
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 C Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
00002 C by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number 
00003 C W-7405-Eng-48.
00004 C
00009 C
00012 C***DATE WRITTEN   891219   (YYMMDD)
00013 C***REVISION DATE  900926   (YYMMDD)
00014 C
00015 C
00016 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 C
00019 C     DNEDD solves a nonlinear system of
00020 C     algebraic equations of the form
00021 C     G(X,Y,YPRIME) = 0 for the unknown Y.
00022 C
00023 C     The method used is a modified Newton scheme.
00024 C
00025 C     The parameters represent
00026 C
00027 C     X         -- Independent variable.
00028 C     Y         -- Solution vector.
00029 C     YPRIME    -- Derivative of solution vector.
00030 C     NEQ       -- Number of unknowns.
00031 C     RES       -- External user-supplied subroutine
00032 C                  to evaluate the residual.  See RES description
00033 C                  in DDASPK prologue.
00034 C     JACD      -- External user-supplied routine to evaluate the
00035 C                  Jacobian.  See JAC description for the case
00036 C                  INFO(12) = 0 in the DDASPK prologue.
00037 C     PDUM      -- Dummy argument.
00038 C     H         -- Appropriate step size for next step.
00039 C     WT        -- Vector of weights for error criterion.
00040 C     JSTART    -- Indicates first call to this routine.
00041 C                  If JSTART = 0, then this is the first call,
00042 C                  otherwise it is not.
00043 C     IDID      -- Completion flag, output by DNEDD.
00044 C                  See IDID description in DDASPK prologue.
00045 C     RPAR,IPAR -- Real and integer arrays used for communication
00046 C                  between the calling program and external user
00047 C                  routines.  They are not altered within DASPK.
00048 C     PHI       -- Array of divided differences used by
00049 C                  DNEDD.  The length is NEQ*(K+1),where
00050 C                  K is the maximum order.
00051 C     GAMMA     -- Array used to predict Y and YPRIME.  The length
00052 C                  is MAXORD+1 where MAXORD is the maximum order.
00053 C     DUMSVR    -- Dummy argument.
00054 C     DELTA     -- Work vector for NLS of length NEQ.
00055 C     E         -- Error accumulation vector for NLS of length NEQ.
00056 C     WM,IWM    -- Real and integer arrays storing
00057 C                  matrix information such as the matrix
00058 C                  of partial derivatives, permutation
00059 C                  vector, and various other information.
00060 C     CJ        -- Parameter always proportional to 1/H.
00061 C     CJOLD     -- Saves the value of CJ as of the last call to DMATD.
00062 C                  Accounts for changes in CJ needed to
00063 C                  decide whether to call DMATD.
00064 C     CJLAST    -- Previous value of CJ.
00065 C     S         -- A scalar determined by the approximate rate
00066 C                  of convergence of the Newton iteration and used
00067 C                  in the convergence test for the Newton iteration.
00068 C
00069 C                  If RATE is defined to be an estimate of the
00070 C                  rate of convergence of the Newton iteration,
00071 C                  then S = RATE/(1.D0-RATE).
00072 C
00073 C                  The closer RATE is to 0., the faster the Newton
00074 C                  iteration is converging; the closer RATE is to 1.,
00075 C                  the slower the Newton iteration is converging.
00076 C
00077 C                  On the first Newton iteration with an up-dated
00078 C                  preconditioner S = 100.D0, Thus the initial
00079 C                  RATE of convergence is approximately 1.
00080 C
00081 C                  S is preserved from call to call so that the rate
00082 C                  estimate from a previous step can be applied to
00083 C                  the current step.
00084 C     UROUND    -- Unit roundoff.
00085 C     DUME      -- Dummy argument.
00086 C     DUMS      -- Dummy argument.
00087 C     DUMR      -- Dummy argument.
00088 C     EPCON     -- Tolerance to test for convergence of the Newton
00089 C                  iteration.
00090 C     JCALC     -- Flag used to determine when to update
00091 C                  the Jacobian matrix.  In general:
00092 C
00093 C                  JCALC = -1 ==> Call the DMATD routine to update
00094 C                                 the Jacobian matrix.
00095 C                  JCALC =  0 ==> Jacobian matrix is up-to-date.
00096 C                  JCALC =  1 ==> Jacobian matrix is out-dated,
00097 C                                 but DMATD will not be called unless
00098 C                                 JCALC is set to -1.
00099 C     JFDUM     -- Dummy argument.
00100 C     KP1       -- The current order(K) + 1;  updated across calls.
00101 C     NONNEG    -- Flag to determine nonnegativity constraints.
00102 C     NTYPE     -- Identification code for the NLS routine.
00103 C                   0  ==> modified Newton; direct solver.
00104 C     IERNLS    -- Error flag for nonlinear solver.
00105 C                   0  ==> nonlinear solver converged.
00106 C                   1  ==> recoverable error inside nonlinear solver.
00107 C                  -1  ==> unrecoverable error inside nonlinear solver.
00108 C
00109 C     All variables with "DUM" in their names are dummy variables
00110 C     which are not used in this routine.
00111 C
00112 C     Following is a list and description of local variables which
00113 C     may not have an obvious usage.  They are listed in roughly the
00114 C     order they occur in this subroutine.
00115 C
00116 C     The following group of variables are passed as arguments to
00117 C     the Newton iteration solver.  They are explained in greater detail
00118 C     in DNSD:
00120 C
00121 C     IERTYP -- Flag which tells whether this subroutine is correct.
00122 C               0 ==> correct subroutine.
00123 C               1 ==> incorrect subroutine.
00124 C 
00125 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00128 C
00130 C
00131 C
00133       DIMENSION Y(*),YPRIME(*),WT(*)
00134       DIMENSION DELTA(*),E(*)
00135       DIMENSION WM(*),IWM(*), RPAR(*),IPAR(*)
00136       DIMENSION PHI(NEQ,*),GAMMA(*)
00137       EXTERNAL  RES, JACD
00138 C
00139       PARAMETER (LNRE=12, LNJE=13)
00140 C
00142       DATA MULDEL/1/, MAXIT/4/, XRATE/0.25D0/
00143 C
00144 C     Verify that this is the correct subroutine.
00145 C
00146       IERTYP = 0
00147       IF (NTYPE .NE. 0) THEN
00148          IERTYP = 1
00149          GO TO 380
00150          ENDIF
00151 C
00152 C     If this is the first step, perform initializations.
00153 C
00154       IF (JSTART .EQ. 0) THEN
00155          CJOLD = CJ
00156          JCALC = -1
00157          ENDIF
00158 C
00159 C     Perform all other initializations.
00160 C
00161       IERNLS = 0
00162 C
00163 C     Decide whether new Jacobian is needed.
00164 C
00165       TEMP1 = (1.0D0 - XRATE)/(1.0D0 + XRATE)
00166       TEMP2 = 1.0D0/TEMP1
00167       IF (CJ/CJOLD .LT. TEMP1 .OR. CJ/CJOLD .GT. TEMP2) JCALC = -1
00168       IF (CJ .NE. CJLAST) S = 100.D0
00169 C
00170 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00171 C     Entry point for updating the Jacobian with current
00172 C     stepsize.
00173 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00174 300   CONTINUE
00175 C
00176 C     Initialize all error flags to zero.
00177 C
00178       IERJ = 0
00179       IRES = 0
00180       IERNEW = 0
00181 C
00182 C     Predict the solution and derivative and compute the tolerance
00183 C     for the Newton iteration.
00184 C
00185       DO 310 I=1,NEQ
00186          Y(I)=PHI(I,1)
00187 310      YPRIME(I)=0.0D0
00188       DO 330 J=2,KP1
00189          DO 320 I=1,NEQ
00190             Y(I)=Y(I)+PHI(I,J)
00191 320         YPRIME(I)=YPRIME(I)+GAMMA(J)*PHI(I,J)
00192 330   CONTINUE
00194       TOLNEW = 100.D0*UROUND*PNORM
00195 C     
00196 C     Call RES to initialize DELTA.
00197 C
00198       IWM(LNRE)=IWM(LNRE)+1
00200       IF (IRES .LT. 0) GO TO 380
00201 C
00202 C     If indicated, reevaluate the iteration matrix 
00203 C     J = dG/dY + CJ*dG/dYPRIME (where G(X,Y,YPRIME)=0).
00204 C     Set JCALC to 0 as an indicator that this has been done.
00205 C
00206       IF(JCALC .EQ. -1) THEN
00207          IWM(LNJE)=IWM(LNJE)+1
00208          JCALC=0
00210      *              RES,IRES,UROUND,JACD,RPAR,IPAR)
00211          CJOLD=CJ
00212          S = 100.D0
00213          IF (IRES .LT. 0) GO TO 380
00214          IF(IERJ .NE. 0)GO TO 380
00215       ENDIF
00216 C
00217 C     Call the nonlinear Newton solver.
00218 C
00219       TEMP1 = 2.0D0/(1.0D0 + CJ/CJOLD)
00223 C
00224       IF (IERNEW .GT. 0 .AND. JCALC .NE. 0) THEN
00225 C
00226 C        The Newton iteration had a recoverable failure with an old
00227 C        iteration matrix.  Retry the step with a new iteration matrix.
00228 C
00229          JCALC = -1
00230          GO TO 300
00231       ENDIF
00232 C
00233       IF (IERNEW .NE. 0) GO TO 380
00234 C
00235 C     The Newton iteration has converged.  If nonnegativity of
00236 C     solution is required, set the solution nonnegative, if the
00237 C     perturbation to do it is small enough.  If the change is too
00238 C     large, then consider the corrector iteration to have failed.
00239 C
00240 375   IF(NONNEG .EQ. 0) GO TO 390
00241       DO 377 I = 1,NEQ
00242 377      DELTA(I) = MIN(Y(I),0.0D0)
00244       IF(DELNRM .GT. EPCON) GO TO 380
00245       DO 378 I = 1,NEQ
00246 378      E(I) = E(I) - DELTA(I)
00247       GO TO 390
00248 C
00249 C
00250 C     Exits from nonlinear solver.
00251 C     No convergence with current iteration
00252 C     matrix, or singular iteration matrix.
00253 C     Compute IERNLS and IDID accordingly.
00254 C
00255 380   CONTINUE
00256       IF (IRES .LE. -2 .OR. IERTYP .NE. 0) THEN
00257          IERNLS = -1
00258          IF (IRES .LE. -2) IDID = -11
00259          IF (IERTYP .NE. 0) IDID = -15
00260       ELSE
00261          IERNLS = 1
00262          IF (IRES .LT. 0) IDID = -10
00263          IF (IERJ .NE. 0) IDID = -8
00264       ENDIF
00265 C
00266 390   JCALC = 1
00267       RETURN
00268 C
00269 C------END OF SUBROUTINE DNEDD------------------------------------------
00270       END
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