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00001       REAL FUNCTION gengam(a,r)
00002 C**********************************************************************
00003 C
00005 C           GENerates random deviates from GAMma distribution
00006 C
00007 C
00008 C                              Function
00009 C
00010 C
00011 C     Generates random deviates from the gamma distribution whose
00012 C     density is
00013 C          (A**R)/Gamma(R) * X**(R-1) * Exp(-A*X)
00014 C
00015 C
00016 C                              Arguments
00017 C
00018 C
00019 C     JJV added the argument ranges supported
00020 C     A --> Location parameter of Gamma distribution
00021 C                              REAL A ( A > 0 )
00022 C
00023 C     R --> Shape parameter of Gamma distribution
00024 C                              REAL R ( R > 0 )
00025 C
00026 C
00027 C                              Method
00028 C
00029 C
00030 C     Renames SGAMMA from TOMS as slightly modified by BWB to use RANF
00031 C     instead of SUNIF.
00032 C
00033 C     For details see:
00034 C               (Case R >= 1.0)
00035 C               Ahrens, J.H. and Dieter, U.
00036 C               Generating Gamma Variates by a
00037 C               Modified Rejection Technique.
00038 C               Comm. ACM, 25,1 (Jan. 1982), 47 - 54.
00039 C     Algorithm GD
00040 C
00041 C     JJV altered the following to reflect sgamma argument ranges
00042 C               (Case 0.0 < R < 1.0)
00043 C               Ahrens, J.H. and Dieter, U.
00044 C               Computer Methods for Sampling from Gamma,
00045 C               Beta, Poisson and Binomial Distributions.
00046 C               Computing, 12 (1974), 223-246/
00047 C     Adapted algorithm GS.
00048 C
00049 C**********************************************************************
00050 C     .. Scalar Arguments ..
00051       REAL a,r
00052 C     ..
00053 C     .. External Functions ..
00054       REAL sgamma
00055       EXTERNAL sgamma
00056 C     ..
00057 C     .. Executable Statements ..
00059 C     JJV added argument value checker
00060       IF ( a.GT.0.0 .AND. r.GT.0.0 ) GO TO 10
00061       WRITE (*,*) 'In GENGAM - Either (1) Location param A <= 0.0 or'
00062       WRITE (*,*) '(2) Shape param R <= 0.0 - ABORT!'
00063       WRITE (*,*) 'A value: ',a,'R value: ',r
00064       CALL XSTOPX
00065      + ('Location or shape param out of range in GENGAM - ABORT!')
00066 C     JJV end addition
00068  10   gengam = sgamma(r)/a
00069 C      gengam = gengam/a
00070       RETURN
00072       END
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