave_idx_type nb, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
merge_lo(T *pa, octave_idx_type *ipa, octave_idx_type na, T *pb, octave_idx_type *ipb, octave_idx_type nb, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
MERGESTATE_TEMP_SIZEoctave_sort< T >privatestatic
MIN_GALLOPoctave_sort< T >privatestatic
nth_element(T *data, octave_idx_type nel, octave_idx_type lo, octave_idx_type up=-1)octave_sort< T >
nth_element(T *data, octave_idx_type nel, octave_idx_type lo, octave_idx_type up, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
octave_sort(void)octave_sort< T >
octave_sort(compare_fcn_type)octave_sort< T >
octave_sort(const octave_sort &)=deleteoctave_sort< T >
operator=(const octave_sort &)=deleteoctave_sort< T >
set_compare(compare_fcn_type comp)octave_sort< T >inline
set_compare(sortmode mode)octave_sort< T >
sort(T *data, octave_idx_type nel)octave_sort< T >
sort(T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type nel)octave_sort< T >
sort(T *data, octave_idx_type nel, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
sort(T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type nel, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
sort(bool *data, octave_idx_type nel, std::less< bool >)octave_sort< T >
sort(bool *data, octave_idx_type nel, std::greater< bool >)octave_sort< T >
sort(bool *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type nel, std::less< bool >)octave_sort< T >
sort(bool *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type nel, std::greater< bool >)octave_sort< T >
sort_rows(const T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type rows, octave_idx_type cols)octave_sort< T >
sort_rows(const T *data, octave_idx_type *idx, octave_idx_type rows, octave_idx_type cols, Comp comp)octave_sort< T >private
~octave_sort(void)octave_sort< T >