
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 C Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
00002 C by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number 
00003 C W-7405-Eng-48.
00004 C
00006 C
00008 C***DATE WRITTEN   890101   (YYMMDD)
00009 C***REVISION DATE  900926   (YYMMDD)
00010 C
00011 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 C
00014 C     This routine performs a QR decomposition of an upper
00015 C     Hessenberg matrix A.  There are two options available:
00016 C
00017 C          (1)  performing a fresh decomposition
00018 C          (2)  updating the QR factors by adding a row and A
00019 C               column to the matrix A.
00020 C
00021 C     DHEQR decomposes an upper Hessenberg matrix by using Givens
00022 C     rotations.
00023 C
00024 C     On entry
00025 C
00026 C        A       DOUBLE PRECISION(LDA, N)
00027 C                The matrix to be decomposed.
00028 C
00029 C        LDA     INTEGER
00030 C                The leading dimension of the array A.
00031 C
00032 C        N       INTEGER
00033 C                A is an (N+1) by N Hessenberg matrix.
00034 C
00035 C        IJOB    INTEGER
00036 C                = 1     Means that a fresh decomposition of the
00037 C                        matrix A is desired.
00038 C                .GE. 2  Means that the current decomposition of A
00039 C                        will be updated by the addition of a row
00040 C                        and a column.
00041 C     On return
00042 C
00043 C        A       The upper triangular matrix R.
00044 C                The factorization can be written Q*A = R, where
00045 C                Q is a product of Givens rotations and R is upper
00046 C                triangular.
00047 C
00048 C        Q       DOUBLE PRECISION(2*N)
00049 C                The factors C and S of each Givens rotation used
00050 C                in decomposing A.
00051 C
00052 C        INFO    INTEGER
00053 C                = 0  normal value.
00054 C                = K  If  A(K,K) .EQ. 0.0.  This is not an error
00055 C                     condition for this subroutine, but it does
00056 C                     indicate that DHELS will divide by zero
00057 C                     if called.
00058 C
00059 C     Modification of LINPACK.
00060 C     Peter Brown, Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab.
00061 C
00062 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00064 C
00066 C
00067       INTEGER LDA, N, INFO, IJOB
00068       DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,*), Q(*)
00069       INTEGER I, IQ, J, K, KM1, KP1, NM1
00070       DOUBLE PRECISION C, S, T, T1, T2
00071 C
00072       IF (IJOB .GT. 1) GO TO 70
00073 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00074 C A new factorization is desired.
00075 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00076 C
00077 C     QR decomposition without pivoting.
00078 C
00079       INFO = 0
00080       DO 60 K = 1, N
00081          KM1 = K - 1
00082          KP1 = K + 1
00083 C
00084 C           Compute Kth column of R.
00085 C           First, multiply the Kth column of A by the previous
00086 C           K-1 Givens rotations.
00087 C
00088             IF (KM1 .LT. 1) GO TO 20
00089             DO 10 J = 1, KM1
00090               I = 2*(J-1) + 1
00091               T1 = A(J,K)
00092               T2 = A(J+1,K)
00093               C = Q(I)
00094               S = Q(I+1)
00095               A(J,K) = C*T1 - S*T2
00096               A(J+1,K) = S*T1 + C*T2
00097    10         CONTINUE
00098 C
00099 C           Compute Givens components C and S.
00100 C
00101    20       CONTINUE
00102             IQ = 2*KM1 + 1
00103             T1 = A(K,K)
00104             T2 = A(KP1,K)
00105             IF (T2 .NE. 0.0D0) GO TO 30
00106               C = 1.0D0
00107               S = 0.0D0
00108               GO TO 50
00109    30       CONTINUE
00110             IF (ABS(T2) .LT. ABS(T1)) GO TO 40
00111               T = T1/T2
00112               S = -1.0D0/SQRT(1.0D0+T*T)
00113               C = -S*T
00114               GO TO 50
00115    40       CONTINUE
00116               T = T2/T1
00117               C = 1.0D0/SQRT(1.0D0+T*T)
00118               S = -C*T
00119    50       CONTINUE
00120             Q(IQ) = C
00121             Q(IQ+1) = S
00122             A(K,K) = C*T1 - S*T2
00123             IF (A(K,K) .EQ. 0.0D0) INFO = K
00124    60 CONTINUE
00125       RETURN
00126 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00127 C The old factorization of A will be updated.  A row and a column
00128 C has been added to the matrix A.
00129 C N by N-1 is now the old size of the matrix.
00130 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00131   70  CONTINUE
00132       NM1 = N - 1
00133 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00134 C Multiply the new column by the N previous Givens rotations.
00135 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00136       DO 100 K = 1,NM1
00137         I = 2*(K-1) + 1
00138         T1 = A(K,N)
00139         T2 = A(K+1,N)
00140         C = Q(I)
00141         S = Q(I+1)
00142         A(K,N) = C*T1 - S*T2
00143         A(K+1,N) = S*T1 + C*T2
00144  100    CONTINUE
00145 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00146 C Complete update of decomposition by forming last Givens rotation,
00147 C and multiplying it times the column vector (A(N,N),A(NP1,N)).
00148 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00149       INFO = 0
00150       T1 = A(N,N)
00151       T2 = A(N+1,N)
00152       IF (T2 .NE. 0.0D0) GO TO 110
00153         C = 1.0D0
00154         S = 0.0D0
00155         GO TO 130
00156  110  CONTINUE
00157       IF (ABS(T2) .LT. ABS(T1)) GO TO 120
00158         T = T1/T2
00159         S = -1.0D0/SQRT(1.0D0+T*T)
00160         C = -S*T
00161         GO TO 130
00162  120  CONTINUE
00163         T = T2/T1
00164         C = 1.0D0/SQRT(1.0D0+T*T)
00165         S = -C*T
00166  130  CONTINUE
00167       IQ = 2*N - 1
00168       Q(IQ) = C
00169       Q(IQ+1) = S
00170       A(N,N) = C*T1 - S*T2
00171       IF (A(N,N) .EQ. 0.0D0) INFO = N
00172       RETURN
00173 C
00174 C------END OF SUBROUTINE DHEQR------------------------------------------
00175       END
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