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00001       REAL FUNCTION gennf(dfn,dfd,xnonc)
00003 C**********************************************************************
00004 C
00006 C           GENerate random deviate from the Noncentral F distribution
00007 C
00008 C
00009 C                              Function
00010 C
00011 C
00012 C     Generates a random deviate from the  noncentral F (variance ratio)
00013 C     distribution with DFN degrees of freedom in the numerator, and DFD
00014 C     degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter
00015 C     XNONC.
00016 C
00017 C
00018 C                              Arguments
00019 C
00020 C
00021 C     DFN --> Numerator degrees of freedom
00022 C             (Must be >= 1.0)
00023 C                              REAL DFN
00024 C      DFD --> Denominator degrees of freedom
00025 C             (Must be positive)
00026 C                              REAL DFD
00027 C
00028 C     XNONC --> Noncentrality parameter
00029 C               (Must be nonnegative)
00030 C                              REAL XNONC
00031 C
00032 C
00033 C                              Method
00034 C
00035 C
00036 C     Directly generates ratio of noncentral numerator chisquare variate
00037 C     to central denominator chisquare variate.
00038 C
00039 C**********************************************************************
00040 C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
00041       REAL dfd,dfn,xnonc
00042 C     ..
00043 C     .. Local Scalars ..
00044       REAL xden,xnum
00045       LOGICAL qcond
00046 C     ..
00047 C     .. External Functions ..
00048 C     JJV changed the code to call SGAMMA and SNORM directly
00049 C      REAL genchi,gennch
00050 C      EXTERNAL genchi,gennch
00051       REAL sgamma,snorm
00052       EXTERNAL sgamma,snorm
00053 C     ..
00054 C     .. Executable Statements ..
00055 C     JJV changed the argument checker to allow DFN = 1.0
00056 C     JJV in the same way as GENNCH was changed.
00057       qcond = dfn .LT. 1.0 .OR. dfd .LE. 0.0 .OR. xnonc .LT. 0.0
00058       IF (.NOT. (qcond)) GO TO 10
00059       WRITE (*,*) 'In GENNF - Either (1) Numerator DF < 1.0 or'
00060       WRITE (*,*) '(2) Denominator DF <= 0.0 or '
00061       WRITE (*,*) '(3) Noncentrality parameter < 0.0'
00062       WRITE (*,*) 'DFN value: ',dfn,'DFD value: ',dfd,'XNONC value: ',
00063      +  xnonc
00065       CALL XSTOPX
00066      + ('Degrees of freedom or noncent param out of range in GENNF')
00068 C      GENNF = ( GENNCH( DFN, XNONC ) / DFN ) / ( GENCHI( DFD ) / DFD )
00069 C     JJV changed this to call SGAMMA and SNORM directly
00070 C     xnum = gennch(dfn,xnonc)/dfn
00071  10   IF (dfn.GE.1.000001) GO TO 20
00072 C     JJV case dfn = 1.0 - here I am treating dfn as exactly 1.0
00073       xnum = (snorm() + sqrt(xnonc))**2
00074       GO TO 30
00076 C     JJV case dfn > 1.0
00077  20   xnum = (2.0*sgamma((dfn-1.0)/2.0) + (snorm()+sqrt(xnonc))**2)/dfn
00079 C     xden = genchi(dfd)/dfd
00080  30   xden = 2.0*sgamma(dfd/2.0)/dfd
00082 C     JJV changed constant so that it will not underflow at compile time
00083 C     JJV while not slowing generator by using double precision or logs.
00084 C      IF (.NOT. (xden.LE. (1.0E-38*xnum))) GO TO 40
00085       IF (.NOT. (xden.LE. (1.0E-37*xnum))) GO TO 40
00086       WRITE (*,*) ' GENNF - generated numbers would cause overflow'
00087       WRITE (*,*) ' Numerator ',xnum,' Denominator ',xden
00088 C     JJV next 2 lines changed to maintain truncation of large deviates.
00089 C      WRITE (*,*) ' GENNF returning 1.0E38'
00090 C      gennf = 1.0E38
00091       WRITE (*,*) ' GENNF returning 1.0E37'
00092       gennf = 1.0E37
00093       GO TO 50
00095    40 gennf = xnum/xden
00096    50 RETURN
00098       END
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